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You want the girl. You want the ride. You want to
discipline the streets with extreme prejudice. And all the
while you want the governor to cut million dollar checks to
cover all the damage youÓre going to cause getting there.
Those are some lofty ambitions, but it can be done. With
IGN Guides in the passenger seat, youÓll learn the apexes,
hairpins, chicanes, and all the other weird-sounding
places of Need for Speed: Most WantedÓs numerous
tracks. And when the whirling dervishes of RockportÓs
finest come in to bust up the party, you can evade them
with almost supernatural intuition. With out help, youÓre
going to be the most wanted, most notorious street racing
criminal in RockportÓs history.
In this Need for Speed Most Wanted strategy guide, you'll find:
Basics: Discover the physics of Need for Speed: Most Wanted and strategies for success in every mode.
Tracks: A screenshot-intensive guide to the roads of Rockport.
Career Mode: Find out who youÓre up against and what challenges theyÓve set down for you.
Secrets: Every car revealed, along with some codes for your cheatinÓ heart.
Just donÓt forget to send us a postcard.
Guide by: Alex Vo
This PDF Guide is property of IGN Entertainment. Any unlawful duplication or posting of this document without the consent of IGN
Entertainment will result in legal action.
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Which car is best?
As companies try to make their games more accessible to a broad audience, this becomes something of an irrelevant
concern. While every car in the game has its base attributes and a Lamborghini is obviously going to have an easier
time carving up the road than a VW Golf, with enough time and money you can get your car to virtually any level of
performance. The Performance Tuning option in the start menu even lets you fix your car on the fly and adapt to any
Scan the Road
What was one of the first things you learn when you were preparing for your driverÓs test, besides gas on right, brakes
on the left, and not skimping on an air freshener? Constantly scan the road. Look for debris, traffic, any other
obstructions between the start and finish lines.
Sounds obvious, right? Remember that some objects wonÓt react realistically to your car. All cars, boxes, street signs
and lamps can be knocked out of the way. Church signs or hospital signs canÓt. And learn which trees will bend to your
will and which wonÓt.
DonÓt get surprised by the twists and turns of the track. Look at the minimap in the left-hand corner of the screen every
few seconds. Not only do you get to see about a quarter-mile ahead, but you may also learn what shortcuts your
opponents are using.
In the first half of career Mode and on lower difficulty settings, the AI only uses shortcuts after you set the precedent or
if theyÓre really far behind. So if youÓre ahead, it helps to keep tabs on your opponents via the minimap to see what
routes theyÓre taking to catch up. This switches in the latter half of the game so if your opponents are ahead, eyeball
the minimap to see which shortcuts theyÓre using.
Perfect Launch
With practice, youÓll get that Perfect Launch every time. At the beginning of the race, rev the car and keep your eye on
the tachometer needle. Whenever it turns blue, youÓre in the Perfect Launch zone and if itÓs blue when the start timer
reaches zero, youÓll smoke everyone right then and there. Keep in mind that each car has its own Perfect Launch zone
and modifying your car will also alter how much you need to rev your car to find it.
Very rarely will you need to apply the brakes. Plan ahead and let off the gas at the appropriate time, steering as gently
or as harshly as necessary. Like in life or any other racing game, start speeding up in the middle of the turn. As you
become more experienced with the game, youÓll be able to gauge how much steering force you need to apply to when
turning by looking at the angle of the turn on the minimap.
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Thanks to the ever lovable catch up Mode which often gives AI cars a magical sudden spurt of speed at the end of
races, nitro often decides whose nose crosses the finish line first. ItÓs not available at the beginning of the game, but
once itÓs in your inventory, try using it at the end of every turn to quickly regain speed. In addition, using nitro causes
the rear to descend, centering your car into a straight line. ItÓs the fastest and easiest way to stabilize, whether itÓs after
a crash, a turn, or on a trip onto loose dirt and grass. Nitro refills as you drive and once you cross the 100 MPH mark, it
nearly doubles its refill rate.
Speedbreaker, which slows the game to a crawl and makes your car very sensitive to the touch, is more useful than
you may think. Hit the Speedbreaker when beginning an acute angle turn, and then nitro to straighten out and speed
up. It takes practice, but youÓll soon be able to take every hard turn with total precision and minimal loss of speed.
Pursuit Breakers
Pursuit Breakers, big things being held up by teeny tiny pillars, come in many forms: a big donut sign, the overhang
above gas pumps, makeshift scaffoldings around construction sites, and other such props. TheyÓre primarily used to
ditch the police during a pursuit, but theyÓre also valuable in putting some distance between you and the competition in
racing modes.
Sprint Mode Basics
Sprint Mode is arguably the most difficult mode in the game: not only do you have to drive as quickly as possible and
get only one chance to utilize the shortcuts and Pursuit Breakers, but you have do it all while contending with up to
three other racers with the same goal in mind.
This guide primarily focuses on sprint tracks. But because all tracks across all modes overlap with each other, weÓve
included a cheat sheet that details which tracks share the same shortcuts, Pursuit Breakers, and fastest race lines with
its sprint track brethren. Once youÓve mastered the Sprint tracks, the rest of the game falls into place.
Circuit Mode
Circuit Mode is like Sprint Mode, except the tracks are shorter and you do them over and over and over. The same
principles of Sprint Mode apply here, except that youÓll want to save the Pursuit Breakers for the last lap. Because
catch up Mode is always in effect, any slowdown you cause your AI opponents in the beginning is virtually worthless:
by the final lap theyÓll be back on your tail, without fail. Using the Pursuit Breaker on the last lap gives them less time to
catch up.
Speedtrap Mode
Speedtrap Mode sprinkles the track with traffic cameras, which records how fast youÓre going as you cross their path.
The person that accumulates the highest number of recorded speed wins the race. For this mode, youÓll want to ignore
all shortcuts and focus on picking up as much speed as possible on the real track. Burn up all of your nitro as you
approach the camera, and then refill it in-between cameras.
However, donÓt fall behind first place: every second that passes after first place crosses the finish line, six miles is
scratched off your accumulated miles record.
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Tollbooth Mode
Like a Practice Mode, but with no dilly-dallying. ItÓs just you, the open road, and a hell of a lot of tollbooths. Each track
has several tollbooths that you need to cross within a certain amount of time in order to continue. All of the time you
have leftover after crossing a tollbooth increases the amount of time you have to cross the next tollbooth so, like
Speedtrap, its beneficial to use all of your nitro right before a tollbooth.
(Note: Tollbooth tracks are available only in Career Mode.)
Drag Mode
In Drag Mode, you donÓt need to worry about turning: just hold down the Accelerate Button and the game will do the
rest. Not crashing and burning, however, is still up to you.
Drag Mode eschews transmission options and designates your car as a manual The tracks may be short, but that only
means less time for you to recover should you make a mistake. Thus, itÓs imperative that you get the Perfect Launch
each and every time, not to mention perfect shifts. Arrows occasionally appear in the center of the screen as you drive
in Drag Mode, denoting windows of opportunities to shift. The appearance of the blue arrow means that itÓs a good
time to shift but you wonÓt get the greatest speed increase. ItÓs when the arrow turns green that youÓll want to shift up to
the next gear. If the arrow turns red, youÓre over revving and in danger of overheating your engine, a race-sacrificing
Weaving through traffic is the most useful tactic during drag races. Whenever you pass a car to your left or right, itÓs
usually a good idea to merge into that lane since it remains clear for a while.
HereÓs where the real fun begins. YouÓll be engaged in Pursuit Mode if you purposely choose to pick a fight from the
menu or if the police happen to randomly stumble into one your in-progress races. In the case of the latter, youÓll have to
contend with the police, along with everything else, up until the finish line. After the race, youÓll be tossed into Pursuit
Mode, where you have free reign over the city. Drive anywhere and everywhere; whatever it takes to evade the police.
Heat decides how aggressive the police will be and what kind of arsenal theyÓll pull out. Heat increases over time
during pursuits regardless of your actions and you wonÓt be able to reach high Heat Levels earlier on in the game.
Whenever you evade the police, Heat also decides how quickly the Cooldown Meter fills up. In order words, how long
it takes for the police to lose interest in you and disappear.
To decrease your heat, go into any car shop and start
changing the visuals on your car. The easiest way is to
change the carÓs body kit and give it a new paint job.
Heat Level 1: Nothing to worry about. Civic cruisers that
you can run into at high speeds and knock over occupy
this level.
Heat Level 2: You start to see undercover cruisers,
which are tougher than the civic cruisers. Also, thereÓll
be the occasional vehicle roadblock.
Heat Level 3: This level introduces state pursuit cars.
YouÓll want to stop aggressively attacking around this
point as pursuit cars are next to impossible to knock
Heat Level 4: Start panicking. SUVs, which always travel in pairs, will try to ram you head-on. Always dodge them,
using Speedbreaker if necessary. Helicopters hover over you, meaning evasion is impossible unless you go into a
roofed area. The helicopter comes one at a time and stick around for two to three minutes before leaving to refuel.
YouÓll have about a minute of privacy to evade the police before another helicopter arrives. The police will also begin to
lay down lethal spike strips. See below for more on road blocks and spike strips.
Heat Level 5: More of everything, and faster. The helicopter will occasionally swoop down. Use Speedbreaker to
dodge it; otherwise youÓll fly like a punted Mighty Mouse.
Heat Level 6: Congratulations if you reach this level. Also, itÓs been nice knowing you. See the end of Career Mode for
the details.
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Hiding Spots
During Cooldown Mode, look for white circles on the minimap. These are semi-private areas that you can drive into to
quickly increase the Cooldown Meter. In the first two Heat Levels, finding the hiding spots isnÓt that significant since the
Cooldown Meter goes up at a tremendous rate. But by Heat Level 3, the hiding spots become priceless, and evasion is
practically an impossibility without them.
BountyÓs the cash number dangling over your head thatÓs tempting every last police officer in Rockport. The higher
your heat level, the longer you evade them, and the more destruction you cause to their cars during Pursuit Mode, the
higher your bounty climbs.
Cost to State
Virtually everything you collide into will increase this number. It has no function except for milestones. You can also
marvel at high it can climb in later pursuits.
In addition to finishing a certain number of races and meeting a bounty requirement, each Blacklist member has a list
of milestones, which range from achieving a minimum cost to state and bounty during a pursuit, evading the police
under a set time, or going fast enough to get your license plate photographed by traffic cameras.
Evading the Police
The police are quite awful at dodging Pursuit Breakers and taking turns. Look for sharp S-curves and ditch them.
The freeway has its advantages and disadvantages. The lanes are wide and there are no obstructions (besides
concrete medians) that you can crash into. This is good if youÓre looking to increase bounty, Heat Level, or fulfill a
milestone that requires you to keep the pursuit going on for a certain time. But if youÓre actively trying to end the
pursuit, the freewayÓs a trap. ItÓs hard to shake the police with such wide curves and even if you do, there are no hiding
The police travel in waves. Each wave will thin out over time; some o fall behind while others collide into something
and take critical damage. When the police herd is running low, a Backup Timer will pop up at the bottom. This is how
much time you have left to evade the police before it starts all over again.
The key is to drive down the same streets in an obvious, repetitive figure, like a circle. Driving recklessly down random
foreign streets will only cause confusion.
Use the Speedbreaker when youÓre approaching a roadblock. Be wary of empty spots in the roadblock: those are
where the spike strips. Line up with the gap between two cars in the roadblock and nitro through it. Never aim for the
front of a police car or where the engine is.
Turn off the Xbox. You wonÓt lose any data since Need for Speed autosaves after every completed race and pursuit.
Not only that, every time the Xbox is shut off, the Heat Level on your car goes down a couple of bars.
The Pursuit Mode Sweet Spot
Feeling lazy? Mischievous? Want to clear some milestones and score a couple million in bounty and cost to state in one
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