Boggs D.R.Measured capacity of an Ethernet.Myths and reality.1988.pdf

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Research Report 88/4
Measured Capacity
of an Ethernet:
Myths and Reality
David R. Boggs
Jeffrey C. Mogul
Christopher A. Kent
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Western Research Laboratory
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Measured Capacity of an Ethernet:
Myths and Reality
David R. Boggs
Jeffrey C. Mogul
Christopher A. Kent
September, 1988
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Western Research Laboratory
100 Hamilton Avenue Palo Alto, California 94301 USA
Ethernet, a 10 Mbit/sec CSMA/CD network, is one of the most successful
LAN technologies. Considerable confusion exists as to the actual capacity of
an Ethernet, especially since some theoretical studies have examined operat-
ing regimes that are not characteristic of actual networks. Based on
measurements of an actual implementation, we show that for a wide class of
applications, Ethernet is capable of carrying its nominal bandwidth of useful
traffic, and allocates the bandwidth fairly. We discuss how implementations
can achieve this performance, describe some problems that have arisen in
existing implementations, and suggest ways to avoid future problems.
This paper was originally published in
Proceedings of the SIGCOMM ’88 Symposium on
Communications Architectures and Protocols,
ACM SIGCOMM, Stanford, California, August
1988 Association for Computing Machinery
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1. Introduction
Local Area Networks (LANs) have become indispensable in the past few years. Many LAN
technologies have been designed, and more than a few of these have made it to market;
[8] is one of the most successful. There are many factors that influence a choice be-
tween different technologies, including availability, acceptance as a standard, cost per station and
per installation, and ease of maintenance and administration. All of these are difficult or impos-
sible to quantify accurately. Performance characteristics, on the other hand, are easier to quan-
tify, and can thus serve as the basis for religious debates even though the potential performance
of a LAN technology may have very little to do with how useful it is.
Considerable confusion exists as to the actual capacity of an Ethernet. This capacity can be
determined either by measurement or by analysis. Measurements of intrinsic Ethernet perfor-
mance (its performance in the limiting case) are fairly meaningless because, at least until
recently, most feasible experiments could only measure the performance of host implementations
and interfaces, not of the Ethernet per se. If no experiment can ‘‘see’’ the intrinsic performance
of the network, then applications probably cannot see it either, and intrinsic performance there-
fore does not matter. Analyses, on the other hand, have tended to concentrate on the intrinsic
performance; first, because software and interface design is too hard to analyze, and second,
because Ethernet performance is ‘‘interesting’’ only at very high loads. Therefore, most
theoretical studies have examined operating regimes that are not characteristic of actual net-
works, and their results are also of limited utility in comparing network technologies.
Ethernet works in practice, but allegedly not in theory: some people have sufficiently misun-
derstood the existing studies of Ethernet performance so as to create a surprisingly resilient
mythology. One myth is that an Ethernet is saturated at an offered load of 37%; this is an incor-
rect reading of the theoretical studies, and is easily disproved in practice. This paper is an at-
tempt to dispel such myths.
We first summarize the theoretical studies relevant to Ethernet, and attempt to extract the im-
portant lessons from them. Then, based on measurements of actual implementations, we show
that for a wide class of applications, Ethernet is capable of carrying its nominal bandwidth of
useful traffic, and allocates the bandwidth fairly. We then discuss how implementations can
achieve this performance, describe some problems that have arisen in existing implementations,
and suggest ways to avoid future problems.
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