Deadlands - Hexarcana.pdf

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By: John Goff
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By: John Goff
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Written & Designed by: John Goff
Original Martial Arts Design by: Robin Laws
Editing & Layout: Joyce Goff, John Goff & Josh “Roach” Reid
Cover Art: Pete Venters
Interior Art: Michael Chen, Chris Libey, Jeff Rebner, Kenneth Water
Cover Design: Zeke Sparkes
Logos: Zeke Sparkes, Charles Ryan & Ron Spencer
Special Thanks to: Lee Banson, Paul Duke, Shane, Michelle, Caden & Ronan Hensley, John & Christy Hopler, the Listserv
Rowdies, Jay Kyle, Jason Nichols, Allan Seyberth and Dave Wilson
Deadlands created by Shane Lacy Hensley.
Dedicated to: Shane Hensley, for creating the worlds of Deadlands and a dozen other reasons.
Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 10908
Blacksburg, VA 24062–0908 or
(800) 214–5645 (orders only)
Deadlands, Weird West, Dime Novel, the Great Rail Wars,
the Deadlands logo, and the Pinnacle logo are
Trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
© 1999 Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Visit our web site for free updates!
Printed in the USA.
Table o’ Contents
Introduction .................... 4
Posse Territory ...... 5
Chapter Three:
New Secrets of
Shaolin.......................... 54
The Times, They Are
A’Changin’ .................................. 54
Making a Martial Artist .... 55
Mano a Mano ................................ 57
New Aptitudes ............................. 58
New Edges ....................................... 60
Martial Arts Hindrances .....61
Ch’i Powers ...................................... 66
Archetypes .................... 73
The Marshal’s
Handbook ................123
Chapter One:
The Divine
Calling ...............................7
Fire & Brimstone Updates ....7
New Miracles ....................................8
New Gifts ............................................15
New Divine Interventions. 17
Chapter Four:
The Way of the
Spirits .............................83
A New Drum for the
Dancers ........................................ 83
New Guardian Spirits ........... 84
New Favors ...................................... 86
Chapter Four:
Secrets of the
Arcane ......................... 125
Shuffling the Deck ............... 125
Your Kung Fu Is Weak! ... 126
The Spirit Ain’t Willing .... 126
Who Do Voodoo? ..................... 126
Chapter Four:
Conjure Bags &
Curses ............................93
Basic Beliefs .................................. 94
New Aptitudes ............................. 96
New Edges ....................................... 97
Calling the Loa ........................... 97
Doin’ That Voodoo ................... 101
Conjure Bags................................ 102
Spell Descriptions .................. 103
Chapter Two:
A Whole New
Deck.................................. 19
The Old & the New .................19
New Tricks....................................... 20
New Hexes ....................................... 23
The Science of Magic .......... 30
When Magic and Science
Meet .................................................. 33
The Tricks ........................................ 34
The Hexes ......................................... 35
Index................................... 127
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