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The Mind Scion
by Rodney Thompson
Editing: JD Wiker
Layout and Typese� ing: Marc Schmalz
Artist: Clarence Harrison
The Mind Scion is a free prestige class and two free legendary
weapons offered in promotion of Artifacts of the Ages: Swords and
Staves, the i rst print publication from The Game Mechanics and
Green Ronin.
Ancestral magic swords whose names i ll the pages of history, handed
down through generations of heroes... arcane staves of power, crafted
by legendary mystics and passed from master to apprentice.... These
are staples of fantasy literature—but difi cult to recreate in the d20
System. Artifacts of the Ages provides rules for introducing legendary
swords and staves that grow in power as their wielders advance in
level. Special “scion” prestige classes ensure that the heroes only
unlock an item’s full power when the campaign is ready for it,
helping to ensure that the game stays balanced. The book also presents over two dozen unique
and interesting legendary magic items, with accurate d20 stats, detailed histories, and adventure
hooks. Are you worthy to bear the Artifacts of the Ages ?
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons ® , Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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The Mind Scion
by JD Wiker
mind was already turning on the subject, and
shortly a� er the release of Staves , Rodney came to
us with this psionic prestige class: the Mind Scion.
We really enjoyed it, but, sadly, we didn’t have
room for it in the printed version of our two
books, Artifacts of the Ages . Fortunately, Chris
Pramas at Green Ronin Publishing had asked that
we provide some additional web content to help
promote the book on the Green Ronin website,
and it suddenly occurred to me: Green Ronin’s
Mindshadows campaign se� ing was coming out
soon and Rodney had this psionic prestige class
that used the rules from Artifacts of the Ages .
It was a great match. On behalf of everyone
at The Game Mechanics and Green Ronin
Publishing, I hope you enjoy Rodney Thompson’s
excellent psionic artifacts.
Shortly a� er The Game Mechanics had published
Swords of Our Fathers , my friend Rodney
Thompson e-mailed me with a question about
what we would do next. It was no secret that
we planned a similar book on staves ( Staves of
Ascendance ), but Rodney was actually curious if
we were going to tackle the question of psionic
items. Would there be a mind scion?
Frankly, the idea hadn’t really occurred to
us. Neither Rich Redman (the author of Staves
of Ascendance ) nor I used psionics much in our
fantasy d20 System campaigns, so we didn’t really
feel comfortable with the idea of tackling the
subject in our Scion Series books. But Rodney’s
The Mind Scion
by Rodney Thompson
those whose personalities are compatible with
the item will choose to master its gi� s. Since a
mindweapon is the physical embodiment of a
psychic will, mindweapons are exceedingly rare as
the discipline required to instill an item with one’s
consciousness is immense.
A mind scion might go through some interesting
personality changes as he or she grows more
accustomed to the weapon. Much like two friends
(or two enemies) will grow more alike over
time, the scion o� en becomes a rel ection of the
mindweapon’s mood; when the staf does not get
what it wants, the scion might become disgruntled,
while a satisi ed weapon might result in a pleasant
mood for the scion. Additionally, the mind scion
will stand out from other psionicists in that the
power of a legendary psionic weapon o� en
provides powers above and beyond what other
psionicists can wield.
Hit Dice: d6
The mind scion is someone who has earned the right
to carry a legendary psionic weapon, either through
inheritance from a mentor or by having the intense
mental discipline required to wield a powerful
item. Only those who have trained their minds in
the i ne art of psionics may wield a mindweapon,
as each of these weapons has a mind and will of its
own that would overpower and consume anyone
else. Only psions and psychic warriors have the
mental toughness to prevent a mindweapon from
destroying them, meaning that only characters of
these classes may take the mind scion prestige class.
Likewise, mindweapons are as unique as
any sentient being. Each has its own thoughts
and wishes, its own desires and personality. As
such, no two mind scions will be alike, as only
Table MS–1: The Mind Scion
Attack Bonus
Save Special
Powers/Pts. Per Day
1st +0 +0 +1 +2 Psionic combat mode,
bonus feat
+1 level of existing class
2nd +1 +0 +2 +3 +1 level of existing class
3rd +1 +1 +2 +3 Psionic combat mode +1 level of existing class
4th +2 +1 +2 +4 +1 level of existing class
5th +2 +1 +3 +4 Psionic combat mode +1 level of existing class
6th +3 +2 +3 +5 +1 level of existing class
7th +3 +2 +4 +5 Psionic combat mode +1 level of existing class
8th +4 +2 +4 +6 +1 level of existing class
9th +4 +3 +4 +6 Psionic combat mode +1 level of existing class
10th +5 +4 +5 +7
+1 level of existing class
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The Mind Scion
The embodiment of the watcher, Cortexis grants
its wielder perceptive abilities and knowledge of
powers beyond the reach of most other psionicists.
To qualify to become a mind scion, a character
must fuli ll the criteria listed for the specii c
mindweapon. (See Cortexis and Dreamshard ,
below, for examples.)
The End of Chronicles
In the early days of the world, when powers of the
mind were just being discovered by most, there
was a powerful watcher that observed the world
and its evolution. Though none knew where he
came from, it was speculated that the watcher
was a traveler from another plane of existence
sent to add knowledge of the planet to that of
his own people. The Chronicler, as he came to be
known, is a i gure o� en associated with ancient
lore and forgo� en knowledge. In fact, many of the
oldest religious tomes a� ribute the Chronicler as
a primary source of information, if not the actual
author of the piece.
Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 20.
When a war between the gods of law and chaos
began, the Chronicler cloaked himself in shadows
and sank back to watch the world be destroyed.
Cataloguing all he saw, the Chronicler simply
waited out each ba� le, followed each cataclysm,
until all hope seemed lost and darkness
threatened to consume the world. But the forces
of chaos were not satisi ed to hide from their foes
in the deep places of the earth. Knowing of the
Chronicler and his ability to hide himself even
from the eyes of the gods, these vile creatures
scoured the land, seeking to i nd the Chronicler
through sheer perseverance, so they could take
these powers from him and use them against the
gods of law. In time, they located the Chronicler
and he was forced to defend himself, unleashing
a� acks of devastating power. But in the end the
titans of chaos vanquished him, destroying what
chronicles of his they could i nd and ending his
days of watching. So the world all but forgot
the war between the gods, and all knowledge
threatened to vanish from the world.
Check Required: Knowledge (religion) DC 25.
As a i nal act of preservation, the Chronicler
thrust all of his memories—including the memory
of how to vanish from the sight of gods—into
a staf that he had carried into ba� le with the
forces of disorder, defying their desire to steal
his power. Robbed of their secret weapon, they
slunk away, unknowingly leaving the Chronicler
and his powers behind, wrapped up and dormant
in the i bers of his discarded staf . Without the
Chronicler’s record of later events, none can
truly claim to know who won the war between
the gods of law and chaos—if either side did in
fact triumph—but the staf , when it was i nally
discovered by mortals, began to pass from hand to
Class Skills
The mind scion’s class skills (and the key ability
for each skill) are Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance
(Dex), Concentration (Con), Climb (Str), Jump
(Str), Stabilize Self (Str), Swim (Str), Tumble
(Dex), Use Psionic Device (Cha). Additionally, the
mindweapon scion may choose any two of the
following skills to be class skills: Intuit Direction
(Wis), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Psicra� (Int),
Remote View (Int).
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int
modii er
Class Features
The following are features of the mind scion
prestige class.
Starting Feats: The mind scion is proi cient in all
simple weapons.
Psionic Combat Mode: At 1st level, the mind
scion can learn one of the ten psionic combat
modes. At every odd-numbered level a� er that,
she may choose one more psionic combat mode to
Two-Weapon Fighting (mindstaf scions only):
If the mind scion does not have the Two-Weapon
Fighting feat, she gains it now. The wielder does
not benei t from the Two-Weapon Fighting feat
unless she meets the feat’s prerequisites, however.
Weapon Specialization (mindblade scions
only): If a mindblade scion does not already have
the Weapon Specialization feat that applies to
his legendary sword, he gains it at 1st level as a
bonus feat. However, he cannot benei t from the
Weapon Specialization feat unless he meets the
prerequisites for it.
Powers Discovered/Power Points per Day: At
each mind scion level, the character gains new
power points per day (and new powers discovered)
as if she had also gained a level in the psionic class
(psion or psychic warrior) to which she belonged
before adding the prestige class level. She does
not, however, gain any other benei t a character of
that class would have gained (bonus feats, Weapon
Specialization, and so on). If the character had
more than one psionic class before becoming a
mind scion, the player must decide to which class
to add each mind scion level for the purposes of
determining power points per day.
The Mind Scion
hand among the scholarly, sharing its memories,
the Chronicler’s memories, with anyone capable
of understanding them. These learned individuals
came to call the staf Cortexis .
Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 20.
Intelligent: Cortexis has Intelligence 14, Wisdom
13, and Charisma 12. Its ego is 16 and its alignment
is True Neutral. Cortexis communicates through
Special Abilities
Cortexis provides the following special abilities to
its wielder, depending upon the character’s level in
the mindstaf scion prestige class.
Initial Abilities: When i rst acquired, Cortexis
functions as a +1 quarterstaf .
Locate Object (Su): The wielder of Cortexis may
cast the spell locate object at will to locate any object
within 120 feet of his or her current position. This is
considered a manifestation of a psionic power and
is subject to all the same restrictions and ef ects as a
psionic power.
See Invisible (Su): The wielder of Cortexis
may cast the spell see invisibility at will. This is
considered a manifestation of a psionic power and
is subject to all the same restrictions and ef ects as a
psionic power.
Psychic Bastion: Starting at 2nd level,
the mindstaf scion gains the benei ts of the
Psychic Bastion feat for free. These benei ts are
conferred even if the character does not meet the
prerequisites for the feat. Note that the character
does not actually gain the feat as a bonus feat, but
rather may just make use of the benei ts it provides
only while carrying or wielding the weapon due to
the fact that the staf is lending its experience to the
wielder and not granting it permanently.
Enhancement Bonus: Cortexis ’ enhancement
bonus increases to +2 when the mindstaf scion
reaches 3rd level, +3 when he reaches 6th level, and
to +4 when he reaches 9th level.
Mental Vision (Su): Starting at 4th level,
Cortexis grants the wielder sight beyond normal
vision using the incredible strength of the weapon’s
perceptions. Whenever the mindstaf scion is
carrying or wielding the weapon, his vision is not
impaired by any degree of darkness, either magical
or mundane.
Mental Adversary: Starting at 5th level, the
mindstaf scion gains the benei ts of the Mental
Adversary feat for free. These benei ts are
conferred even if the character does not meet the
prerequisites for the feat. Note that the character
does not actually gain the feat as a bonus feat, but
rather may just make use of the benei ts it provides
only while carrying or wielding the weapon.
Invisibility: Beginning at 7th level, the
mindstaf scion of Cortexis learns to envelop
himself in the folds of reality and vanish from sight
with ease. The scion gains the invisibility psionic
power, and may use this power three times per day
at no power point cost.
To wield Cortexis as its mindstaf scion, a character
must fuli ll the following criteria:
Skills: Concentration 6 ranks, Knowledge
(psionics) 6 ranks, Psicra� 6 ranks
Alignment: Non-chaotic
Powers Discovered: 6
Power Points Per Day: 5
A mindstaf scion of Cortexis who becomes
chaotic loses all use of powers granted by the
weapon and the mindstaf scion prestige class.
If the character changes back to a non-chaotic
alignment, he immediately regains the use of all
lost powers.
The wielder of Cortexis must spend at least one
hour each day meditating on the events that the
wielder experienced that day before retiring
to bed each evening. Any day he fails to do so,
intentionally or not, the staf behaves as though
the wielder had no levels in the mindstaf scion
prestige class. The character may end this ef ect
by performing the meditative exercises on any
evening at the normal time.
Cortexis has the following a� ributes.
Hardness/Hit Points: 9/6
Value: To anyone other than its mindstaf
scion, Cortexis appears to be worth as much as an
intelligent +1 quarterstaf (3,600 gp).
Table MS–2: Abilities Granted by Cortexis
Enhancement bonus +1 3rd
1st Locate object, see invisibility 3rd
2nd Psychic Bastion —
3rd Enhancement bonus +2 6th
4th Mental Vision —
5th Mental Adversary —
6th Enhancement bonus +3 9th
7th Invisibility 3rd
8th Maximize Power —
9th Enhancement bonus +4 12th
10th Foresight
Level Ability Gained
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The Mind Scion
Maximize Power: Starting at 8th level,
the mindstaf scion gains the benei ts of the
Maximize Power feat for free. These benei ts are
conferred even if the character does not meet the
prerequisites for the feat. Note that the character
does not actually gain the feat as a bonus feat, but
rather may just make use of the benei ts it provides
only while carrying or wielding the weapon.
Foresight (Su): At 10th level, the mindstaf scion
of Cortexis is granted an innate sixth sense that
allows him to determine imminent threats and
dangers. The scion is now considered to be under
the ef ects of the foresight spell at all times.
One of the most powerful weapons ever
discovered, Dreamshard uses the mind of its wielder
to slay foes in combat.
into disarray. Nepharys believed himself invincible
thanks to the sword’s powers, which was, like so
many others before him, eventually his undoing.
Despite the weapon’s great power, the king was
ambushed by dissidents within his own country.
The weapon was buried with the king, entombed
and sealed away, but silently calls out for any who
possess powers of the mind to come retrieve it.
Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 15.
To wield Dreamshard as its mindblade scion, a
character must fuli ll the following criteria:
Skills: Concentration 6 ranks, Knowledge
(psionics) 6 ranks
Base A� ack Bonus: +2
Powers Discovered: 4 +
Power Points Per Day: 4 +
The Reaper
Throughout history, wars of great length and
devastation have scarred the land and thrown
countless lives into turmoil. During the Second War
of Reconciliation, some members of royalty used
powerful psychic warriors as an elite combat unit
to vanquish the enemies of the throne and target
specii c opposition leaders. Forged for Uray Dez,
the leader of this team, Dreamshard absorbed the
psychic energies of the warriors that it constantly
came into contact with and began to exhibit some
unusual powers. Over time, the weapon came to
be as deadly as its wielder, who outlived all other
members of the squad and became one of the most
decorated warriors of the conl ict.
Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 20.
A� er the wars had ended and the team had been
disbanded, Dez was sent overseas on a diplomatic
mission. While sailing on the high seas, the ship
was a� acked and all aboard, including Uray Dez,
were killed. A� er having carried the weapon
for so long, the amazing powers had made Dez
dependant on the sword for his prowess, and when
the weapon refused to function he was powerless
against even the common thugs that a� acked
the ship. Without the constant clash of ba� le and
taste of blood that it had experienced during the
wars, Dreamshard needed a new master and chose
to abandon its former master in favor of more a
bloodthirsty wielder.
Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 25.
A� er years in the hands of the pirate band,
passed on from leader to leader, Dreamshard
resurfaced on the back of a cruel tyrant who
ruled over the seaport kingdoms with an iron i st.
Nepharys the Blooded, as the king was called, used
Dreamshard to wade personally into ba� le and cut
down opposing generals, throwing their armies
A mindblade scion of Dreamshard who does not
engage in combat at least once per week loses all
powers granted by the sword. These powers return
only a� er the mindblade scion has slain an enemy
in combat.
The wielder of Dreamshard must spend at least one
hour each day practicing swordi ghting techniques
upon waking each morning. Any day he does not
do this, the sword behaves as though the wielder
had no levels in the mindblade scion prestige
class. The character may once again gain the use
of the sword’s powers by performing the combat
exercises again any morning.
Dreamshard has the following a� ributes.
Hardness/Hit Points: 9/6
Value: To anyone other than its mindblade
scion, Dreamshard appears to be worth as much as
an intelligent +1 longsword (3,315 gp).
Intelligent: Dreamshard has Intelligence
14, Wisdom 13, and Charisma 12. Its ego is 16
and its alignment is True Neutral. Dreamshard
communicates through empathy.
Special Abilities
Dreamshard provides the following special abilities
to its wielder, depending upon the character’s level
in the mindblade scion prestige class.
Initial Abilities: When i rst acquired,
Dreamshard functions as a +1 longsword .
Intelligent Parry: The wielder of Dreamshard
gains the weapon’s insight into the ba� le
techniques used by an opponent. Occasionally, the
weapon itself will direct the scion’s actions and
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