2004.07_Grid Basics-Forget the Hype, We Tell You What a Grid Computing Really Means.pdf

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Grid Basics
Linking Data Networks
Grid computing was designed as a
democratic, collective computer net-
working paradigm, but the current
crop of software is all the rave with
research scientists, computer scien-
tists, and the IT industry in general.
We find out just what it means and
explore some of the advantages.
man published their book, “The Grid
– Blueprint for a New Computing
Infrastructure”. This event is viewed by
many as the start of a new era in distrib-
uted computing (see Figures 1 and 2).
Foster and Kesselman’s vision was that
of providing distributed resources for
transparent public use, based on a stan-
dardized interface. The idea was that
people could access computational
power, content, and other computer ser-
vices in an easy way, just like using
electricity by plugging a device into a
wall socket. This dream helped the
founders derive a name for their project.
Tim Berners-Lee had a similar vision,
way back in 1991 when he dreamed up
the World Wide Web at CERN (Centre
Europeenne pour la Recherche Nucle-
aire) in Geneva. Just like it was for the
WWW back in the 90s, CERN is again
one of the driving forces behind Grid
computing. This has unfortunately led
some people to poke fun at the field of
Grid technologies, referring to them as
the Web on steroids.
What is a Grid?
Grid computing, rightly, has the reputa-
tion of being an important future-
oriented technology. This is one reason
why research sponsorship is forthcom-
ing, whenever someone drops the name.
Research groups with only a vague con-
nection to distributed computing tend to
add the magic word to their project port-
folios. Of course, this kind of environ-
ment makes the task of precisely
defining Grid computing all the more dif-
The definition is practice-oriented by
necessity. There is a vague distinction
between Foster and Kesselman’s original
vision, and those researchers who use
distributed resources to tackle a genuine
problem. The second group includes
particle physicists. Starting in 2007,
thousands of scientists scattered around
the globe will be tackling the multiple
PetaBytes of data from experiments with
CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
The computational resources that the
individual scientists have at their dis-
posal locally are totally inadequate to the
task. Also, it makes more sense to take
the programs to the data, rather than
vice-versa, due to the sheer masses of
numbers that need crunching.
Viewed in this light, an infrastructure
that links the enormous memory capac-
ity and ten thousands of CPUs in a
virtual way begins to make sense. Tradi-
tional cluster technologies cannot cope
with the scale, or the heterogeneous
hardware zoo – a new approach is the
only way to go: Grid computing. Grids
are so well suited to particle physics
because scientists often compute sepa-
rate datasets with parallel, identical
instances of a program. Although parti-
cle physics may not be the original
motivation for Grid computing, it is defi-
nitely one of its driving forces.
This form of Grid computing is con-
cerned with the global distribution of
identical program instances, just like tra-
ditional batch systems working in local
clusters. If you like, you could compare
such Grid applications with clusters of
clusters. The “Principles of Distributed
Computing” box elaborates on the clus-
July 2004
Grid Computing
I n 1998, Ian Foster and Carl Kessel-
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Grid Basics
tering aspects. In contrast,
genuine parallel applications
that exchange masses of data
between individual computa-
tional nodes are unlikely to
play a major role in Grid com-
Distributed databases are a
different story, however. Grids
could be put to extremely
effective use in health services
(to provide access to medical
records), or to merge the data
generated by an enterprise
with global activities, or for
search engine technologies.
In this kind of environment,
Java and C# would seem to
gain many points by hiding
the underlying architecture.
On the other hand, modern
Grid middleware can also sup-
port the restriction of a Grid
application to a pre-defined
architectural type.
Figure 1: Carl Kesselman at the Cern School of Computing 2002 in Vico
Equense, near Naples, Italy. The co-author of the first book on grid comput-
ing is one of the founding fathers of grid computing.
Creativity Versus
You can put the Babylonian
confusion in the middleware
area down as one of the char-
acteristics of free, unrestricted
research if you like. On the
one hand, it is a good and
quite normal thing to see
numerous creative approaches compet-
ing in a creative environment – just think
about the mail clients or the various
desktop environments for Linux. On the
other hand, industry and research users
are, for good reasons, looking for stan-
dards that will allow them to start
writing programs.
Evolution should provide a solution.
It is typical for Open Source that the
best candidate asserts itself in the end.
At present, and judged by the number
of current installations, the Middle-
ware Globus Toolkit is winning, along
with software packages like the Euro-
pean Data Grid Toolkit, which provides
additional functionality. Ian Foster and
Carl Kesselman, the two authors of the
Grid computing bible are members of
Globus research groups and lend Globus
some weight due to their
Networks, Filesystems
and Middleware
To achieve the goal of globally distrib-
uted computing, Grid computing relies
on the new developments and enhance-
ments in many technology based fields.
High-speed public networks are one
obvious prerequisite. The high-perfor-
mance national networks in many
industrialized nations will need to merge
to form a “World Wide Grid”.
The network technology is available,
and the nominal bandwidth continues to
grow at an acceptable rate. The speed at
which networks are expanded is more a
question of national budgets than a tech-
nological issue. In Europe, GÉANT [1], a
cooperation between 26 national
research networks plays a dominant role.
At present, a lot of research is going
into the development of distributed
filesystems which are indispensable for
running data- centers – the
computational nodes of the
Grid. In some cases, these
filesystems are globally acces-
sible, although the high
latency in Wide Area Networks
does impact this potential (see
box “Principles of Distributed
To run a program on a Grid,
you need some experience
with middleware. Its role can
be compared to the network
layer of an operating system.
An application that wants to
transfer data across a network
does not need any knowledge
of the underlying network
hardware. In a similar way, a
Grid application should not need to
worry about things like authentication
between machines and authorization, or
even billing – all of these tasks are the
responsibility of the middleware.
Middleware has only restricted poten-
tial for hiding the underlying computing
infrastructure. As long as Grid users send
programs that the target systems can
handle interpretatively, things should be
fine (the same thing applies to inter-
preters with just-in-time compilers).
What happens if they start using pre-
compiled binaries? This is a question
that needs looking into –
a large-scale Grid network can contain
any kind of (potentially incompatible)
hardware, be it a 64-bit RISC architec-
ture, a 32-bit Intel box, or something
completely different.
Figure 2: Ian Foster – just like Carl Kesselman, Ian is one of the grid found-
ing fathers – seen at the Sun booth at the Supercomputing 2001 fair in
Denver, CO. The slogan “Sun Powers The Grid” shows that the industry is
genuinely interested in the new technology.
The Globus Paradigm
However, the Globus project,
with its variety of programs
and versions, is responsible
for some of the confusion in
the Grid universe, no matter
how honorable its intentions
may be. The monolithic struc-
ture of version 2 of the Globus
Toolkit (GT 2) has notched
quite a few installations. Ver-
sion 3 (GT 3) introduces the
new Open Grid Service Archi-
tecture (OGSA), based on
so-called Grid services. This
para- digm shift caused some
July 2004
Grid Basics
degree of uncertainty among those
responsible for Grid project manage-
People had started to commit to GT 3
when a new version change was rung in
at the beginning of this year. GT 4
attempts to retain compatibility to tradi-
tional Web services.
One important aspect of Grid comput-
ing is security. Networking thousands of
computers scattered around the globe
across the Internet is like throwing down
the gauntlet to the tiresome but adven-
turous Script Kiddie fraction. Here the
Globus Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)
component can be used for authentica-
tion and authorization.
include the so-called Resource Broker,
which distributes Grid applications
transparently among appropriate com-
putational resources according to their
requirements. EDG was a genuine Euro-
pean Community Project equipped with
sufficient funding and manpower. How-
ever, the project was recently replaced by
EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-Science in
Europe) in the near future. EGEE will
build on the experience gained by the
European Data Grid.
AliEn (Alice Environment, [2]), a
product of the Alice Experiment at the
Large Hadron Collider, is a prime exam-
ple of the power of Open Source. In
contrast to EDG, Alien is not a com-
pletely new development; instead it uses
existing Perl modules, wherever it can.
With a team of just a few developers,
Alice’s “Extreme Programming” tech-
niques have been successful in authoring
a working Grid environment with func-
tionality on a par with EDG.
Supercomputing applications in partic-
ular tend to access the results of the
Unicore (Uniform Interfaces to Comput-
ing Resources, [3]) project, for example
~15 msec (Latency)
There is some common Grid functional-
ity that Globus does not cover – on
purpose. Based on an underlying Globus
framework, however, most of this func-
tionality is implemented by the
European Data Grid (EDG). The services
San Francisco
Figure 4: Network latency and bandwidth restrict the usefulness of Grid computing. The latency, the
time a data packet takes to cross a network, in particular is something that cannot be controlled arbi-
Principles of Distributed Computing
Grid applications are subject to the same
laws as any distributed application. The net-
work bandwidth and latency dictate the
performance of most applications. Network
bandwidth is a measurement of the amount
of traffic a network can handle per unit of
time. The latency measures the signal run-
time between the sender and receiver. On
Linux, you can use the ping command to test
this value. Ping measures the time for the
round trip, which is twice the latency. The
roud trip time between Forschungszentrum
Karlsruhe, Germany, and Ruhr University in
Bochum is about 20 ms (see Figure 3). The
latency on a local network should be an
order of magnitude less. Latency times on
multiprocessor systems are negligibly small
in contrast.
know that multiple parallel instances of the
program will be running. At the end of the
program, either the user, or the software,
simply needs to merge the results of the
individual computations.
Exchanging Data Slows Down the Application
Traditional parallel cluster applications tend
to exchange data during execution. This can
be an issue, if one instance of a program has
to wait for another, in order to carry on its
task. In this case, high latency and low band-
width on a WAN can aggravate the issue.
Local networks are better suited (LANs or
clusters), as are multiprocessor systems.
This makes it easy to recognize the kind of
applications that lend themselves to Grid
computing. As they typically run across a
WAN, the quality of the communication
between the computational nodes is the
major factor in determining whether it
makes sense to run an application on a Grid.
Although the Grid theoretically provides
almost unlimited computational resources,
the performance suffers if nodes waste com-
putational time waiting for other nodes to
Particle physics in particular, and other
branches of research in general, can leverage
Grid computing environments to analyze
large quantities of data in as short a time as
possible. They typically use applications
which are “nicely parallel”.
Figure 3: Histogram of round trip times between two network con-
nections (double latency, measured with ping ). The graph on the left
shows a LAN, the one on the right the connection from the Research
Center at Karlsruhe, to the University of Bochum, both in Germany.
The values on the WAN are typically around 18 to 20 milliseconds,
whereas the LAN achieves between 0.11 and 0.16 milliseconds.
Some applications
remain unaffected by
high latency and low
bandwidth. The same
program can compute a
dataset segment on mul-
tiple computers – which
may be distributed
around the globe – at the
same time; the individual
instances do not
exchange any data, how-
ever. This kind of
application is often
referred to as being
“embarrassingly paral-
lel”, or in a more
optimistic frame of
mind, as being “nicely
parallel”. It does not
place any additional
demands on the pro-
gramming. A developer
may not even need to
July 2004
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Grid Basics
the German Weather Service. Just like
Globus and EDG, Unicore uses a kind of
distributed batch system. In addition to
the middleware discussed previously,
names such as Cactus [4], Legion [5],
and Condor [6] are commonly heard.
choice of venue may surprise some peo-
ple, as you will be hard-pressed to find a
German project among the ranks of the
major Grid initiatives, from the Malaysia
Grid to semi-military installations such
as the US Department of Energy [7]. At
GGF10, the German Federal Minister of
Education and Research, Ms Edelgard
Bulmahn, introduced a very large-scale,
multi-organization German Grid initia-
tive – D-Grid.
is typically the case in research. It will
be interesting to see what kind of effect
the growing interest among businesses
will have on the new technology.
Although insiders are not surprised
or concerned about the chaotic land-
scape, commercial and scientific
exploitation requires standards – so end-
ing the chaos.
Standards, Grid Forum, and
The variety and independence of the var-
ious projects make it quite clear that
Grid computing desperately needs uni-
form standards and protocols. The
Global Grid Forum (GGF) is well on its
way to becoming a standards organiza-
tion for Grid computing. It aims to play a
role similar to that of the IETF (Internet
Engineering Taskforce) for the Internet.
Grid experts meet at several events
throughout the year, to exchange experi-
ences. The 10th Global Grid Forum took
place at the Humboldt University in
Berlin, Germany, in March 2004. The
Programmed Chaos
The Grid cannot be regarded as “World
Wide” judged from today’s standpoint.
It is as far away from being global as it
is from being standardized. Conference
attendees have thus sometimes refered
to the Grid as the G-word (alluding to
the four letter word). The problem is not
only related to funds or staff. Too many
clever people have come up with too
many (equally clever) solutions – as
[1] GÉANT project: http://www.dante.net/
[2] AliEn project: http://www.cerncourier.
[ 3] Unicore project: http://www.unicore.org/
[4] Cactus environment:
[ 5] Legion project: http://legion.virginia.edu/
[6] Condor project:
[7] US Department of Energy Science Grid:
Searching for the Indivisible
Elementary particle physics is concerned
with searching for the basic building blocks
of all material, and with describing the forces
that act between them. As far as we know
today, an elementary particle does not have
an internal structure. When scientists think
that they have discovered an elementary
particle, this often proves to be untrue on
closer inspection. By today’s standards,
atoms are gigantic, complex objects that
comprise electrons, protons and neutrons,
the latter being comprised of quarks, and
there is no end in sight.
Enormous Rings for Minuscule Particles
To help search for new particles and sub-
structures in known particles, researchers
use enormous accelerator systems, such as
the PEP II Ring at the Stanford Linear Acceler-
ator Center (SLAC) in California, or the
accelerator rings at CERN in Geneva, Switzer-
land. These accelerators cause various
particle types to collide.
The Large Electron Positron Collider (LEP),
which was introduced at CERN in 1989, accel-
erated electrons, and their anti-particles,
positrons, through a 27 kilometer ring caus-
ing them to collide at four points. The LEP
tunnel runs below Geneva and the
Swiss/French Jura mountain range. The ring
is so huge that its calibration not only
depends on tidal effects, but also on sea-
sonal variations in the water level of Lake
Geneva, which affect the surrounding coun-
Just recently, LEP was closed down to allow
an even bigger successor to be set up. The
new Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is currently
being installed in the former LEP tunnel.
To gether with its experiments – including
Atlas and Alice – the accelerator, which is due
to go on-line in 2007, should allow scientists
to generate previously unknown energy
levels. Achieving increasingly tiny dimen-
sions requires increasingly large amounts of
energy. Some particle types are so heavy
(and following Einstein’s E=mc 2 so full of
energy) that they cannot be created using
known accelerators. One example is the long
sought-after Higgs-Boson.
Fills up an 80GB Hard Disk in 16 Seconds
Higher energy levels also mean more data
for the scientists to store and process. For
example, during the Alice experiment, scien-
tists will be causing collisions between
heavy ions. The tracks of thousands of
loaded and neutral particles need to be
reconstructed for each collision. The corre-
sponding data stem from the signals of
various sub-detectors, organized like the skin
of an onion. Due to the higher collision rates,
LHC experiments generate about 40 GBits of
data per second. In other words, they would
take just 16 seconds to fill a normal 80GB
hard disk. However, these experiments are
scheduled to go on for many years.
The data rates have also brought about
changes in the computational infrastructure
in particle physics. Where Unix and VMS
machines, and occasionally mainframes,
used to crush the numbers just a few years
ago, the focus has shifted to Linux-based
machine farms today. The free Linux operat-
ing system’s road to victory began way back
in 1995 at CERN, when the first group of
physicists installed Linux on the hard disks of
its workstations.
Unfortunately, moving to Linux led to a few
unexpected problems. Physicists want their
programs to produce the same results wher-
ever they run. Different distributions, and
different versions of the same distribution
will typically use different libraries and
kernels. This in turn can affect the computa-
tional accuracy; in particular, mathlib has
proved to be a critical point. This problem
was previously unknown on homogeneous
Unix platforms.
The Main Motivations for Grid Computing
The masses of data that the LHC is expected
to generate place an enormous strain on the
computational infrastructure. The applica-
tions need fast networks, arbitrary access to
individual records, and an enormous compu-
tational capacity.
Instead of storing and processing data cen-
trally, the LHC scientists intend to use
existing or newly created computational
resources belonging to the participating
countries. The aim is to distribute the com-
putational and storage load – this is one
reason why the project is a major motivating
factor behind Grid computing.
Wherever particle physics meets Grid com-
puting, Linux proves to be a blessing and a
curse at the same time. It continues to pro-
vide a cheap and stable platform, but the
variety of distributions leads to more or less
Babylonian scenarios at datacenters.
July 2004
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