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Treating of the four principal Pillars of Medicine, viz. Sulphur,
Vitriol, Antimony, and Mercury, but chiefly of the great harmony between
the Superiour Elementary Sun and Moon, and the Inferiour and Terrestrial
Gold and Silver, and the magnetick way of attracting the Virtues of SOL
and LUNE by the Air, and of rendering them palpable and visible.
After that I had intended to publish in the Fourth Part of this my
SPAGYRICAL PHARMACOPOEA, some singular and excellent Medicines, and such
as might much exceed all others, and so must consequently be prepared of
choice and excellent Subjects and matters; I accounted it my task in the
first place to shew you out of what subjects such efficacious Medicines
may be drawn and extracted, viz. out of Gold, Wine, and Antimony, as
likewise out of Vitriol and Mercury, but not the vulgar Mercury.
Now although most Men are blinded with a thick darkness, but
principally those that prosecute the truth with a deadly hatred, and do
prate much, and by reason of their blindness and ignorance do affirm,
that Gold being a thick and compact body is not at all fit to admit of
such a preparation as thereby to display its most efficacious virtues in
Man’s Body: And as for Antimony and Mercury, that they are most present
Poisons, and can’t serve as Medicines without great danger; but as for
Wine, that it is indeed fit to be drank, but is of no validity in
Medicine, not knowing how to imploy it about any Medicinal use, but are
rather ready and skillfull Artists at swallowing it down in full
draughts; however though they thus chat yet these objections are
frivolous, and do proceed from their ignorance which is wrapped about
with most thick Clouds, and which I refute by this brief and strong
Reply. But I do not at all deny, that Gold reduced even to the smallest
Powder, and so made use of (as ‘twas wont of old to be by the Ancient,
yea and latter Galenists, and is even too at this day) by mixing it with
such Medicines as are for the comforting and strengthening the Heart and
Vitals of Men, cannot contribute so much as the least IOTA to the health
and preservation of the body of Man: And so I say of Antimony and
Mercury, that they are not at all salutiferous to Man’s Body, but
contrariwise are deadly and destructive Medicaments, until (by a due
preparation) they are deprived of all their Venenosity, and thereby
rendered fit to be safely made use of. So Wine it self being taken PER
SE as it is, is a restoring and refreshing Drink for Man, provided it be
moderately used: But contrarily is a causer of many Diseases if it be
frequently and, in large quantities swallowed in, and doth operate in
Man’s Body more hurt than good, this daily experience doth sufficiently
testifie, and renders it evident, that being so immoderately taken, it
fills all the Members of the whole Body with Tartar, and makes
obstructions and stirs up intolerable Pains, and principally in the
Bladder, Reins, and other parts of the Body, viz. if coagulated in the
Hands, Knees, and Feet, whereupon it doth not easily suffer it self to
be exterminated, unless by such Artists as well know the properties and
nature of Tartar, but of such Men there is at this day a great scarcity,
and therefore that proverbial Verse still takes place.
Solvere Nodosam Nescit Medicina Podagram.
The Art of Physick can’t root out
(Thy dire Disease) the Knotty Gout.
But he who is so well skilled as to Separate the fiery,
penetrative, wholsome, and true Medicinal Spirit of Wine; Yea its true
Balsom from its Faeces, he will easily expel out of the Body of Man all
tartarous impurities and defilements, and will perform things wonderfull
in the Stone and Gout. But now forasmuch as the educing so wholsome a
Medicine out of gross crude Tartar is known but to a very few, no wonder
that there hath been so little or rather nothing at all performed by
Physicans in such like most grievous tartarous Diseases that have gotten
deep rooting in the Body of Man. But the way how you may be rendered
Possessors of such a Spirit of Wine shall be spoken of afterwards. Yet I
would not that any one should perswade himself that my meaning and
intention in this place is about the common Spirit of Wine, or either
that which is gotten out of Tartar by the usual known way of
Distillation. No, there’s a vast difference betwixt that Spirit which I
here make mention of and the other. For in this Spirit the crude Tartar
is first to be washed by common Water from all its Defilements, and that
without the addition of any other things, so as to shine like Snow, then
to be afterwards made black by putrefaction, and out of that blackness
the said Balsam is to be drawn off, of which we shall hereagter make a
more ample Declaration. This now is that Spirit which doth Anatomically
resolve the compacted Body of Gold, and converteth the venemousness of
Antimony into a wholsome Medicine, and doth perform things wonderfull in
all tartarous Diseases. ‘Tis the true Wine of Health, and the very AQUA
VITAE of the Philosophers, and hath a great familiarity with Gold and
Man, and may be excellently compared with the coagulated Solar beams.
Therefore as it is evidently known to every body, that Gold and
Wine are advanced on to maturity, by the heat of the Sun, and that Men
do notably love and desire both of them. So may any one conjecture what
Gold and Wine would do if a Man could but have them reduced to a
Spiritual essence. Hence now it seems necessary unto me, that before I
pass on to the preparation of the said Medicine, I do in a few words
describe the harmonial love that is between the Superiour and Inferiour
Sun and Man, that so it may appear, what a bond or tie of love and
necessity there is betwixt these three most noble Creatures of God, to
one another.
Chapter I.
Of the Harmony and Agreeableness between the Superiour Elementary, and
Inferiour Earthly Sun, with Wine and Man.
Tis well known even to the blind Bayards and Barbers, that the Sun
in the heavenly Firmament, is the most noble and most eminent Creature
God made. For it is that only light which makes all the Stars partakers
of its Splendour, Light and Brightness. Tis also the only Fountain and
as it were Father of all the Creatures, because if they are deprived of
it, they are in the dark and die: Nay even man himself cannot live
without the help of the Sun, and all things would perish, should the Sun
be but for one moment withdrawn from them. For all things that are do
receive their Life and Augmentation from the Sun; and he was (according
to MOSES his Doctrine) the first and chiefest that did proceed forth by
God’s creating, and will doubtless be the last when all things shall be
dissolved, and pass into a better State at the final Destruction of this
worldly Fabrick. The Sun supplies the place of a heart in the wonderfull
Structure of the Macrocosm: And in like manner the heart it self in
man’s Body is aptly compared to the Sun, as being the first liver, and
last dier in the humane Fabrick; and this is known to every body. And
therefore amongst all the Creatures indued with life and motion, man
doth in nobility and magnificence excel them all, as having gotten hid
body from the earth, his Spirit and Life from the Sun, and his Soul from
But as to the insensible Creatures the highest Degree of Nobleness
is attributed unto Gold, the which is likewise generated by the Sun.
These three admirable Creatures, viz. the Sun, Man, and Gold are coupled
with a bond of wonderfull Necessity and Friendship, and are conjoined by
the instinct of Nature her self. Men do desire the Light of the Sun, as
also the heat in a dark and cold Season, for thencefrom proceeds all
life, and all the encrease of life, because the Suns beams do perform
the office of the universal Spirit, and Life in the Conservation of the
Life of Man. But now as touching Gold, men do partake of that in a
particular way only, and one man is usually stored with a bigger
Portion, another with a lesser, not by the instinct of nature, for she
bestoweth it on us only for our use, but by reason of the abusive
malice, avarice and the unsatible Covetousness of men; but yet this way
is not the right manner of loving Gold, nor genuine, but false and oft
times very hazardous. We should rather love it because of its wonderfull
Virtues which it possesseth, hidden in its body, and may afford a most
notable Comfort to man’s sickness and infirmities. Verily the Ancient
Philosophers were not ignorant of the incredible Virtues which the Gold
hides in it self, it being truely no other thing than a body consisting
and compacted of the coagulated and fixed Beams of the Sun, and this was
well known to those men who were most skillfull in the nature of all
things. Seeing then that the Sun’s beams being as yet unfixed can bestow
on all things life and encrease, why may not the same be accomplished by
them when fixed, and made constant, if so be they be rendered spiritual,
and thereby be capable of displaying their Virtues in a visible and
palpable efficacy, which thing they could not do if they retain their
corporal Coagulation, nor can display their occult Virtues.
Many men have industriously attempted with great Labour,
artficially to open Gold, and to reduce it to a spiritual Nature, and to
render it living and afficacious, but few there have been that have been
Masters of their desires, but such as at length had thereto attained,
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