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Jihad Turning Points: Luthien
A jihAd plot sourcebooks compAnion
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©2008 WizKids Inc. All rights Reserved. Jihad Turning Points: Luthien, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech,
’Mech, and WK Games are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of WizKids, Inc. in the United States and/or other
countries. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC.
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Manifest Destiny
Nagasaki CommuNity ZoNe, CraNe DistriCt
LuthieN, DraCoNis CombiNe
21 august 3072
Glancing down at a secondary monitor, he noticed the red markers of
the enemy retreating. A green lash highlighted the Precentor’s target
building, somewhat ahead of the withdrawing Clan force. Eric forced
the throttle forward to its stops, springing the Deva into a cat-like run.
His sense of balance fused with the OmniMech’s gyroscopic hardware
through his neural connection, unlike anything he’d felt when piloting
a normal ’Mech for the heretic Frails so long ago. The pure bliss of
feeling the Deva ’s toes dig into the soft loam was erotic and powerful;
the Sekkaris autocannon swung easily at his left side. On his right, he
relexively snapped the ’Mech’s retractable blade in and out, a nervous
habit he’d picked up when his adrenaline peaked.
“Precentor Hughes, fall back thirty,” came Belial’s voice again. Smooth,
rich, knowledgeable. His Ascended commander was the supportive,
strong father he’d never had. He obeyed, instantly.
An explosion of dirt and tree stumps erupted where his Deva
would’ve been. Belial sees all! The culprit, a SM1 Tank Destroyer, whined
into a hard spinning turn as it accelerated from its hiding place among a
shattered home.
“Disease is curable,” he thought. The Clans were just that—a disease
upon humanity, with their worship of the Frail lesh and bone. They
worship false ideals much like the Uninished Book worships the High
One, he thought. A brief memory bubbled and popped to the surface,
which he immediately squelched. This is no time for bedtime stories.
Springing forward, his Celestial OmniMech’s legs powering the heavy
machine into a graceful, if inelegant, dive, Eric slammed his right ist
down upon the back of the SM1. Still straining at top speed, the sudden
downward force lipped the hovertank into the air momentarily, its
lift fans losing its cushion with the ground. Pistoning the Deva up, Eric
brought his massive autocannon barrel around as the tank crashed
back to the dirt. With exaggerated care, he placed the barrel next to
the bulbous cockpit. Noting peripherally as the Luthien sun inally
disappeared beyond the horizon, Eric smiled and willed another metal
tempest to life with a mental lick of a switch.
“Welcome to Luthien, Clanner,” he spoke softly to the empty cockpit.
“Enjoy your eternal stay.”
The sun was setting.
Demi-Precentor Eric Hughes noted the sun’s demise behind the
horizon with detached contempt; the Nova Cat ’s bulky form held most
of his attention at the moment, its cat-and-starburst symbol already
pitted with damage on its torso, glaring at him.
Like a big, fat bullseye.
He could feel the savage heat bleeding of his Deva ’s metal skin,
hear the crackling of ionized air from nearby laser ire. A missile light
rippled from a Viking behind him and his fused senses counted each
individual exhaust pattern without even thinking. “Fifteen,” he muttered
absently. A portion of his visual cue tracked the missiles almost casually
as he glanced again at the squat, thuggish shape of the advancing Clan
The VDNI hookup was truly a gift from Blake. Though he knew in
the back of his mind that time wasn’t really slowing down but that his
weaker mind was processing faster than it could ever do normally, it still
felt like time was slowly drifting down a stream.
With a lippant, casual motion, he extended the massive autocannon
in his left arm and zeroed in on the Nova Cat ’s center of mass, releasing
a storm of metal and thunder that roared and raged against the
ofending ’Mech. He noted in passing as the Nova Cat staggered
sideways, a gaping, jagged hole now where only dents and scufs were
before. His augmented vision even caught the dim glow of sparks and
the rippling wave of heat suddenly vomiting from the wound.
Not that he cared. Clanners deserved no thought, no waste of
emotion. They only deserved death.
“Iron Will, swing north. Catch the Clanners in a vice; there’s currently
a binary of troops holed up in the remains of the mechanical shop,” the
disembodied voice of Precentor Belial echoed in his head. No sound
could be heard in the cockpit, save the occasional clicks and pops of the
maneuvering controls as Eric swung the Deva around.
“Acknowledged,” he responded.
biggest campaigns of the Jihad.
The general information contained in the Atlas and Combatants sections gives players the tools they need
to ight an ininite number of engagements on Luthien, while the Track information gives details on some of the
larger and more pivotal battles of the planetary struggle. The Track information can be used with the Chaos Campaign
rules (originally found in Dawn of the Jihad , pp. 132–138, as well as Blake Ascending , pp. 132–138, and in the Chaos
Campaign Ebook ) as well as stand-alone games.
The Atlas section presents a global view followed by some quick facts about the world. Included in this section you
will ind terrain tables broken into various categories. These tables can be used as a random chart to determine the
maps used in the tracks, or simply as a guide to give you ideas of the types of terrain found on the world. This section
also contains a list of various additional terrain types, environment and other rules that can be used to enhance your
game experience.
All players should agree whether or not to use any or all of these features before play begins.
The Combatants section gives details on the units who participated in the conlict and can be used by players who
wish to have an authentic ‘feel’ during their game.
The Tracks section presents several key battles that occurred on the world, though they are not the only ones. Play-
ers wishing to incorporate these tracks into their Jihad campaigns should use the WarChest Points (WP) listed in the
brackets. Optional points are awarded only if the group achieves at least one Objective while using the listed option.
Objective points are cumulative as they are achieved, unless otherwise noted.
Players may run these tracks as a stand-alone campaign; if so, players begin with 500 WP.
Unlike previously published Tracks, there is no recommendation of force size for each track. Players have complete
control over the size of game they wish to partake in, from lance-on-lance engagements to full-blown BattleForce-
scale ireights. While forces are recommended to be equal for a standard game, a campaign GM can adjust force sizes
as they feel necessary to give a more authentic ‘lavor’ to each track. All players should agree to force sizes before
The Annex contains several oicial Record Sheets. One is the BHKU-O Black Hawk Ku Albert , the command ’Mech
of Tai-sa Albert Benton of Sorenson’s Sabres during his time on Luthien. Next is an Inner Sphere-modiied Thresher
Edward , the command ’Mech of Tai-sa Edward Brandon of the Fortieth Dieron Regulars. Finally, the four WarShips
discussed under Naval Support (see p. 5) are provided here for ease of use.
Project Development : Ben Rome
BattleTech Line Developer : Herb Beas
Writing : Ben Rome
Production Staf
Cover Design and Layout : Matt Heerdt
Evolved Faction Logos Design: Jason Vargas
Illustrations : Ray Arrastia, Doug Chafee,
Chris Lewis, Duane Loose
Maps : Ray Arrastria
Record Sheets : David L. McCulloch
Factchecking/Playtesting : Bruce Ford,
Johannes Heidler, Mike Miller, Chris Smith, Sam
Snell, Roland Thigpen and Chris Wheeler
Special thanks to all previous writers and
developers who contributed in some way to
creating Luthien’s rich landscape. The Black
Pearl wouldn’t have been the same without
your imagination.
The last four pages of this PDF are sized for 11” x 17” paper. Please keep
that in mind when printing out the document.
W elcome to a new series of campaign books, designed to give players the opportunity to ight in some of the
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Star type (Recharge time): GOIII (181 hours)
Position in System: 4
time to Jump Point: 10.43 days
number of Satellites: 4 (Tsu Shima, Orientalis, Hikisaku, Occidentalis)
Surface Gravity: 1.0
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Tainted–Pollution)
Surface Water: 70%
equatorial temperature: 35 C (Temperate)
highest native Life: Amphibian
Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir
hPG Class type: A
Population (3067): 7,268,000,000
Socio-industrial Levels: A-A-C-A-C
New Sakhalin
ImperIAl CITy
Tokyo Island
/lAW City
Buda Weapons
Obuchi - Galileo
S E Iy O
Harima BAI
Shi zuoka
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