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LH0024 and LH0032 High Speed Op Amp Applications
LH0024 and LH0032 High
Speed Op Amp
National Semiconductor
Application Note 253
January 1982
The LH0024 and LH0032 are very high speed general pur-
pose operational amplifiers exhibiting 70 MHz bandwidths,
500 V/ m s slew rates and 100 to 300 ns settling time to
0.1%. The LH0032 has the added advantage of FET input
characteristics. Both, however, can drive loads with peak
currents of 100 milliamperes (mA). The op amps are stable
without external compensation when operating at closed-
loop gains of more than 100. Both are constructed with thick
film hybrid technology and are actively trimmed for consist-
ent device performance. Table I summarizes the typical per-
formance data for these op amps. Additional information
may be obtained from the respective data sheets.
This note is divided into three parts, with the first giving a
general description of the circuit topology of each op amp.
In the following section, several high performance applica-
tions are discussed. Finally, the last section consolidates all
application techniques into an integral design approach,
much of which is applicable to any high frequency circuit.
The LH0024 contains two gain stages: One is a differential
NPN pair and the other is a single-ended PNP stage. The
complete schematic is shown in Figure1.
The input stage differential pair, Q8 and Q9, is biased at
6 mA by a current source made up of Q1, Q2, R3, and R5.
First stage differential voltage gain is typically 2. Its output is
applied differentially from base to emitter of the second
stage transistor Q3 which has a gain of about 1,700. This
stage also converts the differential signal to a single-ended
Current source Q5 and R4 provide 5 mA of DC bias current
and a high impedance load to Q3. Overall amplifier gain is
the product of the gains of the two stagesÐ2 x 1700 e
3,400, or 71 dB.
The output complementary pair with class B bias provides a
low impedance sourcing and sinking output drive. Although
the class B bias contributes a small amount of cross-over
distortion, it is barely detectable in closed loop operation.
The LH0032 is a general purpose operational amplifier simi-
lar to the LH0024, but with JFET input devices instead of
bipolar. As a result, the LH0032 DC input bias and offset
currents are three orders of magnitude lower than the
LH0024. Its output drive capability is improved due to the
use of a larger package with lower thermal resistance, and
its class AB output, which is normally biased on, virtually
eliminates cross-over distortion.
The improved DC performance is due, in part, to the incor-
poration of monolithic dual junction FETs in the input stage
of the LH0032, providing matched DC tracking and good
FIGURE 1. Complete LH0024 Schematic Diagram
TABLE I. TypicalPerformance Characteristics
Parameter (T A e 25 § C)
Input Offset Voltage
Input Bias Current
15 m A
10 pA
Large Signal Voltage Gain
V OUT e g 10V
f e 1 kHz, R L e 1k X
Slew Rate
A V ea 1, D V IN e 20V
V/ m s
Small Signal Rise Time
A V ea 1, D V IN e 1V
Settling Time to 1.0% of Final Value
A V eb 1, D V IN e 20V
Settling Time to 0.1% of Final Value
Unity Gain Bandwidth
C 1995 National Semiconductor Corporation
RRD-B30M115/Printed in U. S. A.
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common-mode input characteristics. First stage operating
current is set at 6 mA by the current source made up of
transistors Q8 and Q9 and resistors R4 and R9, as shown in
Figure2. The first stage voltage gain is:
A V (1st stage) e g m R L e 1.4
Where: g m4 e
h oe10 ll ( b 11 a 1) (R L )
Notice that the full differential gain is realized with the use of
the current mirror Q10 and Q16, which also provides high
active load resistance to the PNP cascoded pair, resulting in
high amplifier gain.
The collector output of the cascode stage is buffered by a
pair of complementary emitter follower transistors, Q11 and
Q12. This class AB output stage is normally biased at 1 mA
by the 1.8 V BE voltage produced by Q7, R5, and R6. The
emitter degeneration resistors provide protection from ther-
mal runaway.
Applications of the high speed LH0024 and LH0032 range
from video amplifiers to sampling circuits. The applications
described below include high speed sample and hold cir-
cuits, photo-detector amplifiers, fast settling digital to analog
converters and buffered amplifiers.
h ob6 ll 1
Where: gm e 3.5 mmho
R L e R 1 ll ( b 3 a 1) (r e3 a 2R 3 )
The second stage consists of two identical pairs of differen-
tial PNP transistors in a cascode configuration. Each side
operates at 5 mA set by the emitter resistor R3 and the bias
of the first stage. The differential amplifier Q3 and Q4 feeds
the common-base pair Q5 and Q6 with the base voltage
fixed at V a b 1.9 volts by the diode string Q13±A15. Thus
the collectors of the differential pair Q3 and Q4 are held at
one V BE drop more positive than the reference voltage. Any
signal amplified by the differential stage produces only a
very small change in Q3 nd Q4 collector voltage. Conse-
quently, the Miller effect on Q3 and Q4 (base-to-collector
capacitances) is virtually eliminated. Using hybrid q model
of the transistor, the voltage gain of the cascode stage may
be approximated as:
A V (2nd stage) e g m4 xR eq j 1,400
FIGURE 2. Complete LH0032 Schematic Diagram
FIGURE 3. High Speed Sample and Hold Circuit
R eq e
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A High Speed S/H Circuit
High Speed sample-and-hold circuits require high slew rate
and fast settling amplifiers. The LH0032 is ideal for these
applications. An example is shown in Figure3.
The complementary emitter-follower Q3 and Q4 sources or
sinks large peak current to rapidly charge or discharge the
hold capacitor during step changes, thus effectively buffer-
ing the FET switch, Q1, whose r D(ON) would otherwise slow
the charge time. The LH0033 FET-input amplifier buffers the
output signal, providing 100 mA drive capability.
The circuit exhibits a 10V acquisition time of 900 ns to 0.1%
accuracy and a droop rate of only 100 m V/ms at 25 § C ambi-
ent condition. An even faster acquisition time can be ob-
tained using a smaller value hold-capacitor. By decreasing
the value from 1000 pF to 220 pF, the acquisition time im-
proves to 500 ns for a 10V step. However, droop rate in-
creases to 500 m V/ms.
Fiber Optic Transmitter-Receiver Applications
Many fiber optic applications require analog drivers and re-
ceivers operating in the megahertz region where many so-
called wide-band op amps simply run out of steam. Packed
with 70 MHz gain-bandwidth product (unity gain compensat-
ed), the LH0032 is quite suitable for optical communication
applications up to 3.5 MHz. Figure4 demonstrates a com-
plete analog transmission system using this device.
The transmitter incorporates the LF356 to drive the light
emitter. The LED is normally biased at 50 mA operating
current. The input is capacitively coupled and ranges from
0V to 5V, modulating the LED current from 0 mA to
100 mA. The circuit can be easily modified to operate from a
single a 15V power supply. The only requirement is that the
amplifier must be biased within the input common mode
The receiver circuit uses an LH0032 configured as a trans-
impedance amplifier. A photodiode with 0.5 amp per watt
responsivity such as the Hewlett-Packard type HP5082-
4220, generates 50 mV signal at the receiver output for
1 m W of light input.
Expectedly, the bandwidth of the entire optical link rests on
the receiver circuit. Therefore, if the response time is to be
optimized, one should reverse bias the photodiode to mini-
mize junction capacitance. As a result, rise time improves
more than 2 orders of magnitude. Next, the feedback resis-
tor value should be chosen to be as large as possible in
order to maximize sensitivity within the limits of allowable
bandwidth degradation. Using 100 k X feedback resistor, the
maximum system bandwidth is 3.5 MHz.
Fast Settling 12-BIT D/A Converter
A high resolution, fast-settling DAC can be constructed us-
ing the LH0032. Its low input bias current causes no signifi-
cant DC error in conversion accuracy. Great care must be
exercised in circuit layout to assure highest performance. A
single point analog ground should be used with the digital
ground separated. A complete circuit with 12-bit resolution
is shown in Figure 5. The converter typically settles to
FIGURE 4. Fiber Optic Link
FIGURE 5. Fast Settling DAC
LSB in 800 ns for a 10V full-scale swing. Similarly, 10-bit
or 8-bit resolution DACs may be constructed using the
DAC1020 or DAC0808, respectively.
Buffered Amplifier
Whenever higher output current is required, a buffer amplifi-
er may be added to the loop as shown in Figure 6. The
LH0033 boosts the output drive capability to g 100 mA con-
tinuous and g 400 mA peak.
Optimizing LH0024/32 Performance
The LH0024 and LH0032 allow considerable flexibility in de-
signing high performance circuits if care is taken in the way
they are used and implemented. Indeed, the printed circuit
board layout in high frequency circuits is as important as the
design of the hybrid devices themselves.
It is good practice to use ground plane PC board design. It
provides a low resistance, low inductance path, and reduc-
es stray signal coupling to sensitive circuitry. A double-sided
ground plane is usually better and should be considered.
In addition, signal trace connections should be kept as short
and wide as possible. Avoid closely-spaced parallel signal
traces as signal cross-coupling may occur. Circuit elements
should be placed close to the amplifier, particularly critical
components that directly affect the amplifier's frequency re-
sponse, such as compensation capacitors. If at all possible,
one should maintain single point ground throughout the cir-
cuit to minimize signal phase delay.
Examples of single-sided PC layouts for the LH0024 and
LH0032 are shown in Figure7 and Figure8, respectively.
The layouts include a settling time test circuit, optional in-
verting or noninverting mode. Note that the summing junc-
tion side of the feedback resistor is kept very close to the
device pin, thus minimizing lead capacitance. The power
supply decoupling capacitors should also be kept close to
the device pins, preferably
FIGURE 6. Wide Band Amplifier
with 100 mA Output Capability
Despite its 100 MHz bandwidth, the LH0033 introduces
about 15 degrees of phase lag at the LH0032 unity-gain
frequency of 70 MHz. As a result, phase margin is degraded
by the same amount. Slight overcompensation may be re-
quired in order to restore adequate phase margin. One way
is to increase the feedback capacitor from 5 pF to a slightly
larger value, 6 to 8 pF should be sufficient. If the load is
predominantly capacitive, the total phase shift of the buffer
stage may exceed 180 § and appear as negative impedance
seen looking into the input of the buffer. The 51 X resistor
restores some real resistance to alleviate this condition and
prevents potential oscillation. In cases where the load ca-
pacitance is relatively large, up to 100 X may be necessary
to compensate for it.
of an inch.
Input Guarding and Bootstrapping
In applications where input leakage currents are important,
trace guarding, such as used in sample and hold circuits,
can improve performance at no additional cost.
FIGURE 7. Single-Sided Sample PC Layout for LH0024
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FIGURE 8. Single-Sided Sample PC Layout for LH0032
The guard conductor serves to intercept leakage currents
from inputs to the surrounding circuit. It is most effective
when it is driven to the same potential as the guarded cir-
cuit. Figures 9 and 10 show how the technique is imple-
mented in inverting and non-inverting configurations, re-
One other benefit of input guarding is the reduction of input
stray capacitance effects. A comprehensive discussion of
this technique is described in Application Note AN-63.
Input Capacitance Cancellation
The intrinsic input capacitance of the amplifier cannot be
totally eliminated by the input guarding technique. This input
capacitance introduces a pole in the amplifier response at
the frequency given by:
f p e
2 q R S C IN
This pole may become extremely important as, for example,
aC IN of 5 pF (typical input capacitance of the LH0024 and
LH0032) with a 500 X effective source resistance creates a
pole at about 64 MHzÐwell before the amplifier's natural
frequency response rolls off to unity gain at 70 MHz. If
closed-loop gain is unity, more than 135 § total phase lag is
introduced even before the crossover frequency is reached
and will destroy phase margin. Oscillation is certain to oc-
cur. The solution is to cancel its effect. As shown in Figure
11, the lead capacitor C1 across the feedback resistor is
used to introduce a zero in the loop response such that it
exactly cancels the pole caused by the input RC network.
FIGURE 9. Guarding Inverting Figure Amplifier
FIGURE 11. Compensating Amplifier Input Capacitance
FIGURE 10. Guarding Non-Inverting
Unity Gain Amplifier
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