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JETCAM Orders Controller (Lite/Premium)
Reduce Order Entry Time
Facilitates Hands-free Automation
Manage Order Requirements
Remotely create orders for components or
assemblies for use within JETCAM Expert
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JETCAM Orders Controller (Lite/Premium)
JETCAM Orders Controller (JOC) simplifies the creation of orders for
single components or component assemblies stored in the JETCAM
Expert CADCAM system. Available in Lite and Premium versions, JOC
provides a method of manipulating large numbers of geometry files,
orders and assemblies as well as providing information about every
aspect of a component or order at the click of a mouse.
A version to meet your needs:
JOC Lite
JOC Premium
View/Edit/Place order lists for
independent worksheet lists
For standalone JETCAM Expert
l i c e n s e s s e r v i n g s h e e t m e t a l
technologies, JOC Lite provides an
e x c e l l e n t m e t h o d o f r e m o t e l y
populating JETCAM's orders list. One-
click setup means that you are up and
running in seconds. The File Manager
provides fast access to geometry
information. Complete assembly and
subassembly structures can be quickly
created and ordered. A range of
standard reports are also available.
For customers running either sheet
metal and composite technologies
and/or connecting to multiple JETCAM
licenses, JOC Premium provides
access to all of JETCAM's core
databases, covering orders, materials
and machines. Optional RCP support
p r o v i d e s c o m p l e t e a u t o m a t i c
processing, linked to one or more
J E T C A M R C P l i c e n s e s . T h e
Administration section allows multiple
users to be configured, with split level
access to JOC functionality.
Build multi-level assembly lists and
order all parts with a single click
Lite Premium
Ability to remotely create orders within the JETCAM MRP Orders List
Multiple order lists (example: 'Monday, Tuesday' etc)
Ability to place single or multiple part orders across any material or thickness for any machine on an ad-hoc basis
Assembly Manager, including ability to create assemblies and subassemblies from directory structure
Quick modification of settings across order lists (e.g. quantities, machine, priority etc)
One-click ordering of single/multiple components or complete assemblies
Geometry/nest file previews with part select, zoom, measurement and DXF export/print capabilities
Standard reports for nests, profiling and punching
Ability to interrogate JETCAM Expert on status of active orders
External CSV import of order lists for integration into legacy system such as MRP systems
MRP Notifier tray app, allowing JOC to be notified by JETCAM system operator when next orders can be processed
Multiple JETCAM system support
Material management, allowing you to remotely administer JETCAM's Materials Stock List
Ability to override JETCAM's default material usage parameters (such as sheet size, border size etc)
Process management for tracking of next manufacturing process for each job
Linking of external applications
Further customisation of user interface
Multiple users with ability to enable/disable access to various features and functions
Customisable reports
Automatic importing/processing of CAD files of different materials and thickness using RCP
File manager RCP functions (e.g. one click retool part for different material/thickness/machine, mirroring etc)
Ability to queue jobs to any available JETCAM system with RCP for automatic processing
Support for composite technologies
Ability to set up RCP functions for each machine
Assembly sequence support allowing for ply layup configuration (for composites)
Ability to place nest on hold (e.g. for quality checks etc)
Configuration for marking (composites)
© JETCAM International s.a.r.l. All trademarks acknowledged. E & O E. JOC Lite/Premium requires Expert Premium and MRP support as a minimum specification.
JETCAM International
Terrases du Port
2 Avenue des Ligures
Tel: +44 (0)870 760 6469
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