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Dragons of Ice
Official Game Adventure
Dragons of Ice
Douglas Niles
Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Wherein the story is told, and notes on play are given.
Chapter 1: The Fall of Tarsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
A once-mighty city collapses into chaos before the dragonhordes.
Chapter 2: The Ice Reaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
A road cold and forlorn leads to the Dragon Orb.
Chapter 3: The Ice Folk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
A band of barbarians may offer warmth and succor, or an icy death.
Chapter 4: Icewall Castle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Frozen in the midst of the vast glacier, an ancient fortress guards a mighty secret.
Chapter 5: Icemountain Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
A vessel from the past offers a pathway to the future.
EPILOGUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Wherein the heroes set sail westward to search for a mysterious isle of counsel and hope.
APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 and Inside Cover
Here are given supplements to the tale. The new and unusual are explained, and chance
meetings along the way are indicated.
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random
House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Dis-
tributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distrib-
uted in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.
and the TSR logo, are trademarks of TSR, Inc.
Editor: Mike Breault
Product Design: Elizabeth Riedel
Cover Art: Larry Elmore
Interior Art: Diana Magnuson
Cartography: Dennis Kauth and Diesel
This adventure is protected under the copyright laws of the United
States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the
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1981 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
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ISBN 0-88038-091-8
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since the Cataclysm. Curse the High Priest
of Istar for his pride! Trying to command the
Gods he called down their wrath. Krynn was
punished with fire and flood and much is
forever lost. The greatest loss was knowledge of
the Gods themselvesthe world of Krynn has
sunk into blasphemy these many generations
people taken to a terrible slavery in the
Dragonarmys fortress of Pax Tharkas.
The heroes entered Pax Tharkas and
rescued over 800 slaves, foiling the evil
designs of the Dragon Highlord Veminaard.
Refuge for the escaped slaves found
in the Hopeful Vale, and the heroes braved the
dangers of Skullcap, fortress of Fistadantilus,
who perished in the Dwarfgate War.
On that trek, the Seeker priest Elistan
became the second true cleric of Krynn. And
thus the High God Paladine re-entered the
world of Krynn.
The heroes entered the secret gates of
Thorbardin the ancient kingdom of the
dwarves seeking haven for the refugees. The
and clerics have lost the power to heal.
Mankinds separation from the True
Gods opened the door to renewed evil.
Dragons are once again in the world. They
are commanded by human Dragon Highlords,
and assisted by strange creatures called
The Dragonarmies have now conquered
much of Krynn and soon all the lands will be
under their sway. Evil it seems may soon
triumph over good.
dwarven Thanes required that the heroes
recover the Hammer of Kharas before the
refugees would be allowed to pass through
Through my Crystal Globe of Wisdom,
I send my spirit to gather knowledge. And so I
have found a glimmer of hope.
Five years ago, seven adventurers set out
from the town of Solace to seek the True
Gods. They did not succeed. In time, six
returned: Tanis, Flint, Tasslehoff Raistlin,
Caramon, and Sturm. Of Kitiara, the
seventh beloved of Tanis nothing was heard.
they were joined by Goldmoon and
Riverwind. Goldmoon possessed a gift from the
Gods: a crystal staff that healed any wound.
In the floating tomb of Derkin did the
heroes put an end to Ember, the mighty red
dragon; Verminaard, Dragon Highlord of the
Red Wing, perished at the heroes hands in
battle within the temple of Stars.
The Hammer was recovered, and the
long-sundered dwarven tribes were reunited
under a High King.
The newly-crowned dwarven king allowed
the heroes to lead the refugees through
Thorbardin and granted them lands to the
With its power the Innfellows recovered the
Disks of Mishakal the writings of the Gods
and thus did knowledge of the True Gods
return to Krynn.
Armed with these powerful weapons the
heroes returned to Solace only to find the
To Tarsis the Innfellows journeyed, in
search of ships to bear the refugees beyond the
Dragonarmys reach. No ships were found,
but a new quest beckoned....
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Notes for the dungeonmaster
“Dragons of Ice” is the sixth module in the
epic DRAGONLANCE series. It begins the
second book of the DRAGONLANCE saga:
Tales of Winter Night.
The DRAGONLANCE saga is a story.
The modules recreate the conditions of the
story with player characters cast into the roles
of the epic’s heroes. Thus, it is recommended
that the module be played as part of the series
using the player characters provided. If players
wish to use their own characters, however, you
should allow them to do so.
The characters listed on the cover are
some of the heroes of the DRAGONLANCE
epic. The equipment they begin this adven-
ture with is listed on their character cards. If
the party has played previous
DRAGONLANCE game adventures the char-
acters may have different equipment,
depending on their success in those adven-
If your party has played previous
DRAGONLANCE game adventures, DL6
represents a major milestone. Here, the heroes
are split into two groups. This module is just
concerned with the southbound group-the
Heroes of the Lance. Those characters not
included in this group will return in DL10,
“Dragons Of Dreams.” Several new charac-
ters are added to the party so that players
whose characters are not part of this adventure
may play with new PCs. These heroes will
make up the party for DL6 through DL9. If
you have only six players, play Aaron as an
NPC and do not play Derek. For 7-8 players,
play the Knights as PCs (Aaron first, then
Derek only if you have eight players).
If your group has played no previous
modules in the series, they will start off in the
ancient port city of Tarsis.
Tarsis originally prospered as a major sea-
port but, following the Cataclysm and resul-
tant rearranging of the surface of Krynn, it is
now 40 miles inland. Tarsis is described in
much greater detail in Chapter 1.
Each chapter in the story starts by listing
several Events that occur at the times indi-
cated, regardless of the actions or locations of
the PCs.
Following the Events section, each chap-
ter is broken into numbered Encounters, rep-
resenting areas the PCs might visit.
For both Events and Encounters, those
portions of text enclosed in boxes are to be
read to the players.
Several maps are included with the
module to aid play. The separate map sheet
contains a wilderness map for the players and
a more detailed map of the same area for the
These maps display the lands around Tar-
sis and south onto the massive Icewall Glacier.
The players’ map is discovered by the heroes
in Chapter 1, and may be used by the players
from that point on.
On pages 16 and 17 are maps illustrating
the levels of Icewall Castle, the goal of the
heroes’ quest in this module. Each map
should be used by you to aid in describing the
areas. Players should not be shown these
maps, but may make their own maps based on
your descriptions of the areas they visit.
If your players have not played previous
DL adventures, you can assume that one of
the characters is in possession of this weapon,
found in the fortress of Pax Tharkas in DL2:
holds Wymslayer by the hilt gains a +3 to sav-
ing throws vs. dragon breath weapons or any
spell cast by a dragon or draconian.
Wymslayer gives off a loud buzzing sound
when within 30 feet of a dragon (but not a dra-
conian). This buzzing always wakes a sleeping
To begin this adventure, hand out the
player character cards to your players. Those who
were playing missing characters (Tanis, Tika,
etc.) from previous DL modules should be given
Elistan or one of the Knights of Solamnia. If
players want to use their own characters from
other campaigns, they may be allowed to do
so-just make sure that the group is roughly as
powerful and balanced as the party in the
At certain times in the module, characters
may be called upon to make Ability Checks
against one of their Character Abilities
(Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, etc.). The
player rolls a d20; if the result is equal to or less
than the character’s score in that ability, the char-
acter succeeds. For example, a PC with a Dexter-
ity of 15 attempts a Dexterity Check. If he rolls a
15 or less, he succeeds in his attempt; if the roll is
16 or more, he fails.
As a final note, remember that the
DRAGONLANCE saga is complex. You, the
Dungeonmaster, have a very important role to
play in these modules. To run them well, you
must read the modules carefully to visualize the
story and to anticipate the players’ actions. Read
through the Encounters and check them against
the maps, so that you will be able to describe the
settings the heroes are moving through. Skim
the Events before play, but simply use them in
order during the game. You must subtly moti-
vate the players to follow the DRAGONLANCE
storyline. Sometimes, when players do the unex-
pected (as players are wont to do), you must
improvise to keep the story on track.
Wyrmslayer, 2-handed sword +3
This sword does twice normal damage when
used against a dragon or draconian. (Determine
damage as usual and then double the result.)
Wyrmslayer is immune to the imprisoning effect
when a Baaz draconian turns to stone. Whoever
The World of Krynn
There are important differences between the
world of Krynn and those of standard AD&D ®
campaigns. Characters who have adventured in
previous DRAGONLANCE modules already
have the following information. Players and
characters new to Krynn should be given this
True (spell-casting) clerics have been
unknown on Krynn since the great Cataclysm,
approximately 300 years prior to this adven-
ture. Clerics did not have spell powers because
they worshipped false gods. The heroes’ adven-
ture in DL1 returned knowledge of the true
gods to Krynn, enabling clerics who partici-
pated in the adventure, or who learned from
those participants, to cast spells and perform all
clerical functions.
True clerics carry a medallion symbolic of
their deity, chosen from among the pantheon
of Krynn’s gods. The gods are listed on the
disks of Mishakal, discovered in the black
dragon’s lair of Xak Tsaroth by the heroes. If
you do not have this information (from DL5,
“Dragons of Mystery”), assume that PC cler-
ics are worshippers of either Mishakal, goddess
of healing and growth, or Paladine, the high
god of good.
Dragons have been absent from Krynn
for nearly 1,000 years. They are considered
creatures of myth and fantasy by all who have
not personally beheld them. Characters may
be thought foolish, or liars, if they talk about
dragons to any who have not seen them.
All PC elves are of the Qualinesti race.
The equivalent of a halfling in the world
of Krynn is a kender. In addition to the stand-
ard abilities of AD&D halflings, kender have
the special abilities of Taunt and Fearlessness.
See Tasselhoff’s extra character card on page 31
for more information about these traits.
All PC halflings have the above abilities.
Steel is the most valuable metal in the
world of Krynn, gold being common and not
very valuable. One steel piece (stl) is equiva-
lent to one standard gp in purchasing power.
PCs who enter Krynn from other worlds can-
not automatically cash in their gold for steel
pieces, however. They will find their personal
wealth considerably reduced!
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