The Ultimate Palm Robot - McGraw Hill.pdf

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The Ultimate
Palm Robot
About the Authors
Kevin Mukhar is a programmer and writer. He has been programming as
a hobbyist since the early days of the Commodore 64. He learned COBOL
in high school and FORTRAN in college and has dabbled in everything
from programming HP calculators to programming Java on the Palm OS.
He is currently a software developer for Lockheed Martin in Denver.
Kevin has written numerous articles and is the co-author of several
books, including Beginning Java Databases and Beginning J2EE 1.4 (both
published by Wrox Press). He served as Technical Editor for Dave John-
son’s recent book Robot Invasion: 7 Cool and Easy Robot Projects . When not
programming or writing, Kevin is working on a Masters degree in Com-
puter Science, playing guitar, and trying to learn how to play saxophone.
Dave Johnson has a degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
from Rutgers University, and he’s been writing about technology for the
past 15 years. He’s the editor of Mobility Magazine and contributes to a
number of magazines, including PC World , Handheld Computing , Wired ,
and Tech Edge . He’s the author of more than two dozen books, including
How to Do Everything with Your Digital Camera , and he recently wrote Robot
Invasion: 7 Cool and Easy Robot Projects . Mostly, though, he’s waiting for a
call from Roger Waters to join him in a new rock band.
The Ultimate
Palm Robot
Kevin Mukhar
Dave Johnson
McGraw-Hill /Osborne
New York Chicago San Francisco
Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan
New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto
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