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An abandoned planet, a ruined world, a place where few still remember...
Can you imagine what it means when everything falls down?
When the world, as you know it, ends in a lash, what comes next?
Do you give up, fall down, die? Or do you struggle, force yourself to stand, live on? Walk over the bodies
of your family. Kill or be killed. Cling to life no matter where it takes you. Because only then will you
understand how deeds become history.
Only then will you survive Dark Age.
he world of Dark Age is a world of contradiction. Plasma riles meet crossbows, laser torches meet
horse-drawn ploughs, and future philosophy meets ancient religion. he inhabitants of our world all
share one simple trait, the instinct for survival at any cost.
A politician’s church ruling long abandoned humans with an iron ist.
Self-proclaimed demigods thrusting humanity forward with ancient technology.
An alien race, battling dishonor through warriors’ eyes, defending their adopted home.
Mutated barbarians, thirsting for revenge against those who forsook them.
Vat-spawned nightmares created by a perversion of the evolutionary principle and unleashed by an
insane mother.
And there are others;
humanity’s sins risen up against them,
an angel fallen through scientiic pride,
even more secrets held close by a merciless world.
Welcome to Samaria.
Core Rules
In this chapter, you will learn some of the basic and essential concepts
you will need to know when playing Dark Age. If you ever have any
questions not found in this rulebook regarding Dark Age, feel free to
stop by the website, http://www.dark-age.com, and visit the forum.
here you will ind many interesting articles on the varying aspects of
this hobby including speciic articles on the diferent tactics you can
use in the game of Dark Age and plenty of useful downloads.
always measure the shortest possible distance between the two
Miniature’s Bases. When determining Movement, measure from the
nearest point in the desired direction on the Miniature’s Base, up to
the correct distance. hen move the Unit, placing the same point of
the base at that location. here is no pre-measuring in Dark Age. If
you measure a distance, you must follow through with the action.
NOTE : Round all fractions down.
BATTLEFIELD – You need something to play on, a table or any
playing surface will do, typically 4’ x 4’.
DIE ROLLS - Dark Age utilizes a d20 for all game determinations. By
design, rolling lower is better than rolling higher.
on the die results in a “Critical Success” and rolling a “20” is a
“Critical Failure.” Most tests have special stipulations for handling
such critical rolls.
DARK AGE MINIATURES - To play the game you need a
number of Dark Age miniatures to represent your chosen Forcelist.
Each Dark Age miniature comes with a round plastic base to not
only help the piece stand, but also used throughout the rules to
represent the Unit's footprint on the Battleield.
LOWEST TO HIGHTEST - If a Unit must make multiple die rolls
for one action, such as AR Saves, make all of these dice rolls at once.
Consider them to occur in order from the lowest result to the
highest. If you only have one d20, you should note your results
down and resolve them in order of lowest to highest as above.
NOTE : As the die rolls are taken from lowest to highest, if a player rolls
both a 1 and a 20, the roll of 1 would take precedence over the 20.
TAPE MEASURE (FT) – Dark Age requires a standard Inches/Foot Tape
20-SIDED DICE – Used throughout Dark Age, rolling twenty
sided dice (d20s) to determine the outcome of statistic rolls and
general game play. Multiple dice of diferent colors are preferable,
making diferent rolls easier to distinguish.
SCATTER ROLL - A Scatter Roll is a single d20 roll. Each facet,
or side, of a d20 is a triangle shape and the direction of the Scatter
is the direction of the triangle point above the number rolled. It is
best to roll your Scatter die close to the intended target area to make
direction determinations easier
TERRAIN – To add life to your Dark Age miniature game you will
want to use terrain such as miniature-scale hills, rivers, bridges,
fences, buildings, and other landscapes.
COUNTERS, CARDS, & TEMPLATES – Dark Age makes use of various
counters and templates. You can ind these at the back of this book.
If you decide to use your own Counters and/or Cards, ensure they
are clearly representative, and that your opponent knows what they
represent before setting up the game.
TARGET NUMBER (TN) - he Target Number (TN) is the number
needed for a successful outcome on any die roll. Determine a TN
with one or more Statistics and any situational modiiers that may
apply to the speciic action performed. If the result is equal to or
lower than the TN, you are successful. he TN is calculated for
anything that requires a die roll including attacks, AR Saves, Fear or
Panic Tests, etc.
ARGUMENT STOPPER - Tabletop war games are just that:
“games.” Although making every attempt to cover all possible
scenarios and keep game play as smooth as possible, circumstances
may arise during game play not covered by the rules. If at any point
you or your opponent have a dispute on a topic and cannot reach an
agreement, simply roll one d20 each. he player that makes a lowest
roll wins the decision and the game continues. his will allow you to
keep your game lowing smoothly. You can always discuss the ruling
after the game for future reference. When this occurs, please post the
question on the Dark Age forums for a more oicial ruling.
ARMY - An Army is the primary and most general classiication for
combatants in Dark Age. hese often refer to a race or nation (e.g.
Forsaken, Dragyri, Skarrd, Brood, etc.). Each Army contains one or
more sub-types, called Forcelists.
FORCELIST (FORCE) - he Forcelist provides details on all of the
Units that make up the Force you ield on any particular Scenario.
Each Forcelist’s entries describe Units’ Statistics, Abilities, and
Weapons for use in the game of Dark Age. Additional books have
even more Forcelists to expand the world of Dark Age further.
NOTE : You may only use one Forcelist per 1,000 points. In games
from 1,001 – 2,000 points, you may combine up to two Forcelists
from the same Army. In games 2,001 – 3,000 points you may
combine up to three Forcelists from the same Army, etc.
MEASURING - All measurements in Dark Age are in inches
(in). When measuring the distance between two Units,
Concepts & Essentials
UNIT - Dark Age represents forces on the Battleield by Miniatures,
referred to as Units. A Unit is a single Miniature. Grouped into two
diferent categories, Units are either Individuals or Squads. herefore,
the term “Unit” may refer to an Individual or a single member of a
sufer from Fear or Panic. hey are also more likely to resist some
HEALTH POINTS (HP) - Health Points (HP) show the amount of
damage a Unit can withstand before Dying or removing it from play.
INDIVIDUAL - Individuals are Units that activate on their own.
POINT VALUE (PV) - Point Value (PV) is the worth of each Unit
in the game. his statistic balances the Forces to ensure every player
has an equal chance of winning. Before a game begins, players decide
the total Point Value for the game.
SQUAD - Squads are teams of Units that move and attack as a group.
A Squad may contain a Leader who generally has diferent Statistics.
UNIT CARD - Using a Unit Card in Dark Age is a fast way of
learning and remembering your Unit’s
Statistics, Weapons, and Special
Abilities. A Unit Card also helps
keep track of which Units have
completed their activation each Game Turn.
SPECIAL ABILITIES - Abilities are the representation of a Unit’s
special talents that other Units may not
share. Some Units have the ability to
attack multiple times, while
others have the ability to use a Casting.
Special and Weapon Abilities can be
found in the appropriate Forcelist section.
Special Abilities supersede or modify
how the standard rules apply to the Unit.
Statistics to represent how well the Unit
can shoot, attack, Cast, resist damage,
move, and function in the harsh world of
Dark Age. he following Statistics describe
the fundamental attributes of a Unit used
in Dark Age.
SIZE (SZ) - Size (SZ) shows the
physical size of a Unit in the world of Dark
Age. he Size groups are Tiny, Small, Medium,
Large and Huge.
ACTION POINTS (AP) - Action Points
(AP) represent the amount of activity a Unit
can participate in during its Activation. A
Unit spends an AP in order to perform
single actions such as Movement, using
weapons, abilities, and castings.
Size Correlates to Base Size
Tiny, Small,
Medium = Small Base (30mm)
Large = Medium Base (40mm)
Huge = Large Base (50mm)
EQUIPMENT - his shows the equipment
and weapons a Unit possesses.
DEFENSE (DF) - Defense (DF) is a Unit’s
ability to avoid an attack. Add this number
to an attacker’s AS when the target of an
SQUAD SIZE - Each Forcelist provides you
with the Unit’s Squad Size. his statistic
is either “Individual” or provides details on the number of Units
allowed in a single Squad. If the Squad Size is Individual, you pay the
PV for each Unit. Individuals may not become part of a Squad unless
a Special Ability states otherwise. If the Unit is part of a Squad, it
must adhere to the minimum and maximum Squad Size restriction
usually referenced. Squads must have at least as many Units as the
minimum listed, and no more than the maximum number of Units
listed. he Point Value for any type of Squad is always ‘per Unit,’ and
totaled accordingly.
ARMOR (AR) - Armor (AR) is the amount of protection the Unit
has against most attacks. his can be due to protective equipment,
or natural protection from a tough hide, fur, scales, or mutation.
Subtract the PW of a hit from a Unit’s AR when making an AR Save.
NOTE: he Unit attempting to avoid damage makes an AR Save,
not the Unit causing damage. hus, AR Saves ignore any Attackers’
TN modiiers.
MOVE OR MOVEMENT (MV) - Movement (MV) measures the
number of inches the Unit may travel per AP spent. Terrain and
obstructions can sometimes modify this amount.
AVAILABILITY - Availability is a limitation on the number of
Individuals or Squads that you can have in your Dark Age Force.
Availability restrictions range from required Game Size to needing
other speciic Units in your Force before allowing the Unit’s
purchase. If the listed Availability is “Unique” then you may
only ever take one of those Units or Squads per Force.
PSYCHE (PS) - he Psyche (PS) statistic indicates the Unit’s
bravery and willpower. Units with high PS are less likely to
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