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Visual C# .NET Developer's Handbook
John Paul Mueller
Associate Publisher: Richard Mills
Acquisitions and Developmental Editor: Denise Santoro Lincoln
Editor: Colleen Wheeler Strand
Production Editor: Kylie Johnston
Technical Editor: Ross Russell Mullen
Graphic Illustrator: Tony Jonick
Electronic Publishing Specialist: Nila Nichols
Proofreaders: Amey Garber, Dave Nash, Laurie O'Connell, Yariv Rabinovitch, Nancy
Indexer: Ron Strauss
CD Coordinator: Dan Mummert
CD Technician: Kevin Ly
Cover Designer: Carol Gorska/Gorska Design
Cover Photographer: Glen Allison/PhotoDisc
Copyright © 2002 SYBEX Inc., 1151 Marina Village Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501. World
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Library of Congress Card Number: 2002103166
ISBN: 0-7821-4047-5
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This book is in loving memory of Esther Darneal (1916-2002).
Thanks to my wife, Rebecca, for working with me to get this book completed during an
exceptionally difficult time. I really don't know what I would have done without her help in
researching and compiling some of the information that appears in this book (especially the
Glossary). She also did a fine job of proofreading my rough draft and page-proofing the final
Russ Mullen deserves thanks for his technical edit of this book. He greatly added to the
accuracy and depth of the material you see here. I really appreciated the time he devoted to
checking my code for accuracy. Russ also supplied some of the URLs you see in the book and
other helpful tips and hints.
Matt Wagner, my agent, deserves credit for helping me get the contract in the first place and
taking care of all the details that most authors don't really consider. I always appreciate his
help. It's good to know that someone wants to help.
Finally, I would like to thank Denise Santoro Lincoln, Kylie Johnston, Colleen Strand, and
the rest of the Sybex production staff, including Nila Nichols, Kevin Ly, and Dan Mummert,
for their assistance in bringing this book to print. It's always nice to work with such a great
group of professionals.
Frustration! It's one word that I've used to describe many of my development experiences.
Anyone who's worked with Visual Studio fully knows about the two-language dilemma that it
poses. At the one end of the development experience, Visual Basic makes development
relatively easy and fast, but it lacks the low-end connectivity I often need without performing
a lot of additional programming. At the other end of the development continuum, Visual C++
makes it relatively easy to gain low-level access to anything in the Windows environment, but
development is a time-intensive task requiring Machiavellian expertise.
What most developers need is a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup programming experience-two
tastes in one. C# provides that flavor-combining programming experience in many ways; you
gain the rapid application development environment of Visual Basic combined with the low-
level language support of Visual C++. One of the main purposes of this book is to share that
two-tastes-in-one experience with you.
Take the Grand Tour
I'm assuming that many of you have already programmed in Visual Basic or Visual C++ (or
perhaps even both) and found the experience lacking in some fundamental way. C# is a great
development language, but it's by no means perfect. I'll still use Visual C++ to develop native
unmanaged applications and components that need that last ounce of performance. Visual
Basic is still my development language of choice for quick prototyping and some database
management tasks. However, for the vast majority of my programming needs, C# fills a need
that the other two languages can't (without a lot of extra effort). Of course, the trick is
learning where C# fits into your language toolkit.
We'll take the grand tour of C# programming capabilities in this book. I won't bore you with
fundamentals such as basic code construction or learning how to create programming loops.
We will discuss everything from basic utility applications to complex database applications
that use OLE-DB, ODBC.NET, ADO, or ADO.NET as a basis for communication. Some of
the applications will provide a view of the local programming environment, while others will
provide a view of the Internet and distributed application development in all its glory. By the
time you finish Chapter 17 , you'll know that C# is a language for every environment-from the
desktop to the PDA.
Some Extras to Consider
You'll also find three interesting appendices in the back of the book. The first two will help
those of you who are used to working with Visual C++ or Visual Basic make the adjustment
to C#. You'll learn how C# differs from these two languages and about some of the common
problems that other developers have faced when making the transition. The third appendix
will show how you can create a complex application that Microsoft doesn't even mention in
the Visual Studio .NET help files-the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in. I
placed this example in an appendix because it isn't a pure C# application-some applications
still require the use of Visual C++ to make some underlying connections, and this is one of
C# is a new programming language. While it does resemble languages of the past, it's truly a
new language for a new age of application development. This book is your guide to a larger
world of C# application development. You'll learn how to create many types of applications,
but more importantly, you'll learn how unique C# is and how it can help you overcome
modern application development problems that older languages are ill equipped to handle.
Who Should Read This Book?
I'll begin by saying that, as I write this, there are many good books for novices on the market,
and I have consequently decided not to discuss the same issues that those other texts already
cover. This book specifically addresses the needs of those who already know something about
C# or at least those who have decided to move from another Visual Studio language such as
Visual C++ or Visual Basic. If you've never programmed before, you'll probably find that
you'll get lost by the time you reach the end of the first chapter.
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