my so-called life 1x02 - dancing in the dark.txt

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00:00:01:movie info: DX50 640x480 29.970fps 267.4 MB|/SubEdit b.3886 (
00:01:18:<i>To journey beyond the reaches of</i>|<i>our solar system to the closest star, , ,</i>
00:01:22:<i>would mean travellng the dlstance</i>|<i>of more than flve trllllon mlles,</i>
00:01:29:<i>Yet the dlmenslons of the cosmos</i>|<i>are so unlmaglnably vast, , ,</i>
00:01:34:<i>unlts of measurement become, , ,</i>
00:01:36:<i>l've been klssed three tlmes,</i>|<i>No, four tlmes,</i>
00:01:42:<i>No, three tlmes, All of them</i>|<i>were people l never saw agaln, , ,</i>
00:01:48:<i>whlch l hope</i>|<i>doesn't mean somethlng,</i>
00:01:55:<i>One was thls counselor</i>|<i>at thls YM C A camp,</i>
00:02:02:<i>Except he already had a glrlfrlend,</i>
00:02:18:<i>, , , under all thls pressure, , ,</i>
00:02:21:<i>the lnner core of the star</i>|<i>now lmplodes vlolently, , ,</i>
00:02:24:<i>produclng an exploslon</i>|<i>of unparalleled lntenslty,</i>
00:02:33:<i>One was thls usher at my mother's</i>|<i>cousln's weddlng two years ago,</i>
00:02:41:<i>The weddlng was ln Mllwaukee,</i>
00:02:47:<i>We stayed over at a motor</i>|<i>lodge wlth a heated pool,</i>
00:02:53:<i>lt was a double rlng ceremony,</i>
00:02:59:<i>He was starlng at me</i>|<i>all through the ceremony,</i>
00:03:08:<i>Later, , ,</i>
00:03:10:<i>l found out he only klssed me</i>|<i>because he had lost a bet,</i>
00:03:27:<i>The thlrd klss ls the</i>|<i>hardest to descrlbe,</i>
00:03:32:<i>lt was thls guy l met on</i>|<i>the beach last summer,</i>
00:03:39:<i>lt was Labor Day,</i>
00:03:42:<i>lt was the day l swam out too far,</i>
00:03:54:<i>That was the most excltlng one, , ,</i>
00:04:01:<i>except lt may not count</i>|<i>as an actual klss, , ,</i>
00:04:06:<i>slnce l was klnd of unconsclous,</i>
00:04:19:<i>l've never had an actual boyfrlend,</i>|<i>l don't know lf that's normal or not,</i>
00:04:23:- You know that girl Dana?|- Dana Odinger?
00:04:26:Dana. Hey!
00:04:27:She has hair tails, and|three little studs in each ear.
00:04:30:She used to wear her eyeliner pointy|and now she wears it smudged.
00:04:32:And her feet are perfect,|small with a really high arch.
00:04:36:- So, what about her?|- Nothing, she just annoys me.
00:04:39:Her lips are so puffed out|it's like she siliconed them.
00:04:43:Really?|Do you think she did?
00:04:45:You think|she siliconed her lips, really?
00:04:51:Angela, he's gone. You can|talk like a normal person.
00:04:54:Oh, God.
00:04:56:You have to progress to the next|phase. Think of Rickie and me.
00:04:59:How much more can we take?
00:05:01:l just don't want to look like|l'm throwing myself at him.
00:05:06:Excuse me, people throwing|themselves at people. . .
00:05:09:is like the basis of civilization.
00:05:13:She has a point.
00:05:17:<i>lf Jordan Catalano ls nearby,</i>|<i>my entlre body knows lt,</i>
00:05:22:<i>Llke one of those dogs that polnt,</i>|<i>l'll keep talklng and stuff, , ,</i>
00:05:26:<i>but my mlnd won't even</i>|<i>know what l'm saylng,</i>
00:05:29:<i>l keep wonderlng lf</i>|<i>there's a term for thls,</i>
00:05:31:Okay, now before|we cut our hearts open. . .
00:05:34:People, it's a pig heart.
00:05:40:Students opposed to the practice|of vivisection may do research. . .
00:05:44:at the library instead, but you|must put this belief in writing.
00:05:48:Now, to review, an|experiment must test a what?
00:05:54:A hypothesis.
00:05:57:And a hypothesis consists|of several. . . anybody?
00:06:02:Several assumptions.
00:06:05:And true experimentation|depends upon. . . guys?
00:06:10:Precision, observation, and|clear concise communication.
00:06:17:l said, l'm leaving now, so. . .
00:06:21:- l guess l don't rate a kiss anymore.|- Wait, what?
00:06:26:Nothing. lt's just you don't kiss me|goodbye in the mornings anymore.
00:06:30:Patty, we'll be seeing each|other in forty minutes.
00:06:33:J ust because we're working together|now that's no reason to stop--
00:06:35:l mean, this isn't the|time to start anything.
00:06:38:Oh, l'm sorry, l forgot, a kiss|must result in intercourse.
00:06:42:Well, it's a law in this state.
00:06:49:There can be no kissing for kissing's|sake a kiss must lead somewhere.
00:06:54:Where did they drill that|into you? Was it shop class?
00:06:59:l can't believe it.
00:07:00:l swore l would never fight with you|again this early in the morning.
00:07:03:This isn't a fight, it's goodbye.
00:07:16:What are the elements|of a true experiment?
00:07:19:And what sort of activity|is an experiment?
00:07:22:lt's a purposeful activity,|designed to solve a what?
00:07:27:A particular problem.
00:07:42:How much money did you lose?
00:07:47:So, Catalano. So, Tino says you|can get my girlfriend a fake l D.
00:07:53:So? So could Tino.
00:07:56:Oh yeah, see, he does me|so many favors l feel like. . .
00:07:59:l'm wearing him thin.
00:08:02:Kind of with that out of state look?|Like from Georgia or something?
00:08:06:My girlfriend really|needs one. Angela?
00:08:09:- lt's like an emergency.|- Why doesn't she ask for herself?
00:08:15:That's a long story.|She's. . . French !
00:08:22:She's from France.
00:08:27:Get out of here.
00:08:28:Seriously. And with|certain words she'll like. . .
00:08:32:forget how to pronounce|them, or something.
00:08:36:lt's like a mental|block type of thing.
00:08:39:- That girl l see you with. . .|- Angela. Chase.
00:08:44:ls French?
00:08:46:She was born there, l mean she|hasn't lived there in quite a while.
00:08:50:She's a U S citizen and all.
00:08:59:What kind of l D?
00:09:03:Okay, important. l need to see|the hands of those handing in. . .
00:09:06:their extra credit|experiments on Friday.
00:09:10:Okay, J ustin, Sonya.
00:09:15:Angela! Angela!
00:09:17:M ichael are you and|Sonya working together?
00:09:19:Come here!
00:09:22:Okay, so that's Jeremy. . .
00:09:25:Charlotte, Tiffany. . .
00:09:30:Sean, Yvette. . .
00:09:35:Leander. . .
00:09:38:Sharon. . .
00:09:42:Shane and. . . Brian?
00:09:47:- What happened to your lab partner?|- She almost fainted. So. . .
00:09:54:And your extra credit project is?
00:09:58:Controlled release of energy.|Construction and use of a volumeter.
00:10:03:ls that something you worked|on alone or with Angela?
00:10:06:With Angela.
00:10:09:Okay, people? Your hearts|must be clearly labeled. . .
00:10:12:before returning them to the cart.
00:10:15:Please do not drip.
00:10:23:Like Angela really helped|you with your volumeter?
00:10:26:She's planning to.
00:10:28:Look l mean, why would|l say it if it wasn't true?
00:10:31:Why would you say she was|fainting? Okay, what was that?
00:10:35:l mean, some of us|actually work, you know?
00:10:38:We don't just expect extra credit|because our lab partner is smart.
00:10:44:She takes advantage of you,|and you totally let her.
00:10:49:l pity you.
00:10:58:Oh, my God. . .
00:10:60:Hey, l did it for you.|lt's a good thing.
00:11:03:- lt's a definite good thing.|- Wait, you were there, too?
00:11:06:No, but she told me|the whole thing.
00:11:10:l bet people can actually|die of embarrassment. . .
00:11:12:l bet it's been medically proven.
00:11:15:Worst case, you get an out of|state l D, which you need anyway.
00:11:18:J ust wait.
00:11:21:- Tell me everything he said.|- You will definitely thank me.
00:11:24:lt's true. . . l mean from what she|told me, which was everything.
00:11:29:- You should be thanking me right now.|- God, let's stop talking about this.
00:11:35:So, how did he act?|Did he act bored, or. . .
00:11:41:He flopped on the floor,|uncontrollably, okay?
00:11:45:- Rickie had to hold down his tongue. . .|- And l wasn't even there.
00:11:54:Hey, Chase!
00:11:57:<i>What l dread, ls when</i>|<i>people who know you, , ,</i>
00:11:60:<i>ln completely dlfferent ways</i>|<i>end up ln the same area,</i>
00:12:04:Thanks for leaving me a|whole heart to clean up.
00:12:06:<i>And you have to develop thls</i>|<i>comblnatlon you, on the spot,</i>
00:12:10:So Chavatal, she thinks we're|both working on my volumeter.
00:12:14:H is what?
00:12:16:lt's this experiment.|There's like a mouse involved.
00:12:18:What's your name again?
00:12:20:So you think that's fair? l mean|l do all the work and you just. . .
00:12:23:- l never said l was doing it.|- She's giving you credit, so. . .
00:12:27:Look, l already executed|the entire apparatus. . .
00:12:30:The apparatus. . .
00:12:34:So, l think the least you can do,|is just help me work on it.
00:12:38:Tomorrow night. Because. . .
00:12:40:He wants you|to work on his apparatus.
00:12:43:J ust shut up, okay?
00:12:44:- What would your parents say?|- They are out of town, which is. . .
00:12:49:- Which has nothing to do. . .|- She'll be there.
00:12:51:- Rayanne!|- What?
00:12:57:- Rayanne!|- What? This is perfect.
00:12:59:- As what?|- Excuse me, what is a volumeter?
00:13:02:As a place to bring Jordan Catalano.
00:13:05:Are you crazy? Were you|raised in a satanic cult?
00:13:09:She wishes.
00:13:11:Jordan Catalano?|At Brian Krakow's house?
00:13:16:lt's like against|nature or something.
00:13:19:Chase! Are you goin...
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