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1.  You should hand in your essays by next week.


Your essays should be handed in by next week. 


2.  Sue hasn't invited Martin to the party.


Martin hasn't been invited by Sue to the party. 


3.  Did you polish my ring?


Was my ring polished? 


4.  Danny is making my bed.


My bed is being made by Danny. 


5.  They will show the fireworks at the end of the wedding.


The fireworks will be shown at the end of the wedding. 


6.  Who has damaged my mobile phone?


Who has my mobile phone been damaged by? 


7.  They will take you to hospital soon.


You will be taken to hospital soon. 


8.  Norma inherited a house.


A house was inherited by Norma. 


9.  The manager is checking the price.


The price is being checked by the manager. 


10.  They serve breakfast at 10.


Breakfast is served at 10. 


11.  Who will ask you?


Who will you be asked by? 


12.  The professor will have finished the lecture by 9 pm.


The lecture will have been finished by 9 pm. 


13.  2 burglars broke into my house.


My house was broken into by 2 burglars. 


14.  My son asked me to help him with the homework.


I was asked by my son to help him with the homework. 


15.  You must sign this declaration.


This declaration must be signed. 


16.  Maria is baking a cheese cake.


A cheese cake is being baked by Maria. 


17.  They have built a new bus stop.


A new bus stop has been built. 


18.  When will they open a bigger airport?


When will a bigger airport be opened? 


19.  Andrew kicked the stone.


The stone was kicked by Andrew. 


20.  Jack Gordon will interview me for the post.


I will be interviewed for the post by Jack Gordon. 

1.  The school was built 2 years ago by the workers.


The workers built the school 2 years ago. 


2.  Coffee is imported by the sellers from Brazil.


The sellers import coffee from Brazil. 


3.  The radio programme is being listened to by Mark.


Mark is listening to the radio programme. 


4.  A black suit must be worn tonight.


You must wear a black suit tonight. 


5.  Much money has been saved by Julie so far.


Julie has saved much money so far. 


6.  The TV has just been turned on.


Someone has just turned on the TV. 


7.  Was it mentioned by the priest?


Did the priest mention it? 


8.  The morning newspaper is brought to me by John Cook.


John Cook brings me the morning newspaper. 


9.  We will be provided with such armchairs.


They will provide us with such armchairs. 


10.  Is basketball often played by boys in your country?


Do boys in your country often play basketball? 


11.  The old gallery is being painted.


They are painting the old gallery. 


12.  Soft drinks will be served at the party.


They will serve soft drinks at the party. 


13.  I have been warned by my dad.


My dad has warned me. 


14.  This blouse must not be ironed.


You mustn't iron this blouse. 


15.  Has my mug been seen by anyone?


Has anyone seen my mug? 


16.  She can't be disturbed because she is learning.


You can't disturb her because she is learning. 


17.  This poem was written by Słowacki.


Słowacki wrote this poem. 


18.  Nothing will be said to his partner.


We will say nothing to his partner. 


19.  This song has been sung by Madonna.


Madonna has sung this song. 


20.  You will be paid at the end of the month.


They will pay you at the end of the month. 


Zadanie domowe

.  Gucci designed this wonderful suit.


This wonderful suit was designed by Gucci. 


2.  She seldom visits us.


We are seldom visited by her. 


3.  The mechanic is repairing my car.


My car is being repaired by the mechanic. 


4.  The programmer will create a new website soon.


A new website will be created soon by the programmer. 


5.  Gerry was trying on a new shirt.


A new shirt was being tried on by Gerry. 


6.  The Blacks always mow the lawn on Saturday.


The lawn is always mowed on Saturday by the Blacks. 


7.  He hasn't arranged all the meetings yet.


All the meetings haven't been arranged yet. 


8.  We had prepared the room before they arrived.


The room had been prepared before they arrived. 


9.  The government is establishing a new law.


A new law is being established by the government. 


10.  The teacher has explained a new matter to us.


We have been explained a new matter by the teacher. 


11.  They will have installed a new alarm by tomorrow.


A new alarm will have been installed by tomorrow. 


12.  She was correcting her students' mistakes.


Her students' mistakes were being corrected. 


13.  I didn't use this computer at all..


This computer wasn't used by me at all. 


14.  She is typing 5 reports.


5 reports are being typed. 


15.  They flavour these rolls with garlic.


These rolls are flavoured with garlic. 


16.  Sheila has washed her hands.


Sheila's hands have been washed. 


17.  Many tourists enjoy this monument.


This monument is enjoyed by many tourists. 


18.  Turin is holding the Winter Olympic Games.


The Winter Olympic Games are being held by Turin. 


19.  He is opening a tin.


A tin is being opened. 


20.  I will do it in a minute.


It will be done in a minute. 

1.  Has the lift been repaired yet?


Have they repaired the lift yet? 


2.  Paper is made of wood.


They make paper of wood. 


3.  Four glasses of milk are drunk by my cat.


My cat drinks four glasses of milk. 


4.  He was sent a telegram by somebody from homeland.


Somebody from homeland sent him a telegram. 


5.  The money hasn't been transferred by the clerk.


The clerk hasn't transferred the money. 


6.  Were you introduced to Harry?


Did they introduce you to Harry? 


7.  The books will be published next month.


They will publish the books next month. 


8.  I was given a flower.


Somebody gave me a flower. 


9.  Who was it done by?


Who did it? 


10.  Animals must not be kept here.


You mustn't keep animals here. 


11.  This digital camera is used occasionally.


They use this digital camera occasionally. 


12.  The suspect has been arrested.


The police have arrested the suspect. 


13.  Who were you given my phone number by?


Who gave you my phone number? 


14.  It may have been offered to him.


He may have been offered it. 


15.  A poor girl was robbed.


Somebody robbed a poor girl. 


16.  The customers are being asked to wait a moment.


They are asking the customers to wait a moment. 


17.  You will be found by him!


He will find you! 


18.  Children must be vaccinated against measles.


You must vaccinate children against measles. 


19.  She was being laughed at.


They were laughing at her. 


20.  The exam will be passed by Mathew.


Mathew will pass the exam. 



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