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Registration certificate: BMW Software Service Station
Dear Customer,
You have taken delivery of the new BMW Software Service Station.
In order to ensure support within the framework of our Service Contract, please take
a few moments to fill in this registration certificate.
We require this information in order to provide optimum, swift support on all service
matters and on upgrades as they become available.
Thank you for your assistance; we wish you much success in using the new
programming station.
Your Siemens Service Centre .
In the boxes on the right, please enter:
Serial number of PC unit
The serial number of the PC unit
The serial number of the monitor
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Please fax the completed registration cer-
tificate to the Siemens Service Centre in
Serial number of monitor
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FAX No.:
(0721) 595 5252 from inside Germany
(++49 721) 595 5252 from outside
What is your postal address?
BMW Dealer No. ______________________
Company name _______________________
Road _____________________ No. _______
City ______________________ Postcode _
Country ______________________________
Tel. No. ______________________________
Fax No. _______________________________
e-mail ________________________________
VAT ID No. ___________________________
What is the address for deliveries?
(if different from postal address)
___________________________ No._______
When did you receive the SSS sys-
Who is the contact person at your
company for our service personnel?
Ms/Mr _______________________________
Tel. __________________________________
Fax __________________________________
Place ________________________________
Signature ___________________________
1185254969.020.png 1185254969.021.png 1185254969.022.png 1185254969.023.png 1185254969.001.png 1185254969.002.png 1185254969.003.png
Fault-report fax: BMW Software Service Station
Please complete and fax to the
Siemens hotline responsible for
your country.
FAX No.:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Serial number of PC unit
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
What is your postal address?
BMW Dealer No. ______________________
Company No. _________________________
Company name _______________________
Road _____________________ No. _______
City ______________________ Postcode _
Country ______________________________
Tel. No. ______________________________
Fax No. _______________________________
e-mail ________________________________
What is the address for deliveries?
(if different from postal address)
___________________________ No._______
Who is the contact person for this
fault at your company?
Ms/Mr _______________________________
Tel. __________________________________
Fax __________________________________
Please tick the relevant boxes:
Problems with the Software Service Station (SSS)
Did the fault occur during system start-up?
Did the fault occur during normal operation?
Is the monitor blank?
Mechanical fault (screen, housing, keyboard, mouse)?
Cable defective (LAN cable, power-supply cable)?
DVD drive faulty (software is not loaded)?
Other components (e.g. OPPS or diagnostic head)?
Fault message displayed: __________________________________________
Is the fault reproducible?
Does the fault only occur sporadically?
In which software version did the fault occur?
(Copy the data from the Info window of the Start mask)
Which language version is installed? ______________________________________
Was a fault message or fault number displayed?
What actions led to the fault?
In your view, what needs to be done to rectify the problem?
PC unit
Cables, leads
Material required as per parts list (see Section 2.1 of the User Guide) :
Place _________________________________
Date _________________________________
Customer's signature__________________
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