2004.01_Choosing a Future.pdf

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Choosing a future
Dear Linux Magazine Reader,
We pride ourselves on the origins
of our publication, which come
from the early days of the Linux
Our sister publication in Germany,
founded in 1994, was the first
Linux magazine in Europe. Since
then, our network and expertise
has grown and expanded with the
Linux community around the
As a reader of Linux Magazine,
you are joining an information
network that is dedicated to
distributing knowledge and
technical expertise. We’re not
simply reporting on the Linux
and Open Source movement,
we’re part of it.
New distributions
turn up on my
desk. I get to try
them before send-
ing them into the
labs. New toys,
new features, new
ways of thinking.
The world is happy. I turn up at a com-
pany and I am met by the usual
predictable anti-Linux response. This is
partly due to SCO, who are betting the
whole farm on their lawsuit against IBM
over Linux, and constantly trying to
make the press comment.
Just in case you guys from SCO are
reading – No! I do not want to attend
your press tour. No! I do not want to join
your cause. I want you to go away for a
very, very long time.
Along with the Microsoft FUD
bonanza that is constantly pumped out
by PR agencies, it is easy for people to be
misinformed. My good mood soon turns
a little sour as I flip into defending Linux
mode. I cannot help it. It is MS bashing
time again.
Microsoft has issued a bounty on virus
writers. The company’s operating sys-
tems have been hit once too often and it
is now time they did something proac-
tive about it. Or that is at least what a
colleague was telling me over coffee one
morning. With a smug smile he went on
to explain how the kiddie-script virus
writers would now have to turn all their
attentions onto Linux. Windows was
going to get “Securiotics”.
I stopped laughing eventually. Kiddie-
script writers are a plague to everyone. A
bounty is now just a mark of pride to
them. Unfortunately, they will not be
stopped and we have to try to limit their
I had not heard of Securiotics. This
proved to be a new word coined by MS
to indicate tools used to check security
vulnerabilities in code while in develop-
ment. That explains it. Microsoft saves
the world again. Can’t you just feel that
warm tingly feeling inside?
It is always cruel to quote someone.
Still… Bill Gates while talking about the
next Windows – project Longhorn – said
“Well, you don’t need a perfect code to
avoid security problems.”
Still with the ability to time limit those
offensive emails we should be happy.
You don’t use Windows? What type of
misfit are you?
I am used to being told Linux is “only
a toy”, “too small”, “never used in busi-
ness”, “not for real servers”, “only for
techies”, “never on the desktop”. Each
year, well every six months really,
Microsoft exponents bring out new rea-
sons why they should not change to
Linux. Slowly we chip away at every
argument, and they move the reasoning.
With the big companies such as IBM,
Sun, HP and Novell all seeming to follow
Linux for their server markets, the secu-
rity issue is becoming a proverbial thorn
in proprietary operating systems’ sides.
With each new virus, the downtime that
companies and the heartache that people
suffer make them change to other sys-
tems. At the end of the day, virus writers
are hurting Microsoft’s profit line.
Not that Linux is completely free from
security issues. The advantage of freely
available source code is that we have the
opportunity to search and possibly cor-
rect it. The freedom to chose our own
destiny is what counts.
DVD Upgrade
In response to questions from sub-
scribers, we wanted to make sure that
all readers understand that it is possi-
ble to upgrade to a DVD subscription
at any time.
When you upgrade, your current
subscription will be cancelled, and a
new, 12-month DVD subscription will
be started for you. The remaining
value of your old subscription will be
credited towards the DVD subscrip-
tion, meaning that you only pay the
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Happy crusading,
John Southern
January 2004
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