Płetwonurkowie [The Frogmen] 1951 DVDRip ENG.txt

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{2288}{2378}{y:i}[Man] That don't look nothin'like the|{y:i}skipper looked. Not for my money, it don't.
{2381}{2496}Sure, Canarsie. You got him looking like|one of them joes on a war bond poster.
{2498}{2593}- The skipper was a man.|- So he was a man. What's this, a dame?
{2596}{2653}That's not what Kinsella means,|Canarsie.
{2655}{2742}He means the skipper's jaw|was like a... like a hunk of granite.
{2745}{2826}- And his eyes were blue.|- Here, you make blue eyes with black ink.
{2829}{2874}Simmer down, Rembrandt.
{2877}{2949}All Pappy means is his jaw was tougher|and his eyes were, well, kind and friendly.
{2951}{3005}Look, fellas. Don't get me wrong.
{3007}{3105}I feel the same way about the skipper as you do.|But I done this over 20 times.
{3107}{3221}Just the same, all I say is,|if that looks like Mr. Cassidy did, I look...
{3224}{3283}You look like my uncle,|and I hate my uncle.
{3286}{3333}Ha, ha, ha!
{3336}{3394}Take another crack at it, Canarsie.
{3397}{3466}Come on, Pappy. It's your deal.
{3622}{3705}- Let's go, you guys. On your feet.|- On the double!
{3707}{3773}My, my! How you talk.
{3776}{3828}{y:i}[Kinsella]|{y:i}These lads just got no manners.
{3830}{3881}Okay, fellas. Let 'em do their job.
{3977}{4024}Operation Overboard!
{4087}{4158}- Hey, me and Joe were only kidding.|- We were just ribbing.
{4161}{4208}We don't think it's funny.
{4210}{4273}We figure we didn't ask to be aboard|this bucket, and if you guys...
{4276}{4331}- Sure, sure. Forget it, forget it.|- Yeah.
{4334}{4379}What's the verdict, fellas?
{4382}{4441}Toss 'em overboard, or give 'em|another chance to be little gentlemen?
{4493}{4562}- [Arguing]|- You can't blame us.
{4564}{4610}Sure. Sure.
{4612}{4697}You guys been having yourself a ball, while me|and Joe and the whole ship's company...
{4700}{4769}been waitin' on you hand and foot,|like you was V.I.P. S or somethin'.
{4771}{4825}- We are.|- Tell him the facts of life, Jake.
{4828}{4937}Listen, swabbies. There are roughly|three million men in this man's navy.
{4939}{5002}There are only a thousand of us guys|spread out over the Pacific.
{5005}{5113}You and your boyfriends have the honor and|the distinction of having aboard 30 of these...
{5115}{5155}- Fearless.|- Red-blooded.
{5158}{5200}- Death-defying.|- He-men.
{5202}{5304}So you gotta appreciate us, cater to us,|make us feel relaxed and at home.
{5306}{5373}Otherwise, some of you|won't be around for the next mess call.
{5376}{5456}Now shove off and swab the deck|somewhere else.
{5618}{5682}Come on, Pappy. Give us a chance|to get some of our plasma back.
{5685}{5742}You been taking mine|ever since we left Pearl.
{5744}{5831}- How about you, Canarsie? You wanna play?|- Me, gamble? Nah.
{5834}{5892}Anyway, I wanna finish the picture.
{5935}{6004}- There's more than one way to wet down a deck!|- [All Laughing]
{6006}{6066}Operation Manslaughter!
{6068}{6121}Holy smokes!|Of all the dirty tricks!
{6198}{6253}[Angry Shouting]
{6255}{6317}Come on. Give me a hand.
{6430}{6488}- Yes, Bill?|- A little trouble aft, Skipper.
{6490}{6554}Some of Mr. Lawrence's boys|tangled with some of ours.
{6557}{6602}- Serious?|- Not very.
{6605}{6650}Usual black eyes and bloody noses.
{6653}{6698}And a lot of injured pride, no doubt.
{6701}{6788}- {y:i}Well, bound to have|{y:i}some friction sooner or later.|- Why?
{6790}{6878}Well, you know, two different groups|aboard a ship about to go into action.
{6881}{6926}Nerves, tempers.
{6929}{7025}Get all the facts, Bill. Line up all the men|involved on the fantail, and I'll hold mast.
{7027}{7074}- Whistle when you're ready.|- Aye, aye, sir.
{7077}{7157}I wouldn't worry too much about it,|Lawrence.
{7159}{7257}It happened once before when I ferried|Jack Cassidy and his U.D.T. Gang out to Iwo.
{7260}{7329}Matter of fact, most of these same boys|were with him then.
{7331}{7397}I gave 'em a tongue-lashing,|and everything was shipshape again.
{7399}{7465}- Is that what you intend doing this time?|- Maybe.
{7467}{7540}- Why?|- It's your ship.
{7542}{7605}Meaning I could do|a better job running it?
{7608}{7654}Okay, I'll tell you what I'll do.
{7656}{7765}- I'll hold mast on my boys,|and you do the same on yours.|- I'd like that. Thanks.
{7767}{7865}And you can be certain my men|will give you no more trouble.
{7948}{8007}We didn't care about|getting a free bath, sir...
{8010}{8072}but look what they did|to our skipper Mr. Cassidy.
{8074}{8134}{y:i}[Pappy] Yeah, Canarsie's|{y:i}been working on it for weeks, sir.
{8136}{8213}We were all gonna sign our names on it|and send it to Mrs. Cassidy.
{8216}{8274}Sure. A man got a right|to stand up for his rights, sir.
{8277}{8333}What rights?
{8335}{8429}Well, sir, we're not just ordinary sailors.|We're U.D.T. Guys.
{8431}{8501}That makes us somebody special, huh?
{8503}{8572}Gives us the right to walk over everybody,|throw our weight around?
{8574}{8652}- What Kinsella means is...|- I know exactly what he means.
{8654}{8700}We're U.D.T. Men.
{8702}{8774}{y:i}Fearless, red-blooded,|{y:i}death-defying he-men.
{8776}{8853}{y:i}I know that song,|{y:i}and that's all it is...{y:i}a song.
{8856}{8944}{y:i}It doesn't entitle any of us to extra privileges|{y:i}or favors from this ship's company.
{8946}{9032}Mr. Klinger, I'm giving these men|eight hours extra duty.
{9034}{9128}- See to it that they deliver|a full 60 minutes in every hour.|- Aye, sir.
{9130}{9213}And I want it understood that no part|of this ship is out of bounds...
{9216}{9274}to members of the ship's company.
{9276}{9323}Remember that.
{9433}{9512}You can't say some of you fools|didn't ask for this.
{9514}{9623}I'll work out the extra-duty details with the|ship's exec and give them to you in the morning.
{9626}{9696}Take it easy.
{9698}{9777}Lawrence reminds me of a guy named Pulaskie|I used to know in Brooklyn.
{9780}{9874}Everybody reminds him of a fella|he used to know in Brooklyn.
{9876}{9961}Who ever came from Brooklyn|that ever amounted to anything?
{9964}{10041}Winston Churchill's mother,|the beautifulJennieJerome.
{10043}{10102}Walter Hampden, Harry Houdini,|Danny Kaye, Mae West, Gene Tierney...
{10105}{10168}Susan Hayward, Mickey Rooney, Barbara|Stanwyck, Lena Horne and, last but not least...
{10170}{10233}- Marvin W. Minkowsky.|- Yeah? Who's he?
{10236}{10289}Yours truly, matey,|and keep your eye on him.
{10292}{10351}This kid is gonna go places|and do things.
{10354}{10413}Like starting another picture|of the skipper, but pronto.
{10415}{10485}"But pronto."|What am I, a slave?
{10487}{10546}Don't answer that question.
{10858}{10925}{y:i}[Man On Radio] Bridge, this is Radio.|{y:i}From the flag, Nancy Hanks.
{10927}{10998}Call the flag, see if they're on|the {y:i}Nancy Hanks, Smitty.
{11001}{11061}Aye, aye, sir.
{11180}{11257}- The kleinsmith is on the {y:i}Nancy Hanks now, sir.|- Here's the message.
{11259}{11337}"Proceed... on duty... assigned."
{11388}{11465}Message coming through now, sir.
{11554}{11653}- Hey, what goes? Do you see the blinker?|- No, but he can. Infrared.
{11686}{11750}Oh. Well, don't let|my men know about this...
{11753}{11849}or they'll have even less respect for me,|if that's possible.
{11852}{11916}"Proceed on duty assigned.|Good luck."
{11918}{12014}- Give 'em a "roger," Smitty.|- Aye, aye, sir.
{12017}{12105}Left 15 degrees rudder.|Steady on course 285.
{12107}{12188}Steady course is 285.|Rudder is left 15.
{12190}{12285}- [Vincent] All engines ahead full.|- All engines ahead full.
{12335}{12401}[Helmsman]|Engine Room acknowledges all ahead full.
{12403}{12486}Well, Lawrence, looks like the curtain's|about to go up on your bathing beauties.
{12489}{12544}Yeah. What time|do we arrive in the area?
{12546}{12633}- 0600 tomorrow.|- I'd better get started. I'll see you later.
{12695}{12741}Say, uh...
{12775}{12846}this fella Cassidy|you mentioned this afternoon.
{12849}{12894}- Jack Cassidy?|- Yeah.
{12897}{12970}- What about him?|- What, uh, sort of a man was he?
{12973}{13027}He was quite a character.
{13030}{13090}The kind of a guy that could charm|the ears off an elephant.
{13093}{13160}Yeah. The men thought|a lot of him, huh?
{13162}{13241}Crazy about him.|He was crazier about them.
{13243}{13305}He, uh, got it at Iwo, didn't he?
{13307}{13378}Yeah, after a mission,|on the way back from the beach.
{13381}{13448}One of his men was hit and knocked|into the water. Jack went in after him.
{13450}{13553}- Never been seen since.|- When your number comes up,|not a bad way to go.
{13555}{13617}- I'll see you below.|- Right. What about some cribbage later?
{13619}{13712}No, thanks. Not tonight. I'm gonna|hit the sack after briefing the men.
{13746}{13821}{y:i}[Lawrence]|{y:i}Now as to the general plan of operation.
{13823}{13872}This is Red Beach here.
{13874}{13936}That's the natural harbor and entrance.
{13938}{14013}This area over here is Green Beach.
{14016}{14085}Now, based on aerial photographs|and intelligence reports...
{14087}{14153}the enemy expects us to hit Red Beach...
{14155}{14232}but the admiral wants to fool 'em|and hit over here on Green Beach...
{14234}{14282}if it's at all accessible.
{14284}{14333}Our job is to find that out.
{14335}{14422}Mr. Klinger, you'll take Flannigan|and these 10 men.
{14425}{14494}You'll go in on Red Beach strictly|to create a diversionary feint.
{14496}{14590}{y:i}Blow up enough obstacles, man-made|{y:i}or otherwise, to convince theJaps...
{14593}{14643}that we're coming in here...|Red Beach.
{14646}{14705}I'll go in the other boat|with Hodges and the rest...
{14707}{14769}to do a complete reconnaissance job|on Green Beach.
{14771}{14817}- Is that understood?|- Yes, sir.
{14819}{14893}We shov...
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