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by George Morrison
Forward by Ed Stewart
(Author of Letterman)
ATARI is a registered trademark of Atari, Inc.
Atari Software Protections Techinques Disk Utilities is a
utility package designed -for use by software writers to help
protect your software from, illegal copying. The theory is
described in the book <Atari Software Protection Techniques)
that is included in this package, but this disk utility should
help even the beginner use some of the methods described.
A menu of options will automatically appear on your screen
when the disk is loaded (with the BASIC cartridge in), or just
type RUM "DzMENU" from BASIC. Each of the utilities and options
contain instructions which appear on the screen when the program
is run. For your convenience, most of the programs are listable,
and are well documented to help you understand them. I suggest
you LIST or RUN each one to see the instructions, but type NO
when asked if you wish to execute the program. Also all the
program listings from the book are contained on this disk. For
example, Figure 4.4 from the book is called aFIG44" on the disk.
The following information will help you better understand some
of the programs on the disk
Directory Hider (called HIDER on the disk)
The directory Hider is used to help prevent DOS copies. It
is especially useful for menu driven programs, or programs which
must—epeiv- files or run other programs from the disk. The
Directory Hider hides your disk directory in a new location on
the disk. Your programs will automatically use the hidden
directory (because this program changes DOS to point to it). But
others trying to copy your programs will see 787 free sectors.
WARNING - Make a back-up of the disk you wish to protect
before running this program.
SETSCAN - This program will scan the sectors on the disk for
bad or misassigned sectors. It asks for the starting and ending
sectors you wish to scan, and then displays a message for each
SECTLOOK - This displays the contents of a sector in
character format. Just enter the sector you wish to read, and it
will be displayed on the screen.
VTOCER - This program has two parts. Option One shows you
which sectors on the disk are used and which are free (according
to the VTOC).
Option Two is used to reserve space on a disk for a hidden
directory. As indicated in the book, the directory should be
hidden in a certain range of sectors. If HIDER can't find the
space to hide your directory, a message will be displayed
telling you to run this program- Complete instructions are
displayed on the screen.
BADWRITE - This program enables you to protect your disks
with bad-sectoring. The methods used to have your program check'
for the bad sectors are explained in the book. This utility lets
you create bad sectors on your disk. There are two simple ways
to create a bad sector on a disk using only standard hardware.
This utility will do both.
Bad Sector Writer Option One requires that you slow down
your disk speed, but is much quicker than Option Two. Some types
of disk drives cannot be slowed down enough to write bad
sectors, so if yours is one of those, you must use Option Two.
USING OPTION 1. The first step in using Option 1 is to
adjust your drive speed down to 228 +-10 RPMS. Before changing
your drive speed, go to option 3 - ADJUST DRIVE SPEED. This
option will help you get your speed properly adjusted. To write
bad sectors adjust your speed to aprox. 228 +-18 RPMs. Try to
write the bad sectors at the slowest possible speed without
getting I/O errors. To get the best bad sectors, your disk
should just barely be able to write.
Adjustino Your Drive Speed
To adjust your disk drive speed, it is necessary to remove the
top cover and adjust one screw. To remove the cover, just pry
off the four little tabs on the top of the drive with any sharp
instrument. Then with a standard phi 1 lips head screwdriver,
loosen the four screws (under the tabs) that hold the cover on,
and gently lift off the cover. There are two basic types of
ATARI 818 disk drives around. The newer drives have a circuit
board across the top (see diagram "A"). The older drives have no
circuit board across the top and have a large white plastic
screw in the back left corner of the drive (see diagram "B") .
This large white screw can be turned by hand to adjust your
speed. It is ^ery sensitive so a quarter turn may be all you
The newer drives are a bit trickier to adjust. To find the
speed adjustment, look for a small green box with a tiny silver
screw on it. It is located in toward the rear and a little left
of center in _Jfche_ drive. It is very smaJ_Lfeyi^carv_j3e jyAJALsied
"using a micro-screwdriver. The speed adjustment on the newer
drive is not \/ery precise. It may take as many as 8 complete
revolutions to properly adjust your speed.
The next step is to write the sectors. Use option 1 to do
this. Just enter the sectors you wish to create then press
return. After all your bad sectors are complete, return to
option 3 to adjust your speed back to normal.
This method provides an alternate method of writing bad
sectors. I still recommend option 1 as a faster and easier
method, however if your disk drive was purchased after Jan 83,
or you own a non-Atari disk drive, you may need to use option 2.
To use this method, you must attach two long pieces of tape
(folded over onto themselves) firmly to the top of the disk you
wish to write bad sectors on (see Diagram 1). Then insert the
disk in your drive, so that the tape sticks out when the door is
closed (be sure tape is long enough to get a grip on when the
disk door is closed). Next, enter the destination disk drive
number (the disk drive you wish to write bad sectors on) and the
sector number. Then be sure everything is set and type return.
The screen will now prompt you to shake the tape. You can gently
move the tape back and forth, and alternately push on one piece
while pulling on the other. The computer will beep and signal
you when the bad sector is written. Then stop pulling while it
rechecks the sector. Note that until you get good at it, it can
take 18 minutes or more to write a single bad sector. So keep at
it, and wait for the computer to signal you that it is done. If
you wish to abort the process, hit any key.
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