Dixon - Klolode Class Musings.txt

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Here's another old one for you guys to chew on... The original D7
Klingon battle cruiser from TOS... There's nothing like a good packet of
blueprints and manuals...

K L I N G O N  W A R S H I P

Background Of "Klolode" Class:

     Around Sd 3900, Star Fleet Intelligence began getting indications that
the Klingon Fleet was involved in the construction and testing of a new battle-
cruiser design.  Intelligence intercepts subsequently revealed the configur-
ation and component producers for the new "Klolode" class, as well as the
Imperial Planning Council's original projections for construction of twenty
     The existence of a completed "Klolode" class vessel was not verified until
Sd 4014.40 when a surveillance drone launched from the Gamma Three Station
near Donatu intercepted a coded transmission from the battlecruiser "Gortuk."
The name and identification code of this vessel matched those of the third
battlecruiser scheduled for completion.  Visual transmissions from the drone
verified that this was one of the newly designed warships.
     The first contact with one of the vessels came on Sd 4201.71 when the
starship "Constellation" (NCC-1017) discovered an intruder in the Sauran star
system in Federation space.  An indecisive battle followed, resulting in minor
damage to "Constellation" and a hasty retreat to Klingon space for the battle-
cruiser, which bore the designation "Atropos" on its hull.
     As a result of the close observation afforded by the battle, much valuable
data concerning the new ship's capabilities and general battleworthiness was
obtained.  Above all else, it was found to be extremely warp dynamic.  Low mass
allowed for rapid development of OCM necessary for warp entry.  The vessel's
extremely smooth hull reflected the then-prevalent view among Klingon designers
regarding the balancing of deflector/force field capabilities and warp dynamic
qualities.  (Subsequent Klingon advances in warp technology have allowed great-
er shielding without sacrifice of speed, as first evidenced in the "K't'inga"
     As ships of this class aged the Klingons began selling some of the older
ones to the Romulans in exchange for the right to buy their newly-developed
cloaking generators.  Starship "Enterprise" confirmed suspicions to this effect
on Sd 6215.43 when it encountered a pack of three of the "Klolode" class ves-
sels under Romulan command.
     Though the existence of only 21 "Klolode" class battlecruisers has been
confirmed, it is believed that a total of 45-60 were built, with some 15 (7
confirmed) having been sold to the Romulan Fleet to date.  While for some time
it was thought that ships of this aging class would be uprated to match the
more powerful but physically similar "K't'inga" configuration, this does not
seem to have been the case.  The Klingon Imperial Fleet seems content to let
the vessels wear themselves out.

Listing Of Known "Klolode" Class Battlecruisers:

Name (Translation)           I.D. Number    Existence Verified         Status
---- -------------           ---- ------    --------- --------         ------

Atropos (Invincible)         KL 10097       Sd 4201.71 by              Active
                                            "Constellation" (NCC-1017)
Flethish (Prominence)        ChR 222        Sd 6283.01 by              In
                                            "Jenghiz" (NCC-501)        Romulan

Gortuk (Furious)             KL 08422       Sd 4014.40 by              Unknown
                                            surveillance drone
Hakask (Horrendous)          KL 99019       Sd 4141.07 by              Active
                                            Gamma Two Station
Jurakte (Assassin)           KL 32533       Sd 5547.69 by              Active
                                            "Monitor" (NCC-1713)
Kahless (The Merciless One)  KL 08405       Sd 4392.41 by              Unknown
                                            merchant vessel
Klathas (Pestilence)         KL 68953       Sd 5689.38 by              Active
                                            "Federation" (NCC-2100)
Klolode (Destruction)        KL 02529       Sd 4267.15 by              Active
                                            "Diana" (NCC-589)
Klothos (Carnage)            KL 99970       Sd 4517.23 by              Active
                                            "Constitution" (NCC-1700)
Lachesis (Havoc)             KL 66065       Sd 4972.80 by              Unknown
                                            "Etzel" (NCC-509)
Luctas (Starfire)            ChR 316        Sd 6215.43 by              In
                                            "Enterprise" (NCC-1701)    Romulan
Makita (Executioner)         KL 31060       Sd 4765.20 by              Active
                                            merchant vessel
Marta (Corona)               ChR 333        Sd 6348.17 by              In
                                            "Constitution" (NCC-1700)  Romulan
Meninarca (Gauntlet)         ChR 400        Sd 6317.12 by              In
                                            Earth Outpost Two          Romulan
N'lanaes (Predator)          ChR 385        Sd 6215.43 by              In
                                            "Enterprise" (NCC-1701)    Romulan
Parno (Broadsword)           ChR 381        Sd 6215.43 by              In
                                            "Enterprise" (NCC-1701)    Romulan
Tabor (Powerful)             KL 85269       Sd 4517.23 by              Active
                                            "Constitution" (NCC-1700)
Thanatos (Vengeance)         KL 63573       Sd 4696.34 by              Active
                                            "Shaitan" (NCC-519)
Tor'stog (Deviser)           KL 73796       Sd 4958.81 by             Destroyed
                                            "Bonhomme Richard" (NCC-1712)
Trelinitu (Starlight)        ChR 566        Sd 6216.28 by              In
                                            "Potemkin" (NCC-1711)      Romulan
Tuer (Murderous One)         KL 74717       Sd 5405.27 by              Active
                                            Delta One Station

K L I N G O N  W A R S H I P

Current Specifications Of "Klolode" Class:

Dimensions                     Ship's Complement
----------                     ------ ----------

Overall Length:      216.4 m   Officers:   24
Overall Draught:      57.1 m   Crew:      430
Overall Beam:        152.4 m

Primary Hull Length:  42.7 m
Primary Hull Draught: 32.8 m   Maximum Velocity:  Warp 7
Primary Hull Beam:    48.8 m   Cruising Velocity: Warp 6
Nacelle Length:       73.2 m    Rest-Onset Critical Momentum:       10.28 sec
Nacelle Draught:      17.8 m    Onset Critical Momentum-Warp Engage: 2.21 sec
Nacelle Beam:         11.2 m    Warp 1-Warp 3:                       1.00 sec
                                Warp 3-Warp 5:                        .71 sec
Displacement                    Warp 5-Warp 7:                       2.36 sec

Light:          105,000 m.t.   Duration
Standard:       110,000 m.t.   --------
Full Load:      115,000 m.t.
                               Standard: Approx. 2.4 Earth Years at Standard
                               Maximum:  Approx. 7.2 Earth Years at Standard


Navigation:   "Chon" Vector and Tensor Analysis Unit
              (Developed at the Xixobrax Military Research And Development
              Station on Korvus VIII (Xixobrax))
Computers:    "Krotus'Mor" Level 12 Central Information Unit
              (Developed at Sapiar, Wangroon by K'lomar Tashut)
Weapons:      Gravitic Disruptor Mounts: 2 (Force 47) of the "Ovlarka Moy" type
              (Developed at the Boskon Weapons Facility on Bosklave)
              Magno-Photon Projectile System: 1 Tube (Force 103) of the
              (Produced by Aku Yagust on Mingren II (Mingren'mor))
              Stasis Field Generator
              (Specifics Deleted--Security Level Five Required For Access To
              This Data)
Defense:      "Mengat Pul" Force Field and Deflector Generation System
              (Developed and Produced by Das'trivil Mengat in the Zhan Bur
              Kingdom of Merat, Kazh)
              "Sorg'tu Vwe-cha" Tactical System
              (Produced by Klinthis on Kinkuthanza II (Kinkuthanza'mor))
              "Clitimera" Cloaking Generator
              (Developed and Produced by Clita on Romulus (Ch'Ri'Han))
Propulsion:   Hyperphotic: (2) S-2 Dilithium Conversion Graph Units
              (Developed and Produced by K'tchar in the Sta Mura Kingdom of
              Komari, Kazh)
              Subphotic Primary: (1) Hydrogen Energy Impulse Unit
              (Produced at Hyinga, Kinkuthanza II (Kinkuthanza'mor) by Haksu)
              Maneuvering: Chemical Propulsion
              (Specifics Unknown)
Life Support: Artificial Gravity Gener...
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