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Come Play on the BSD Team!
Dear Readers,
Hi, my name is Karolina and I would like to welcome you to BSD magazine! This magazine was launched
for you, so please contact us with all your comments, ideas and suggestions. Only with your help, will
we become the very best information resource for BSD systems, applications, multimedia solutions,
administration and security. You can even send in your complaints. I hope there will be none! But, what
I really want right now is for you to join our team!
My special thanks go to Dru Lavigne for her wonderful assistance and to all those who gave us a hand when we needed it most. If
I thanked everyone by name, it would take several pages, so please forgive me and know that I am thankful for your help.
In this premiere issue we cover many interesting topics. In the networking arena, Michael W. Lucas presents how SNMP provides
information to a network management, how to conigure bsnmpd on FreeBSD and inally, how to enable and disable different
snmp functionality. For desktop fans, Jan Stedehouder focuses attention on two open source desktops, which are irmly rooted in
FreeBSD: PCBSD and DesktopBSD.
On the practice court, Richard Bejtlich demonstrates installation of Sguil on FreeBSD and Jay Kruizenga shows step-by-step
instructions on preparing your Vista hard drive to accept BSD. In the safety zone, Peter N.M. Hansteen shows how to easily deal
with spam and have a good time doing it.
Henrik Lund Kramshoj is in center court to introduce Defense in Depth – which can help lessen the security burden while
growing your infrastructure. Getting into deeper tactics, Donald T. Hayford teaches how to boot your NSLU2 into a full version
of NetBSD and Girish Venkatachalam takes a closer look at OpenBSD pf.
Getting into the strategy of the game, Federico Biancuzzi interviews FreeBSD developer – Jeff Roberson and Mikel King shares
his thoughts about the need for BSD Certiication
I hope you will ind our articles interesting and will look forward to the next issue!
Karolina Lesińska
Executive Editor
BSD Magazine is published by Software Media LLC
on Software Wydawnictwo Publishing License
( www.software.com.pl/en )
Postal addres:
Software Media LLC
1461 A First Avenue, # 360
New York, NY 10021-2209
Tel: 1 917 338 3631
Editor in Chief: Ewa Dudzic ewa.dudzic@bsdmag.org
Executive Editor: Karolina Lesińska karolina.lesinska@bsdmag.org
Editor Assistant: Katarzyna Kaczor katarzyna.kaczor@bsdmag.org
Director: Ewa Dudzic ewa.dudzic@bsdmag.org
Software-Wydawnictwo Sp zo.o. is looking for partners from all
over the World. If you are interested in cooperating with us, please
contact us by e-mail: editors@bsdmag.org
Print: 101 Studio, Printed in Poland
Art Director: Agnieszka Marchocka
DTP Manager: Robert Zadrożny
Prepress technician: Ireneusz Pogroszewski
Distributed in the USA by: Source Interlink Fulillment Division,
27500 Riverview Centre Boulevard, Suite 400, Bonita Springs, FL
34134 Tel: 239-949-4450.
Contributing: Michael W. Lucas, Jan Stedehouder, Svetoslav
P.Chukov, Richard Bejtlich, Jay Kruizenga, Peter N.M.Hansteen,
Henrik Lund Kramshøj, Donald T.Hayford, Girish Venkatachalam, Eric
Schnoebelen, Federico Biancuzzi, Mikel King
All trade marks presented in the magazine were used only for
informative purposes. All rights to trade marks presented in the
magazine are reserved by the companies which own them.
Special Thanks to: FreeBSD Foundation
Senior Consultant/Publisher:
Paweł Marciniak pawel@software.com.pl
The editors use automatic DTP system
Mathematical formulas created by Design Science MathType™.
DVDs tested by AntiVirenKit GDATA Software Sp. z o.o.
National Sales Manager: Ewa Dudzic ewa.dudzic@bsdmag.org
Marketing Director: Ewa Dudzic ewa.dudzic@bsdmag.org
Executive Ad Consultant:
Karolina Lesińska karolina.lesinska@bsdmag.org
Advertising Sales: Karolina Lesińska karolina.lesinska@bsdmag.org
Subscription orders can be sent to subscription@software.com.pl
Customer Service 1 917 338 3631
Production Director: Marta Kurpiewska
Prepress technician: Robert Zadrożny
BSD 1/2008
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what’s new
Future BSD projects
Short articles covering the latest news from BSD world – new
releases, great BSD projects and many more BSD related issues.
Defense in Depth and FOSS
Henrik Lund Kramshøj
Henrik Lund Kramshoj introduces Defense in Depth – an applica-
tion which can help you lessen the burden while increasing security
stance for your infrastructure and servers.
dvd contents
DVD contents descriptions
Katarzyna Kaczor
Here you can check what extras we have prepared for BSD Maga-
zine readers.
NetBSD on the NSLU2
Donald T. Hayford
Donald T. Hayford teaches how to boot your NSLU2 into a full
version of NetBSD.
get started
OpenBSD pf – the irewall on ire
Girish Venkatachalam
In this article we will take a look at OpenBSD pf – Girish Ven-
katachalam presents its most useful features and dives into the details
like coniguration.
FreeBSD 7.0 installation & coniguration
Dru Lavigne
Dru Lavigne shows step-by-step how to install and conigure
FreeBSD 7.0
FreeBSD’s bsnmp
Michael W. Lucas
A great review of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
In this article, you will learn how SNMP provides information to a
network manager, how to use SNMP clients on your workstation,
how to conigure bsnmpd on FreeBSD and inally, how to enable
and disable different SNMP functionalities.
Instant Messaging with jabber/XMPP
Eric Schnoebelen
Communication in the local network – Eric Schnoebelen shows how
to install and conigure one of the jabber servers.
Pushing BSD as an open source desktop
Jan Stedehouder
Jan Stedehouder focuses your attention on two desktop operating
systems that are irmly routed in FreeBSD. Let's take a closer look at
PC-BSD and DesktopBSD.
Interview with FreeBSD developer Jeff
Federico Biancuzzi
Learn more about the work done by FreeBSD developers in SMP
land. Federico Biancuzzi interviews Jeff Roberson, the creator of the
ULE scheduler.
PC-BSD overview
Svetoslav P.Chukov
Svetoslav P. Chukov walks you through the installation and conigu-
ration of PC-BSD - a fairly new project aiming at making FreeBSD
What is in a certiication
Mikel King
Mikel King shares his thoughts about the need for a certiica-
tion developed by the BSD Certication Group.
Sguil 0.7.0 on FreeBSD 7.0
Richard Bejtlich
Richard Bejtlich demonstrates and features one way to install Sguil
on FreeBSD.
The Book of PF by Peter N.M.Hansteen
Henrik Lund Kramshøj
This is a book about building the network you need using PF – a great
review of the book by Peter N.M. Hansteen.
How to Dual-Boot Vista with BSD
– a step-by-step approach
Jay Kruizenga
It does not have to be a nightmare to install BSD alongside Vista...
Jay Kruizenga shows step-by-step how to prepare your Vista hard
drive to accept BSD.
The mark FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD
Foundation and is used by BSD Magazine with the permission of
The FreeBSD Foundation.
Keep smiling, waste spammers’ time
Peter N.M.Hansteen
Peter N.M. Hansteen shows how to easily deal with spam and have a
good time while doing it.
The FreeBSD Logo is a trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation
and is used by BSD Magazine with the permission of The Free-
BSD Foundation.v
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