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Is it that time already? Yep, it seems the latest Need for Speed is
ready, and this one is an attempt to combine the best of Underground
and Most Wanted into one very slick package. It feels good to get
back to Palmont City, even if it has shattered into a hotly contested
war zone by the local gangs. Luckily these are fun-loving gangs who
settle all their feuds honorably through underground street races;
quite the conquest opportunity for the aspiring motorist.
It's also the largest Need for Speed yet, with more tracks, more cars,
and more events than ever. It can be quite a lot to swallow, and that's
why IGN is here with our handy reference guide to help you through
your climb to the top.
In this Need for Speed Carbon strategy guide, you'll find:
BASICS // We take you back to school with the tips you need to win races.
CAREER MODE // Strategies for taking over Palmont City.
CARS // Every Car in the game, from Mazdas to Dump Trucks.
TRACKS // Maps, including hazards and shortcuts, for every track.
Guide by: Travis Fahs
This PDF Guide is property of IGN Entertainment. Any unlawful duplication or posting of this document without the consent of IGN Entertainment will result in legal
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Driving School
The most important thing to learn before hitting the road is how to use the game's physics to your advantage. This is not
your usual powersliding Daytona USA affair, nor is it the uber-sim struggle to control your car that is TOCA. Need for
Speed: Carbon gives you a pretty stable control, but there's not a lot of drift to it.
The key to maintaining speed is to learn the best lines to handle turns, since you can't slide to turn on a dime. To make a
sharp left, for example, you'd want to go to the right side of the road first, giving yourself room to cut across.
To handle a hairpin you want to stay to the outside wall as you come into the turn, and then cut across the inside of the
turn, and back to the outside along the other side. Don't make your turns sharp; use your inertia to your advantage. In an
S-curve, hug the insides of the bends so that your car can take a straighter path. It's all about finding room, and knowing
just how much to slow down so you can still make a turn with what you have,
NOS and Speedbreaker
You'll have two special tools to help you as you race. Nitros should be pretty familiar to you if you play a lot of arcade-
style racers. You can hit your Nitro for a burst of extra speed. It'll drain a meter the longer your hold it. Your meter will
refill as you drive at high speeds. Ration it properly. Use it to get rolling again after mistakes, and on straightaways
where you can really hit those high speeds.
Speedbreaker is a slow-motion bullet-time effect that can be useful in certain situations, but should be used sparingly.
When Speedbreaker is activated time will slow down, and you'll be able to steer your car on a dime. It won't, however,
change your inertia, and using Speedbreaker to round sharp turns may cost you time in the end. Use it to save your ass
and keep from missing turns at the last second, but don't become too dependent on it. Like the nitros, it also drains a bar
that refills as your drive, and can be rationed.
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You'll also be able to bring along a wingman in most of your races. Each crew member will have two skills, one to help
you during races, and one to help you after the race has ended. In-race skills are activated as you race and also depend
on a bar that need to be refilled, just like nitros and speed breaker. The in-race skills are as follows:
Blockers: These guys are good to have a spot behind you. They'll sacrifice their position to seriously screw up
anyone behind you. Try to use them in narrow passes for the best results.
Drafters : These guys can get in front of you and, when activated, leave a slipstream for you to gain some
momentum and slingshot ahead.
Scouts: These guys will find every back alley and narrow shortcut for you to help you find the best patch to
victory. They're probably the least useful as you shouldn't have too much trouble finding short cuts on your own,
and if you do, you'll find them marked in this guide.
In addition to these skills, each crew member will have one of three garage skills. A crew member does not have to be
active to take advantage of these skills as long as you have hired him/her:
Fixer: Can lower the heat on your car.
Fabricator: Can Autosculpt kits for you car.
Mechanic: Lowers prices on parts and cars.
Driving School
Sprint:This is your basic race to the finish line. Sprints will pit you against a number of opponents and nothing matters
but who crosses the line first. Be aggressive, keep your opponents from passing, and make good use of your wingman.
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Circuit:More or less the same event as sprints, but you'll need to take two laps around. These races tend to be longer
than sprints, so pace yourself.
Speedtrap: These races aren't about who finishes first. There will be several speed traps along the course. They'll be
marked on the mini-map and clearly visible. Each trap will record your speed as you pass. Whoever has the highest total
wins. Try to maintain a steady speed and fire your nitros coming into each trap. Don't sweat your opponents too much
and stay focused on your own score.
Checkpoint: These are like your old-school arcade racing games from the 80s. You have no opponents, just a
countdown to race against. As you pass each checkpoint, you'll be awarded some bonus seconds to get to the next
check point. If you make it to the end, you win. These are about as straightforward as it gets.
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Drift: These events throw physics to the wind. Your car will control completely differently and drift with the slightest of
turns. Tapping the wall will end your drift. Drift carefully without hitting the wall to chain drifts together for big multiplier
bonuses. Higher speeds will also land you more points. These events are pretty easy in career mode, and the slow and
careful approach (using the nitros to keep yourself away from walls) will get you through most of them on the first try.
Canyon Duel: There are two parts to the Canyon Duel. The first is the chase. In this part, you'll follow behind your
opponent. The closer you get to him, the faster you'll rack up points. If you fall too far behind, 10 seconds will count
down and if you can't catch back up, you'll forfeit the duel. If you pass your opponent, you'll automatically win and skip
part two. In part two, the roles will reverse. The points your opponent earns during the second phase will be deducted
from the points you earned during the first phase. If you can cross the finish line before your points reach zero, or
maintain a large enough lead for 10 seconds, you'll win the duel. If you can't or, if your opponent passes you for more
than 10 seconds, you lose, and you'll need to repeat both races.
As in Need for Speed: Most Wanted, you'll have to contend with the cops. These aren't proper events in Career mode.
Instead they'll happen spontaneously during races or while driving around in Free Roam. If they happen during races,
you'll still be able to complete the race but you'll have to end the pursuit before returning to the safe house, or accessing
the world map.
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