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by Magus Tsirk Susej
The purpose of this thesis is to elucidate upon the meaning and significance of the Word
of the Aeon of Lucifer, DEITUS, and the Law of the Aeon of Lucifer, THELEMA,
XEPER, DEITUS or Will to Come Into Being as a God. In so doing, I will also discuss
the Demonic Bible, the system of magic revealed to me by my Unholy Guardian Demon,
the spirit Azael, and the Embassy of Lucifer, the vehicle for the advancement of DEITUS
as the Word of the Aeon of Lucifer. This thesis may, therefore, serve as a commentary
on the Demonic Bible as well as an exposition on deitic philosophy and magic.
As stated in the Preface to the 2 nd Edition, the Demonic Bible is not a “work of fiction”
but is rather the foundation of what is now known as deitic magic. The roots of deitic
magic lie in thelemic (as practiced by the O.T.O./A.A.) and setian magic (from the
Church of Satan/Temple of Set tradition), but is also heavily influenced by the septenary
system of the O.N.A. It is only by THELEMA and XEPER that one can attain DEITUS.
An understanding of thelemic and setian philosophy is therefore necessary for an
understanding of many of the concepts presented in the Demonic Bible. This thesis will
address thelemic and setian philosophy as it relates to an understanding of DEITUS.
Let us begin, then, by considering the basic precepts of satanic belief. The start of satanic
enlightenment is the realization that all gods are created by man, all religions are
established by man, all “holy” books are written by man, and all temples are built by
man... there is nothing spiritual, there is nothing holy. It has been said that man creates
God in the image of himself and the devil in the image of his enemy. God is, it is
remarked, a projection of man’s ego. The Satanist says, “Why worship a god someone
else has created, and which represents someone else’s ego, when you can recognize a god
of your own creation… a god which has your best interests at heart.”
The Satanic view considers Satan as an archetype, a symbol of carnality as opposed to
spirituality. The Satanist realizes that it is the overpowering fear of death which causes
man to create heaven and hell, reincarnation, and all of the other fairy stories which deal
with life beyond death. There is only the flesh. Satanists, therefore, delight in the
pleasures of the flesh and in the joys that this world has to offer, and scoff at those who
reject what they have been given for the hope for some illusory reward beyond death.
Satanically speaking, churches are businesses which offer their followers the promise of
“salvation.” In order for this con-game to succeed, a church must convince its followers
that a) it is the only viable path to salvation, and b) without its service, they are going
straight to hell. Churches have, therefore, attempted to suppress the human ego by
making their followers feel guilt and shame for every natural inclination and suppress the
human intellect by demanding blind faith and obedience. By suppressing the human ego,
a church makes its followers feel inferior and remain in thrall to the institution. By
suppressing the human intellect, a church keeps its followers from questioning the logic
of its dictates.
The Satanist asks, “Why should I feel guilty for that which is natural and healthy? Why
should I not feel pride in that which I have accomplished? Why should I not question the
logic of what I have been told?” Satanism encourages the development of a healthy ego.
Only when a person has a healthy ego, can he truly afford to treat others with respect and
consideration. Satanism also encourages the development of a healthy intellect. Nothing
should be accepted without question; all things must be put to the test.
Satanists are not devil-worshippers. There is, in fact, no form of worship in satanic ritual.
Since all gods are created by man, Satanists refuse to treat their creations as superior to
themselves. The Satanist may call upon the names of various gods, and may even treat
them as his equals, but he recognizes that they exist to serve him. The Satanist is his own
god and his own redeemer. Just as he knows that there is no other god beyond himself,
he knows that it is useless to pray for the things that he wants. He is ultimately
responsible for his own success or failure. He must work hard and strive for the things
which he desires.
To accomplish his goals, the Satanist may choose to use magic in the performance of a
satanic ritual. Every religion has had some form of magic ritual or ceremony associated
with it, but the Satanist realizes that magic represents the ability of the human mind to
cause change in the natural world. In the Magical Art , I discuss the use of telepathic
“transmissions” to influence others. Magic also involves magnetism, psycho kinesis, and
the release of emotional energy from the magician. Satanic rituals are performed to focus
the mind and direct the flow of energy.
It has often been said that Satanists perform human sacrifices or engage in other criminal
acts such as molesting children or killing animals. The rationale behind this is that the
energy of the emotionally charged victim is released in the performance of the rite and
directed within the ritual to accomplish the will of the magician. These types of crimes
are very rarely ever committed by a Satanist for an obvious reason which has nothing to
do with moral or ethical beliefs. A Satanist cares about what is best for him and would
not engage in acts which would jeopardize his freedom or safety. The occasional deviant
may commit some horrific crime in the name of Satan, but the Satanist is no more
responsible for the crimes of the sociopath or child molester than a Christian is for those
of a deviant priest or minister who does the same.
While self-interest keeps the Satanist from breaking the laws or cultural standards of the
society in which he lives, a Satanist may question the definition of good and evil and the
values and ethics which his society has determined to be correct. “What is good and
what is evil?” the Satanist asks. “If you kill for your country you are called a hero, but if
you kill to avenge a wrong which has been done you are called a criminal.” Questions
like this are common among Satanists for the Satanist realizes that the definition of right
and wrong, of good and evil, changes from decade to decade and also from nation to
nation. There is no absolute good or absolute evil. There are only man-made laws and
codes of conduct. These laws and dictates are written and rewritten to meet the demands
of the society we live in. Occasionally, these laws are based on beliefs and values which
are no longer accepted and must be changed.
The Satanist questions all that he has been taught to believe. He realizes that history is
written by the victors of every war… the winner becoming the hero and the defeated the
villain. The values of the dominant society are the prevailing values of the world and it is
by these values which the past is judged and the world’s future is determined. The
Satanist recognizes that all ideologies, all political systems, all economic systems, and all
governments are equally flawed. Once men went off to kill or die for their King and their
God; now they do the same for “democracy” and “liberty.” But what is “liberty,” the
Satanist may ask, “for those who must be killed to be “liberated?” All things are
subjective and, therefore, nothing can accurately be judged except by its own standards
and ideals.
The Satanist condemns the Christian, not for his offences but rather, for his hypocrisy.
All men will do what comes naturally to them and so the Satanist is not surprised to see
the Christian having sex, drinking, gambling, and engaging in other “sinful” pleasures.
The Satanist does not even think badly of the Christian for doing such things. But the
Satanist can only feel contempt for someone who preaches against the pleasures of the
flesh and condemns others to eternal “damnation” while continuing to do these things
himself. These men are out drinking and lusting after women on Friday night and then in
church Sunday morning asking God to forgive them for their “sins” when they know they
will be back out the following weekend doing what they have always done. The Satanist
rejects them because they are hypocrites, and judges them by the standards they have set.
Why, you may ask, does the Satanist call himself a Satanist if he does not believe in the
literal existence of the devil? The Satanist, of course, recognizes the importance of ritual
and ceremony to satisfy certain human emotional needs. He sees nothing wrong with
religion, and in fact considers it essential to human behavior, but recognizes that churches
have used religion to manipulate the masses into obedience to their will. The Satanist
chooses his own god, one which will not make him feel guilty for being human, one
which will not condemn him for all his actions… the Satanist chooses a god who
represents the very carnal being who has the power to create a god in the first place.
Every society has invented a deity who represents the carnal; in this particular society this
being is called Satan. The Satanist does not worship Satan, but he chooses Satan as an
archetype of carnality. The god of the Satanist is within his own flesh and bone, within
his skin tissues and muscle fibers. He is the god of life and the god of the flesh… he is
the Dark Lord, Satan.
The gods and demons which the Satanist may invoke, in the performance of satanic
rituals, are archetypes associated with the “dark side.” These beings represent carnality
rather than spirituality, life rather than death, and indulgence rather than repression. In
the Magical Art, I make brief mention of the magician’s ability to impose a thought-form
onto an object which can influence anyone who comes in contact with it. I suggest that
this form of magnetism or mesmerism which is responsible for a place or object
developing an aura makes it possible that a god or demon will take on an identity, apart
from the magician, as a thought-form. This is essentially a subjective existence, rather
than objective existence, and the spirit is fundamentally archetypal in nature, but through
the magician’s subconscious mind the spirit may assume an identity separate from the
magician who summons him and act independent of the magician’s will.
It is for this reason that certain repressed individuals who have experimented casually
with the “occult” have had horrific experiences and, abandoning further experimentation,
fled to the nearest church to seek forgiveness for their sins. The demons they encountered
were the product of their own repressed emotions and fears of the unknown. If faced,
with courage and fortitude, the demons would have vanished and become once again
shadows. The Satanist has no need for ouija boards or spirit cards since he has exercised
the shells embedded in man’s subconscious. Neither does the Satanist require protective
pentagrams and “Names” of God to protect him, or call upon the lesser minions of Hell
for fear that the greater deities are too powerful to control. The Satanist calls brazenly
upon the very Gods of Hell and Lords of the Abyss, realizing that they can in no way
harm him for he is the master of his conscious and subconscious mind.
Aleister Crowley defined magic k as “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in
conformity with Will.” Anton LaVey took this definition farther by defining magic as,
“The change in situations or events in accordance with one’s will, which would, using
normally accepted methods, be unchangeable.” Magic is the effect of the human mind to
change events or situations in accordance with one’s desire. The success of magic
depends upon an unbending will, intense emotional desire, and absolute faith in the
outcome. It also depends upon the proper timing, imagery, balance, direction, and
secrecy about magical activities. Many books have been written which give spells or
rituals to acquire love, wealth, and power, but the ability to use these spells effectively
cannot be taught. In some it may come more naturally than in others, but magic is an art
which can only be developed through experience.
Satanists do not burn candles of various colors for various wishes, or sing “ring around
the rosy” while dancing clockwise in a circle holding hands. Those who want to practice
magic but cannot divorce themselves from the stigma attached to the practice of
witchcraft and sorcery, call themselves “white witches” and base eighty percent of their
philosophy on the guild-ridden doctrines of Christianity. The Satanist looks with
contempt upon these hypocrites who denounce Satan with one breath while attempting to
practice the very art which historically has been attributed to the Dark Lord. The Satanist
recognizes that magic is magic, be it used to help or to hinder.
The last page of the Demonic Bible is a diagram entitled the Map of the Spheres . The
spheres illustrated are essentially archetypal. They have been described countless times in
grimoires and magical treatises. In the physical world there are four elemental spheres:
Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. There are also the four great watchtowers: North, East,
South, and West. Above the earth are the seven planetary spheres: the Moon, Mercury,
Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Beyond the planetary spheres are the Fixed
Stars and the Primum Mobil, the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and the heavenly spheres.
Beneath the earth lies the land of the dead (Hades), the Tartaran Abode (Hell), and the
realm of the abominations of Chaos.
All spirits, demons, angels, and other beings of an archetypal nature are said to reside in
one of the archetypal spheres. There are, for example, many ranks or orders of angels
such as Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Virtues, Archangels, etc.
Each angelic choir is said to reside in a particular heavenly sphere. Similarly, the fallen
angels may reside in Earth, Air, Fire, Water, or in the Tartaric Depths. Spirits which
dwell in the planetary spheres are often called Olympic spirits. These include lunar,
mercurial, venereal, solar, martial, jovial, and sanguine spirits. Traditionally, all spirits
may be invoked or summoned to appearance by the magician using certain formulas of
invocation or evocation.
Magicians of the Middle Ages would fast for many days and go without sleep or rest.
They would also abstain from sexual intercourse and idle conversation in order to focus
all of their attention on their magical art. They would pray to God fervently for the
power to command the spirits and would then summon or invoke the spirits with threats
and warnings to appear “peacefully and affably” ready to serve the whim of the magician.
The grimoires warn that the magician dare not leave the circle of protection without
discharging the spirit or err in the performance of the ritual or else the spirit will seize the
magician and kill him or else drive him insane. Ironically, the magician would have to be
insane to believe that the Great Adonai would grant him the power to command spirits in
order that he might destroy his enemies, obtain great treasure, and fulfill his sexual
desires with young virgins or that the demonic lords he calls upon would be so easily
intimidated by his threats.
If the magician sees a spirit appear within the triangle of evocation it is simply because
his mental state from fasting, fatigue, and fervent prayer has brought him in the point of
delusion. If the spirit appears but refuses to speak with him or to satisfy his demands, the
magician must continue his fast and make even more fervent prayer to God. To any sane
mind it is clear that the formula of the grimoires can only lead to the ruin of the operator.
When the magician reaches the point of total insanity he will finally hear the voices of the
spirits and enjoy the treasures he has longed for, but he alone will hear the voices and his
gold pieces will be bottle-caps and his diamonds rocks from the ground, and the demons
will laugh him to scorn for his greed as he dies alone and miserable, a wretch of a man.
The rituals of the grimoires are a trap to ensnare the deluded. They set the magician upon
a downward cycle of self-destruction. The flaw inherent in every grimoire is that the
magician is instructed to command the spirit to appear visibly and to satisfy his demands.
In order for the operator to see the spirit visibly, he must reach a point of total insanity. If
the spirit does not appear visibly, then the spirit has failed to satisfy the first demand of
the operator, and it is unlikely anything the operator asks of the spirit will come to pass.
As I have said, the success of magic depends upon will, desire, and faith. Every time a
spirits fails to appear (as the operator has not yet become delusional) it will chip away a
little at his strength of will and faith in his ability thus acting against the magician.
The Demonic Bible provides invocations for many demons. These spirits are treated,
however, as archetypal forms and no attempt is made to force the spirit to appear visibly
or to speak with the operator. Neither is any demand made of the spirit. If you lust after a
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