My So-Called Life - Episode 14 - On the Wagon - [Ripped by Jeromeo].txt

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00:01:17:- Oh, my God.|- What are you doing?
00:01:20:- l'm sorry!|- Slow down, slow down ! Hey!
00:01:24:- Help me! What am l doing?|- What do you think you're doing?
00:01:27:- l don't know!|- Stop the car!
00:01:30:- No!|- Stop the car! Stop-- J ust stop!
00:01:38:You shouldn't have let me.|l told you l couldn't drive.
00:01:41:This is only my second time. . .
00:01:47:behind the wheel.
00:01:53:l'm really sorry.|l couldn't find the brake.
00:01:56:How long are we supposed|to keep doing this?
00:02:01:l don't know.|l mean, what do you mean?
00:02:06:You know what l mean.
00:02:09:Well, yes, l . . .
00:02:12:What do you want me to do?
00:02:15:l know what|you want me to do, but. . .
00:02:21:Do you ever get obsessed with the|rear-view mirror while you're driving?
00:02:27:Look, can't we just. . .
00:02:31:J ust what? J ust do it?|Right here in a parking lot?
00:02:38:We're not in a parking lot.|We're in a car.
00:02:44:Why? Where do you want to do it?
00:02:47:l don't know. How about|in my room tonight. . .
00:02:50:after my parents fall asleep?|But we'll have to be really quiet.
00:02:55:What, you actually expect me|to choose a place?
00:03:09:l better go to geometry.
00:03:21:Look at that Cynthia Hargrove.
00:03:23:lt's a pierced nose. lt's not like|an actual personality, or something.
00:03:27:- Who were you trashing?|- Cynthia Hargrove's nose stud.
00:03:32:lt's too small.|lt's like a semi-precious pimple.
00:03:35:She's such a sleaze.|You are like such an improvement.
00:03:38:What do you mean? You mean Jordan|went out with Cynthia Hargrove?
00:03:43:Well, went out. l mean, l don't know|how many outside locations. . .
00:03:47:they actually went to.
00:03:50:But, she's someone|Jordan used to, um. . .
00:03:53:- Yes, Jordan used to ''um'' her.|- You must have known that. l did.
00:03:57:l must have blanked it out.|lt's okay. lt's no big deal.
00:04:01:l just didn't quite know about|Cynthia Hargrove. So, now l know.
00:04:08:They obviously haven't ''um-ed'' yet.
00:04:13:<i>l couldn't stop thlnklng about lt,</i>
00:04:15:<i>The fact of lt, that people had sex,</i>
00:04:21:<i>But they just had lt, llke sex was</i>|<i>thls thlng people had, llke a rash,</i>
00:04:28:<i>Or a rottweller,</i>
00:04:30:<i>Everythlng started to seem</i>|<i>pornographlc or somethlng,</i>
00:04:35:<i>Llke, M rs, Krysanowskl has sex,</i>|<i>So does M r, Katlmsky,</i>
00:04:41:<i>They both have sex,</i>|<i>They could have sex together,</i>
00:04:44:<i>Llke rlght now,</i>|<i>l am, llke, the slckest person,</i>
00:04:51:Anyways, so yes,|we're looking forward to it.
00:04:55:Mom, if you had the flu shot,|then how come you're sick?
00:04:59:Okay, we'll see you Friday.
00:05:01:l'm not sick. Sometimes|the flu shot makes you a little sick.
00:05:06:That was Hallie Lowenthal.|They accept.
00:05:09:- Great.|- Who's Hallie Lowenthal?
00:05:11:Someone in daddy's cooking class|who we invited to dinner. . .
00:05:14:with her fianc<i>?</i>e.|What's her fianc<i>?</i>e's name again?
00:05:20:- That is such a perfect fianc<i>?</i>e name.|- lsn't it?
00:05:24:- Angela?|<i>- Mom, l'm not hungry,</i>
00:05:28:Mom says l have to have a flu shot.|Do l have to have a flu shot?
00:05:32:You know, l know exactly|what's going to happen.
00:05:35:lt's going to be 1 0 o'clock at night,|she's going to be poking around. . .
00:05:38:in that kitchen like Princess Di|asking you to make her something.
00:05:41:<i>l heard that!</i>|<i>And l won't be hungry later,</i>
00:05:44:Well, good, because|we're not running a restaurant.
00:05:47:Lisa Yamamoto had a flu shot,|and it was like, three inches long.
00:05:52:We said we wanted to meet|this Jordan if they're going out.
00:05:57:Are they? Going out?
00:05:59:They're not going out.|l would know if they're going out.
00:06:01:Doesn't he drive her home sometimes?
00:06:03:We don't even know what kind of|a driver he is. Not to mention. . .
00:06:09:Not to mention|what else we can't mention.
00:06:13:Exactly. And he has a car.|A car has doors and seats.
00:06:18:Oh, God.
00:06:20:They may as well|have their own apartment.
00:06:22:Do l have to?
00:06:24:We have to meet him.|We have to be firm and consistent.
00:06:27:Get a flu shot?
00:06:28:- No.|- Yes.
00:06:34:Yes. He affirmed firmly.
00:06:37:When you said what else they could|be doing, did you mean foreplay?
00:07:16:Who's there?
00:07:34:- Hey.|- H i.
00:07:39:<i>lt's a dream, l'm havlng a dream,</i>
00:07:43:<i>l've had thls dream,</i>|<i>only wlthout the cold cuts,</i>
00:07:49:What are you doing here? lt's late.
00:07:53:lt's really--|My parents are right upstairs.
00:07:57:- They are?|- Well, they live here.
00:08:02:You said you wanted to do it in your|room while your parents were sleeping.
00:08:06:l was joking.|Seriously, you have to go.
00:08:27:Do you know that empty house. . .
00:08:29:- on Cloverdale?|- Wait a second.
00:08:31:The one that's been for sale,|like forever?
00:08:34:Tino found a way to get in,|through this window in the back.
00:08:39:So people have been going there,|you know, to have a place to go.
00:08:49:So you want to? Friday night?
00:08:54:Like breaking and entering?
00:08:57:J ust entering.
00:09:02:So we can, you know,|be somewhere.
00:09:09:<i>- Angela?</i>|- Mom?
00:09:20:Didn't l predict this? Didn't l predict|that this would happen?
00:09:26:Didn't l tell you|you would be hungry later?
00:09:28:Yes. Right. Mom, listen. . .
00:09:31:Now look, l'm not trying to interfere,|but it's just that. . .
00:09:35:l think it's important that we all|eat dinner together as a family.
00:09:40:No, me, too. l agree.|Absolutely. As a family.
00:09:45:Okay. Finish up whatever it is|you're nibbling on in there. . .
00:09:49:and don't leave a mess|for me to clean up.
00:09:52:And don't forget what we talked|about tonight about daddy and me. . .
00:09:55:- meeting your friend Jordan.|- l won't.
00:10:00:What? Sweetheart, there's|nothing to be embarrassed about.
00:10:04:You like this Jordan,|l have no problem with that.
00:10:07:- We just want to meet him !|- Okay.
00:10:24:- So, you like me?|- Shut up.
00:10:27:- You're mother says you like me.|- Shut up!
00:10:32:- So, Friday night?|- Yes, right. The house.
00:10:39:-There are eight bedrooms.|- That many.
00:11:13:- Sharon, hi.|- H i.
00:11:18:l'm returning|your mom's chafing dish.
00:11:21:And you're supposed to tell her thanks|from my mom.
00:11:25:She's about to pick me up any minute|to take me to get a flu shot.
00:11:28:l hate shots. Well--
00:11:31:So, you and Kyle broke up?
00:11:36:l mean, was there a reason?
00:11:40:l guess l'd have to say|it was my beliefs.
00:11:44:l didn't feel like|l should give up my beliefs.
00:11:49:Even for Kyle.
00:11:51:<i>So Sharon had bellefs,</i>|<i>Sharon had declded to stay a vlrgln,</i>
00:11:56:So how do you. . .
00:11:59:l mean, you just told him|that you didn't want to. . .
00:12:04:you know, have sex with him. . .
00:12:07:no matter how much|he was expecting it?
00:12:09:No. no, no. We had sex.
00:12:13:l'm saying l had a belief that he|was being a butthead, which was true.
00:12:17:- You had intercourse?|- Constantly.
00:12:23:Okay, come on. Angela's next.
00:12:25:l was like, get it over with. And|Dr. Skolnick was like, l already did.
00:12:30:- See you outside.|- lt doesn't even hurt that much.
00:12:34:- Don't say hello or anything.|- H i, Dr. Skolnick.
00:12:38:Hello, Angela.|Something is very wrong.
00:12:44:You seem to have|become 1 5 years old.
00:12:48:Dr. Skolnick, l had a question about. . .
00:12:55:well, a medical question. . .
00:12:58:- for a research project at school.|- Sure. What's the question?
00:13:03:Well, it's a question about|percentages.
00:13:09:Of what's normal. You know,|in terms of what people actually do.
00:13:16:l mean, people my age.|l just need to see some statistics.
00:13:25:Sorry. Angela, l think l know what|you're trying to ask. . .
00:13:32:and as somebody who's|known you for several years now. . .
00:13:36:if you need to talk about anything,|l'm always here.
00:13:39:But as your doctor, l have to say,|at the risk of being intrusive. . .
00:13:45:l urge you, please,|use a condom and a sponge.
00:13:57:No. l definitely said this Friday.
00:14:00:No, Patty, the point is they're here.|They're in our living room.
00:14:04:l can hold dinner|for a little while, but--
00:14:08:Okay, okay, all right, all right.|Don't work too hard.
00:14:11:l'll see you at 8: 00.
00:14:20:Well, somebody|has to turn up the heat.
00:14:22:- Careful. You'll burn the house down.|- Why simmer when you can boil?
00:14:26:She's a terrible cook,|but you must already know that. . .
00:14:29:as her cooking teacher.|That's why she needs you.
00:14:31:That's not why l need him. . .
00:14:33:l need him because|he's going to make us all rich.
00:14:36:- Where's the bathroom?|- lt's up there to your right.
00:14:39:Thank you.
00:14:40:What do you mean l'm going|to make us all-- What does she mean?
00:14:43:<i>Don't tell hlm, Brad,</i>|<i>l want to tell hlm,</i>
00:14:46:- lt's this thing we've been talking.|<i>- Shut up, Brad!</i>
00:14:49:She wants to open a restaurant|in the near future. . .
00:14:51:- and she wants you to work for it.|- What? Are you serious?
00:14:55:- She wants to open a restaurant?|- Why did you tell him?
00:14:58:l wanted ...
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