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LM12 80W Operational Amplifier
March 1995
LM12 80W Operational Amplifier
General Description
The LM12 is a power op amp capable of driving g 25V at
g 10A while operating from g 30V supplies. The monolithic
IC can deliver 80W of sine wave power into a 4 X load with
0.01% distortion. Power bandwidth is 60 kHz. Further, a
peak dissipation capability of 800W allows it to handle reac-
tive loads such as transducers, actuators or small motors
without derating. Important features include:
Y input protection
Y controlled turn on
Y thermal limiting
Y overvoltage shutdown
Y output-current limiting
Y dynamic safe-area protection
The IC delivers g 10A output current at any output voltage
yet is completely protected against overloads, including
shorts to the supplies. The dynamic safe-area protection is
provided by instantaneous peak-temperature limiting within
the power transistor array.
The turn-on characteristics are controlled by keeping the
output open-circuited until the total supply voltage reaches
14V. The output is also opened as the case temperature
exceeds 150 § C or as the supply voltage approaches the
BV CEO of the output transistors. The IC withstands overvolt-
ages to 80V.
This monolithic op amp is compensated for unity-gain feed-
back, with a small-signal bandwidth of 700 kHz. Slew rate is
9V/ m s, even as a follower. Distortion and capacitive-load
stability rival that of the best designs using complementary
output transistors. Further, the IC withstands large differen-
tial input voltages and is well behaved should the common-
mode range be exceeded.
The LM12 establishes that monolithic ICs can deliver con-
siderable output power without resorting to complex switch-
ing schemes. Devices can be paralleled or bridged for even
greater output capability. Applications include operational
power supplies, high-voltage regulators, high-quality audio
amplifiers, tape-head positioners, x-y plotters or other ser-
vo-control systems.
The LM12 is supplied in a four-lead, TO-3 package with V b
on the case. A gold-eutectic die-attach to a molybdenum
interface is used to avoid thermal fatigue problems. The
LM12 is specified for either military or commercial tempera-
ture range.
Connection Diagram
Typical Application*
4-pin glass epoxy TO-3
socket is available from
Part number 8112-AG7
*Low distortion (0.01%) audio amplifier
Bottom View
Order Number LM12CLK
See NS Package Number K04A
C 1995 National Semiconductor Corporation
RRD-B30M115/Printed in U. S. A.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales
Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.
Total Supply Voltage (Note 1)
Junction Temperature
(Note 3)
Storage Temperature Range
b 65 § Cto150 § C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds)
300 § C
Operating Ratings
Total Supply Voltage
Input Voltage
(Note 2)
Output Current
Internally Limited
15V to 60V
Case Temperature (Note 4)
0 § Cto70 § C
Electrical Characteristics (Note 4)
25 § C
Input Offset Voltage
g 10V s V S s g 0.5 V MAX ,
mV (max)
V CM e 0
Input Bias Current
V b a 4V s V CM s V a b 2V
m A (max)
Input Offset Current
V b a 4V s V CM s V a b 2V
m A (max)
Common Mode
V b a 4V s V CM s V a b 2V
dB (min)
Power Supply
V a e 0.5 V MAX ,
dB (min)
b 6V t V b t b 0.5 V MAX
V b eb 0.5 V MAX ,
6V s V a s 0.5 V MAX
dB (min)
Output Saturation
t ON e 1 ms,
D V IN e 5(10) mV,
I OUT e 1A
V (max)
V (max)
V (max)
Large Signal Voltage
t ON e 2 ms,
V SAT e 2V, I OUT e 0
V/mV (min)
V SAT e 8V, R L e 4 X
V/mV (min)
Thermal Gradient
P DISS e 50W, t ON e 65 ms
m V/W (max)
t ON e 10 ms, V DISS e 10V
A (max)
t ON e 100 ms, V DISS e 58V 1.5 0.9/0.6 A (min)
1.5 1.7 A (max)
Power Dissipation t ON e 100 ms, V DISS e 20V 100 80/55 W (min)
Rating V DISS e 58V 80 52/35 W (min)
DC Thermal Resistance (Note 5) V DISS e 20V 2.3 2.9 § C/W (max)
V DISS e 58V 2.7 4.5 § C/W (max)
AC Thermal Resistance (Note 5) 1.6 2.1 § C/W (max)
Supply Current V OUT e 0, I OUT e 0 60 120/140 mA (max)
Note 1: Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. The maximum voltage for which the LM12 is guaranteed to
operate is given in the operating ratings and in Note 4. With inductive loads or output shorts, other restrictions described in applications section apply.
Note 2. Neither input should exceed the supply voltage by more than 50 volts nor should the voltage between one input and any other terminal exceed 60 volts.
Note 3. Operating junction temperature is internally limited near 225 § C within the power transistor and 160 § C for the control circuitry.
Note 4. The supply voltage is g 30V (V MAX e 60V), unless otherwise specified. The voltage across the conducting output transistor (supply to output) is V DISS and
internal power dissipation is P DISS . Temperature range is 0 § C s T C s 70 § C where T C is the case temperature. Standard typeface indicates limits at 25 § C while
boldface type refers to limits or special conditions over full temperature range. With no heat sink, the package will heat at a rate of 35 § C/sec per 100W of
internal dissipation.
Note 5. This thermal resistance is based upon a peak temperature of 200 § C in the center of the power transistor and a case temperature of 25 § C measured at the
center of the package bottom. The maximum junction temperature of the control circuitry can be estimated based upon a dc thermal resistance of 0.9 § C/W or an ac
thermal resistance of 0.6 § C/W for any operating voltage.
Although the output and supply leads are resistant to electrostatic discharges from handling, the input leads are not.
The part should be treated accordingly.
Output-Transistor Ratings (guaranteed)
Safe Area
DC Thermal Resistance
Pulse Thermal Resistance
Typical Performance Characteristics
Pulse Power Limit
Pulse Power Limit
Peak Output Current
Output Saturation Voltage
Large Signal Response
Follower Pulse Response
Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued)
Large Signal Gain
Thermal Response
Total Harmonic Distortion
Frequency Response
Output Impedance
Power Supply Rejection
Input Bias Current
Input Noise Voltage
Common Mode Rejection
Supply Current
Supply Current
Cross-Supply Current
Application Information
Twenty five years ago the operational amplifier was a spe-
cialized design tool used primarily for analog computation.
However, the availability of low cost IC op amps in the late
1960's prompted their use in rather mundane applications,
replacing a few discrete components. Once a few basic
principles are mastered, op amps can be used to give ex-
ceptionally good results in a wide range of applications
while minimizing both cost and design effort.
The availability of a monolithic power op amp now promises
to extend these advantages to high-power designs. Some
conventional applications are given here to illustrate op amp
design principles as they relate to power circuitry. The inevi-
table fall in prices, as the economies of volume production
are realized, will prompt their use in applications that might
now seem trivial. Replacing single power transistors with an
op amp will become economical because of improved per-
formance, simplification of attendant circuitry, vastly im-
proved fault protection, greater reliability and the reduction
of design time.
Power op amps introduce new factors into the design equa-
tion. With current transients above 10A, both the inductance
and resistance of wire interconnects become important in a
number of ways. Further, power ratings are a crucial factor
in determining performance. But the power capability of the
IC cannot be realized unless it is properly mounted to an
adequate heat sink. Thus, thermal design is of major impor-
tance with power op amps.
This application summary starts off by identifying the origin
of strange problems observed while using the LM12 in a
wide variety of designs with all sorts of fault conditions. A
few simple precautions will eliminate these problems. One
would do well to read the section on supply bypassing,
lead inductance, output clamp diodes, ground loops
and reactive loading before doing any experimentation.
Should there be problems with erratic operation, blow-
outs, excessive distortion or oscillation, another look at
these sections is in order.
The management and protection circuitry can also affect
operation. Should the total supply voltage exceed ratings or
drop below 15±20V, the op amp shuts off completely. Case
temperatures above 150 § C also cause shut down until the
temperature drops to 145 § C. This may take several sec-
onds, depending on the thermal system. Activation of the
dynamic safe-area protection causes both the main feed-
back loop to lose control and a reduction in output power,
with possible oscillations. In ac applications, the dynamic
protection will cause waveform distortion. Since the LM12 is
well protected against thermal overloads, the suggestions
for determining power dissipation and heat sink require-
ments are presented last.
All op amps should have their supply leads bypassed with
low-inductance capacitors having short leads and located
close to the package terminals to avoid spurious oscillation
problems. Power op amps require larger bypass capacitors.
The LM12 is stable with good-quality electrolytic bypass ca-
pacitors greater than 20 m F. Other considerations may re-
quire larger capacitors.
The current in the supply leads is a rectified component of
the load current. If adequate bypassing is not provided, this
distorted signal can be fed back into internal circuitry. Low
distortion at high frequencies requires that the supplies be
bypassed with 470 m F or more, at the package terminals.
With ordinary op amps, lead-inductance problems are usual-
ly restricted to supply bypassing. Power op amps are also
sensitive to inductance in the output lead, particularly with
heavy capacitive loading. Feedback to the input should be
taken directly from the output terminal, minimizing common
inductance with the load. Sensing to a remote load must be
accompanied by a high-frequency feedback path directly
from the output terminal. Lead inductance can also cause
voltage surges on the supplies. With long leads to the power
source, energy stored in the lead inductance when the out-
put is shorted can be dumped back into the supply bypass
capacitors when the short is removed. The magnitude of
this transient is reduced by increasing the size of the bypass
capacitor near the IC. With 20 m F local bypass, these volt-
age surges are important only if the lead length exceeds a
couple feet ( l 1 m H lead inductance). Twisting together the
supply and ground leads minimizes the effect.
With fast, high-current circuitry, all sorts of problems can
arise from improper grounding. In general, difficulties can be
avoided by returning all grounds separately to a common
point. Sometimes this is impractical. When compromising,
special attention should be paid to the ground returns for
the supply bypasses, load and input signal. Ground planes
also help to provide proper grounding.
Many problems unrelated to system performance can be
traced to the grounding of line-operated test equipment
used for system checkout. Hidden paths are particularly dif-
ficult to sort out when several pieces of test equipment are
used but can be minimized by using current probes or the
new isolated oscilloscope pre-amplifiers. Eliminating any di-
rect ground connection between the signal generator and
the oscilloscope synchronization input solves one common
When a push-pull amplifier goes into power limit while driv-
ing an inductive load, the stored energy in the load induc-
tance can drive the output outside the supplies. Although
the LM12 has internal clamp diodes that can handle several
amperes for a few milliseconds, extreme conditions can
cause destruction of the IC. The internal clamp diodes are
imperfect in that about half the clamp current flows into the
supply to which the output is clamped while the other half
flows across the supplies. Therefore, the use of external
diodes to clamp the output to the power supplies is strongly
recommended. This is particularly important with higher sup-
ply voltages.
Experience has demonstrated that hard-wire shorting the
output to the supplies can induce random failures if these
external clamp diodes are not used and the supply voltages
are above g 20V. Therefore it is prudent to use output-
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