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Black Courser
by Troy Denning
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................... 2
Part I: Solon.. ..................................... 8
Part II: Through the Mountain Kingdom ................. 14
Part III: Khazari .................................... 39
Part IV: Kuo Meilan .................................. 45
Part V: Beneath Kuo Meilan ........................... 57
New Monsters: ............................. inside covers
NPC Statistics: ........................... inside gatefold
New Magic Item: .......................... inside gatefold
Design: Troy Denning
Graphic Design: Roy E. Parker,
Dee Barnett, Paul Hanchette
Cartography: Diesel
Typography: Angelika Lokotz
Cover Art: Brom
Interior Art: Paul Abrams
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by
Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distribu-
tors. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd.
IMAGINATION, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
©1990 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
ISBN 0-88038-858-7
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A wise sage once
said that human
beings cannot long
live on the bitter
bread of malice. Be
that as it may, Toril has no shortage of creatures
who thrive on the fear of others or the pain of the
innocent. To these evil ones, hatred is the stuff of
life and the manna of immortality.
Once, possibly, they were men, and have since
been turned into something else by their dark
appetites. On the other hand, maybe they were
never human at all, but simply masqueraded as
men until their foul practices gave them away. Or
could it be that they are still menthat the wise
sage was wrong, that some men can live forever
on the diabolic food of malevolence?
As any adventurer who has ever felt the chilling
touch of one of these abominations will confirm,
such questions are better left to the sages. When
a mortal finds himself struggling against an evil
beings cold grasp, there is no time for reflection.
If a man is to survive an encounter with such a
fiend, he must concern himself with only one
thing: discovering his tormenters weakness and
using that weakness to destroy it.
Soon, this will be the very problem facing a
small group of wanderersyour player
characterswho have stumbled into the grasp of
Ambuchar Devayam.
early parts of the adventure, so you will need
their descriptions handy.
The color mapsheet shows the city of Kuo
Meilan and its subterranean facilities, to be used
in Parts IV and V. Again, this map is intended for
your eyes only. Do not show it to your players.
The 64-page booklet is the heart of The Black
Courser. Before beginning play, read this book to
familiarize yourself with the plot of the adven-
ture. Dont try to memorize it, however. Simply
familiarizing yourself with the story and organi-
zation of the book will insure an enjoyable adven-
ture. If you dont have enough time to read the
entire book, read at least the introductory mate-
rial and, before each session, the events you plan
to use.
Portions of the adventure are made up of a se-
ries of events. Each event is divided into sections:
boxed text, DMs notes, and statistics (when
needed). As an event begins, read the boxed text
aloud. This sets the scene.
The DMs notes detail the action of the event,
describing such things as combat tactics, NPCs,
and treasure. Often, to identify key information,
the DMs notes are divided into subsections by
bold subtitles.
Statistics are located at the end of the encoun-
ter, where you can find them easily. Note that
statistics do not include information on the mon-
sters morale. Unless indicated otherwise, all
monsters in The Black Courser attack until
destroyedor until the party is destroyed!
Because The Black Courser occurs close to and
inside Kara-Tur, many of its characters and mon-
sters are of an oriental nature. In many cases,
you will find it useful, but not necessary, to refer
to the Oriental Adventures reference book. Some
spells listed for the NPCs in The Black Courser are
from Oriental Aduentures. If necessary, substitute
appropriate spells from the Players Handbook.
A few terms might be confusing if you have not
read Oriental Adventures or The Horde boxed set:
-kalat a knee-length tunic, usually silk.
-khahan the chief of Tuigan chiefs, em-
peror of the Tuigan nation.
-khan leader of a Tuigan army.
-kumiss a beverage made from fer-
mented mares milk.
-lamellar armor armor of successive layers of
protective material, such as
hardened leather and small
metal plates.
How to Use This Book
The Black Courser is the second installment in
the Empires Adventure Trilogy, which also in-
cludes the first adventure, Storm Riders, and the
final episode, Blood Charge. The Empires Adven-
ture Trilogy is a series of AD&D® Game Adven-
tures set in the new FORGOTTEN REALMS
campaign world territories described in The
Horde campaign set. They concern events derived
from the Empires Novel Trilogy, Horselords,
Dragonwall, and Crusade, also published by TSR.
The Black Courser contains a 64-page adven-
ture book (youre reading it now), a color
mapsheet, and a cover gatefold. The front side of
the gatefold is a map to be used in Part II of The
Black Courser. Do not show this map to your play
ers, as it contains information they are not in-
tended to see. On the back of the gatefold are
statistics for various important NPCs and a new
artifact, the Stone Sceptre of Shih. If you wish, use
a pair of scissors to cut the gatefold off the cover.
The front and back inside covers contain repro-
ductions of the descriptions of Sandiraksiva and
Gaumahavi from Storm Riders. Both appear in the
1,000 soldiers.
commander of a group of 1,000
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-ordu the Tuigan name for camp, used
in the same sense as hometown
or village.
-quiver-bearer Tuigan name for a servant.
holy men or priests.
that the PCs guide
him through Ra-
Khati, then go to
Shou Lung to re-
cover the stone
As The Black
Courser begins,
Hubadai is preparing to move into Ra-Khati. He
must take Khazaris southern flank by surprise,
so he intends to move through Ra-Khati
undetectedeither by killing everybody his army
encounters, or, preferably, by relying upon the
PCs to guide him away from the natives.
Despite the possibility of recovering the Stone
Scepter of Shih and destroying the Raja, some
PCs may wish to keep their promise and deliver
Bhrokiti to Solon. Part I is dedicated to this possi-
bility. PCs following this course of action soon
discover evidence that Ambuchar Devayams
threat to invade Ra-Khati was not so idle, after
all. An army of assorted undead and foul mon-
sters is marching toward Ra-Khati. Unless they
flee the army, the PCs are given a short audience
with the Raja. If they have both Bhrokiti and San-
diraksiva with them, the Raja thanks them for
fulfilling their promise. He then returns the PCs
to the edge of Solon, where they meet Hubadais
army again. If the party does not have both the
horse and the princess, the Raja angrily sends
them away, saying that he wants both of his gifts
before he will accept either. Again, the PCs meet
the Tuigan army. Whether or not the PCs gave the
Raja what he wanted, they now have mysterious
tattoos on their foreheads.
In Part II, the party must guide 40,000 Tuigan
soldiers through Ra-Khati undetecteddespite
the PCs own ignorance of the terrain. If Devayam
now has Bhrokiti and Sandiraksiva, Gaumahavi
breaks her alliance with the foul Raja for reasons
of her own. She returns the Princess and the
Black Courser to the party for safe-keeping, then
goes off to fight the Rajas army of undead.
A short time later, mysterious tattoos appear
on the foreheads of Hubadai, his personal guards,
Bhrokiti and the PCs (if they werent tattooed in
Part I). Eventually, the PCs discover that the tat-
toos are the Stamp of Tan Chin, identifying them
as the property of an ancient emperor from Shou
Lung. When several tattooed Tuigan die, become
zombies, and then march toward Solon, the party
should realize that the tattoos mark them as the
Rajas property. Upon their deaths, they will be-
come the Rajas zombies. If they wish to avoid
such a fate, the PCs must recover the Stone Scep-
ter of Shih and destroy the Raja of Solon.
Clever party members will also realize that the
Raja and the ancient Shou emperor Tan Chin are
a contest of proclamations.
nomadic horsemen (detailed in
The Horde boxed set).
- tumen
a Tuigan army, 10,000 mounted
sorcerers and magicians.
a large dome-shaped tent of felt.
DMs Synopsis
Read through this synopsis before beginning
The Black Courser.
In Storm Riders, a large force of Tuigan chased
the PCs into a wealthy mountain kingdom named
Ra-Khati. Unfortunately, Ra-Khati is rather xeno-
phobic and seldom allows visitors to leave alive.
Shortly after the PCs learned this, a messenger
arrived from Ra-Khatis enemy, Raja Ambuchar
Devayam of Solon. The Raja threatened to invade
the mountain kingdom unless Ra-Khatis leader,
the Dalai Lama, sent his daughter Bhrokiti and
the magical black stallion Sandiraksiva to Solon
as gifts.
After learning that Devayam had awakened the
sleeping dragon Gaumahavi, and mistaking the
huge army which had chased the PCs into Ra-
Khati for Devayams, the Dalai Lama agreed. The
Dalai Lama offered the PCs their freedom in re-
turn for taking his daughter and Sandiraksiva to
the Raja.
Before the PCs reached Solon, however, they
were intercepted by the Rajas ally, the purple
dragon Gaumahavi. The purple dragon urged the
PCs to take Bhrokiti to Solon, but she wanted to
have the Black Courser freed immediately. At this
point, clever PCs realized that Sandiraksiva was a
reincarnation of Gaumahavis child, and that the
dragon was working with the Raja in retaliation
for all the years the Dalai Lama had kept the
magical courser in captivity.
When the PCs arrived at the deserted city of
Kushk, the appointed place for meeting the Ra-
jas emissaries, they were intercepted by the
same Tuigan army that had originally chased
them into Ra-Khati. It quickly became clear that
the army which the Dalai Lama feared did not
belong to the Raja of Solon.
After inviting the PCs into his camp, Hubadai,
the khan of the Tuigan army, showed them a di-
ary which had come into his possession. The di-
ary revealed the existence and rough location of
an artifact called the Stone Scepter of Shih, sup-
posedly the only means of destroying the Raja.
The adventure ended with Hubadai suggesting
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one and the same.
After learning that
a powerful wizard
named Shih chased
Tan Chin out of
Shou Lung, the PCs
can guess at Am-
buchar Devayam/
Tan Chins goal: he intends to capture the
mountain kingdom of Ra-Khati, then use it as a
base from which to launch a reconquest of Shou
The rest of the adventure concerns the PCs
journey through Ra-Khati, their discovery of the
Tan Chins capital, the lost city of Kuo Meilan,
and, finally, their recovery of the stone scepter.
The next adventure in the Empires Adventure
Trilogy, Blood Charge, details what they find
when they attempt to destroy the Raja.
Both she and her father believed the Raja
could carry out his threats, for a huge army had
been reported on their border, and it was ru-
mored that the Rajas ally, the purple dragon
Gaumahavi had been awakened.
As she and her escorts were traveling to
meet the Rajas emissaries, they discovered that
the army belonged not to the Raja, but to the
On the other hand, the purple dragon has
definitely been awakened, so she suspects the
Raja is up to something.
She also discovered the reason that the pur-
ple dragon, which normally does not interfere in
the affairs of humankind, has become an enemy
of her father. Her fathers favorite horse, the
Black Courser, is the reincarnation of Gauma-
havis child, and Gaumahavi resents the Dalai
Lamas attempts to tame it.
The dragons hatred for her father aside,
Gaumahavi has little reason to remain faithful to
her current ally, either. Many years ago, the Raja
captured Sandiraksiva and used the horse to co-
erce Gaumahavi into making war on Ra-Khati.
Fortunately, Bhrokiti has discovered a way
to destroy the Raja, a very powerful magician
that can control the dead. Somewhere in Shou
Lung, there is an artifact called the Stone Scepter
of Shih. It is her intention to recover this weapon
and use it to destroy the Raja. She takes care to
hint that anybody brave enough to aid her will be
richly rewarded.
Her escorts died battling the purple dragon,
who is now trapped within a prism in Hubadais
Her host, Hubadai, wants to sneak his army
through Ra-Khati undetected, and wants her to
lead the way. His only alternative is to kill every-
body who sees his army, so Bhrokiti has agreed to
help him. Unfortunately, shes led a sheltered life
and doesnt know the way.
Finally, she suggests that the PCs act as if
they know the way through Ra-Khati, for she
doesnt know what Hubadai would do if he didnt
think they could be of use to him.
Beginning the Adventure
The Introductory Encounter of the The Black
Courser assumes that you and your player char-
acters have played the first adventure in the Em-
pires Adventure Trilogy, Storm Riders. If not, you
may need to make a few adjustments.
First, it is necessary to get the party into the
general region of Ra-Khati, an unexplored moun-
tainous wilderness. If you are already running a
wilderness campaign, simply describe the terrain
as growing colder and more rugged, then have
the PCs stumble into the Tuigan army. The sen-
tries will naturally take the PCs to Hubadai, who
asks them to be his guests at the evening meal.
On the other hand, if your characters are
tucked away in some civilized location such as
Cormyr, perhaps they could be offered the oppor-
tunity to accompany a party of explorers on an
overland expedition to the mysterious East. The
journey would pass without incident until it
meets Hubadais army. Everybody except the PCs
flees or perishes in the resulting fray. Hubadai,
claiming to regret the misunderstanding deeply,
invites the PCs to dinner to make amends.
However they come to join the Tuigan army, the
PCs meet Bhrokiti, who tells them the sad tale of
what befell her in Storm Riders (see DMs synop-
sis). Specifically, she mentions the following
She is the Princess Bhrokiti of Ra-Khati, the
daughter of the Dalai Lama.
The foul Raja of Solon threatened to invade
her fathers country unless she was given to him
as a bride, along with her fathers favorite horse,
the magical black stallion Sandiraksiva. Her fa-
ther was reluctant to agree; but she volunteered
for the good of her people.
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