Black Crusade - Apostate.pdf

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S t a r t i n g S k i l l S , t a l e n t S & g e a r
Apostates must be Human.
Characteristic Bonus: Apostates gain +5 Fellowship.
Starting Skills: Awareness, Charm, Command,
Deceive, Scholastic Lore (any three), Forbidden Lore
(any three), Inquiry, Dodge or Parry, Intimidate or
Commerce, Charm +10 or Deceive +10, Command
+10 or Inquiry +10, Security or Stealth or Logic
Star ting Talents : Air of Authority, Hatred (any
one), Peer (any one), Total Recall, Unshakeable Will,
Weapon Training (Las, Primary), Disturbing Voice or
Radiant Presence, Polyglot or Mimic, Inspire Wrath or
Iron Discipline or Lesser Minion of Chaos
Starting Gear: Good-Craftsmanship Laspistol, Best-
Craftsmanship Sword or Common Craftsmanship
Power Blade, Flak Armour or Mesh Armour, Chaos
symbol pendant, unholy tomes, 2 laspistol clips.
Wounds: 9+1d5
“The corpse-emperor cannot hear your pleas, but there are others who
are happy to grant your every wish.”
–Archdeacon Gabriel Huang of the Holy Oath
T he forces of the Imperium maintain a stalwart barrier
against Chaos intrusions within the worlds and
organizations of their monolithic realm. Between
the incessant speeches of the Ecclesiarchy and the ruthless
enforcement of the Inquisition and the Adeptus Arbites,
the Imperial Creed is effectively reinforced. Through the
ministrations of the Adeptus Administratum and the legions
of Imperial bureaucracy, the rule of Imperial law is brutally
maintained. However, every so often one of those within that
vast bureaucracy falls from grace. When this happens, the
consequences can be disastrous.
Those who served within the
Imperium’s inner workings can
be ideally placed and equipped
to destabilise the very structures
they spent a lifetime creating
and supporting.
Some Apostates
S p e c i a l a b i l i t y :
S e r p e n t S t o n g u e
The Apostate is a master of iniltration, deception,
and seduction, allowing him to ingratiate himself
with organisations who would normally kill him
on sight. Once per game session, the Apostate may
make a Challenging Charm or Deceive Test to gain
the Peer Talent with one organisation of his choice
for the remainder of the session. If the Apostate has
a Fellowship of 55 or higher, he can gain the Peer (2)
Talent for a chosen organisation instead.
newly turned against the Imperium, whether through some
personal rebellion against the Imperial Creed, succumbing
to the dark lure of power, or any number of other reasons.
These may begin their work against the Imperium in the
very organizations they serve in. Apostate preachers and
cardinals may subtly twist the words they speak, using
their inely honed powers of persuasion to change beliefs
until their locks have become unwitting servants of Chaos.
Traitorous members of the Administratum may redirect funds
and supplies into their own coffers, starving entire planets to feed
his own greed. Meanwhile, treasonous Munitorum agents may
subtly alter orders so that entire Guard regiments are redirected
from critical warzones, or even assault the wrong worlds.
Other Apostates are long-time foes of the Imperium and may
even be the irst agents of Chaos to begin an incursion upon a
target world. They enter the planet under the cover of an Imperial
loyalist. These Heretics begin their subterfuge under the pretence
of an honest merchant or a loyal servant of the Ministrorum. Only
once they have established a presence and friendly relationships
with the world’s residents can their true work begin.
These characters may rely upon subtlety, perhaps calling
controversial facets of the Imperial Creed or seemingly
pointless bureaucratic procedures into question. As they
develop a sense of trust with their targets, they can begin to
gradually draw those subjects to the path of the Chaos Gods.
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p l a y i n g a b l a c k c r u S a d e a p o S t a t e
The following are some of the ways a player can play and
portray an Apostate. Of course, these should be considered
guidelines and suggestions, not directives nor canon. If a player
comes up their own backstory and character personalities,
they should feel free to explore them.
An Apostate is a master of deception, manipulation, and
misdirection. He can quickly read people’s reactions and gauge
how they are likely to think and feel. Though he likely lacks any
moral integrity and possibly emotional responses, he is intimately
familiar with these weaknesses and knows how to use them to
control other people. He can comfortably lie to control his prey,
choosing falsehoods carefully to it his targets.
Much more than a simple conidence artist, many Apostates
are motivated by a deep spiritual devotion to their cause. A
Heretic who follows this path may believe that only through
a willing dedication to Chaos may humanity achieve their
ultimate potential and salvation. In some cases, an Apostate
irmly believes that he is in direct communion with a speciic
Chaos God. As a consequence, he is likely to be very strongly
devoted to this deity, viewing that entity as his personal sponsor.
In other cases, the Apostate sees himself as the voice of all the
Gods, not one in particular, and offers prayers and sacriices to
whichever deity may be appropriate as the situation calls.
His zeal is unparalleled; he believes his cause is not just right
but also vital. Through his twisted worldview, the Apostate
believes that he really is helping those that he draws to the
corrupting inluence of the Dark Gods. Even when confronted
with the brutal consequences of his actions, he is likely to
identify them as acceptable costs. Some must fall by the wayside
as examples for those who might achieve the greater blessings.
Apostates are often deined by their skill in leadership and
corruption and these attendant skills must often be learned. Thus,
many Apostates begin their lives as a part of the very Imperium
they later decide to destroy. He might have served within the
Ecclesiarchy, spreading the word of the false God-Emperor to all
who would listen. It could be that that at the heart of his faith he
discovered a core of death, decay, and corruption, which left him
disenfranchised. Alternatively, the Apostate might have served
the Administratum. It could be that he had even established
himself politically, and manoeuvred his way into the position
of a planetary governor—or covertly pulled the strings of the
oficial governor. From these lofty heights, he was exposed to
the back room manipulations of the populace and might even
have taken part in deciding about acceptable losses and other
sacriices for the continued survival of his world.
For most Apostates, the call to power is a vicious cycle. Even
when they manage their greatest triumphs, they look over the
horizon or across the stars and begin to plan for their next
objective. As the Dark Gods grant them boons, they may also
feed this lust through sibilant whispers of additional blessings
that could come as ever more challenging tasks are offered.
Ultimately, this hunger for power must lead an Apostate
towards the path of a daemon prince. From the moment
they realise the amount of control that comes with this lofty
transformation, their very souls ache for the blessing. Of course,
in striving for this goal, they must make ever-greater sacriices
and accept ever-greater risks along the way. Few manage to attain
their aspirations before their lives are cut short through failure.
a p o S t a t e S i n t h e V o r t e x
The Archetype of Apostate presents a broad concept,
which may apply to any number of individuals across the
galaxy. Any character who has garnered the opportunity
to spread the word of Chaos among potential recruits
and used it could be an Apostate. The examples who
have established a presence within the Screaming Vortex
commonly follow one of these paths:
Former Member of the Calixian Ecclesiarchy: The
Ecclesiarchy in the Calixis Sector is rife with hidden
intrigues, cults, and undiscovered corruption. The
Inquisition works tirelessly to purge it, but there are
always those who slip through the cracks. A former priest,
confessor, or cardinal in the Ecclesiarchy is a charismatic
and charming individual, able to convince those that not
only is he a trusted ally, but things they may have believed
all their lives are incorrect. His knowledge of the Imperial
Creed and the particulars of faith in the Calixis Sector
allow him to twist that faith in others, so that without
realising it, he can tempt them on the path to Chaos.
Disenfranchised Member of the Jericho Adeptus
Munitorum: An Apostate in the Munitorum would
be ideally placed to see the futile waste of men and
supplies in the Crusade to conquer the Jericho Reach.
Through this he may have realised the impotence of the
Imperium, and this stoked the ires of revolution in his
heart. Such individuals have an unparalleled knowledge
of the Imperial war machine, and may be able to develop
a rapport with unsuspecting members of the Imperial
Guard. Such a Heretic might see actions against the
Imperial War Machine as the ultimate way to save the
lives of untold human soldiers who would otherwise be
fed into the meat grinder of the Jericho Reach.
Interloper within Sector Governor Hax’s Lucid
Court: An Apostate in the Lucid Court of the Calixis
Sector Governor Marius Hax would be ideally placed
to see the waste and corruption of the Imperial and
planetary nobility and inspire him to prey on that
corruption. These individuals may be able to worm
their way into the highest strata of Imperial society, able
to bring it down from within. As his inluence spreads,
such a Heretic could draw the nobility of an ever-
broader region to the ways of the Ruinous Powers.
Corrupted Rogue Trader of the Koronus Expanse:
In the role of a travelling merchant and diplomat, a
Rogue Trader is uniquely suited to establish contact
with the governments of many Imperial worlds in
a relatively short time frame. From this position, an
Apostate could establish an interplanetary network
dedicated to the promulgation of heretical beliefs. This
could quickly enable the heretic to assemble a potent
and diverse force with a broad range of resources.
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