Deadlands - Back East - The South.pdf

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BY: Steven S. Long, Christopher
McGlothlin & Kenneth Hite
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Back East: The South
Written & Designed by: Steve Long, Christopher McGlothlin & Kenneth Hite
Developed By: Hal Mangold & John Hopler
Editing & Layout: John Hopler & Hal Mangold
Cover Art: Doug Shuler
Interior Art: Steve Bryant, Paul Daly, Kim Demulder, Ashe Marler, Jason Millet, Allan Nunis,
Chris Page & Rick Tucker
Maps: Craig Zipse
Cover Design: Hal Mangold
Logos: Charles Ryan, Ron Spencer & Zeke Sparkes
Steve Thanks: Jenna McConnel, for the books from South Carolina, Christopher McGlothlin, for helping
me avoid any unpleasant errors, and John Goff, for suggestions on how the Blessed deal with ghosts.
Christopher Thanks: Tanith McGlothlin, Capt. John S. Ratliff (10th Kentucky Cavalry, Co. 1, CSA), “The
Nature Boy” Ric Flair, and Those Dern Yankees, Rick Dakan & Jack Emmert
Kenneth Thanks: Sheila, as usual for everything, and to Jason and Aileen (and Mr. Pugsley) for giving me
a reason to go South, and to Steve Long, for being the Man.
Pinnacle Thanks: Barry Doyle, Matt & Martin Forbeck, Ann Kolinsky, Shane, Michelle & Caden Hensley.
Christy Hopler, Dave Seay, Matt Tice, Charles Ryan, Maureen Yates, Ray Lau & John “Z” Zinser
Deadlands created by Shane Lacy Hensley.
Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 10908
Blacksburg, VA 24062–0908 or
(800) 214–5645 (orders only)
Deadlands, Weird West, Dime Novel, the Great Rail Wars,
the Deadlands logo, and the Pinnacle logo are
Trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
© 1999 Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
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Printed in the USA.
Table o’ Contents
Posse Territory.... 4
Chapter Four:
The Carolinas ........................ 28
North Carolina ............................ 28
The War in
North Carolina ..................... 30
A Look at
North Carolina ..................... 33
The Piedmont .............................. 37
South Carolina ........................... 44
The War in
South Carolina ..................... 45
Charleston ....................................... 46
Chapter Five:
The Deep South ................. 50
The True South ......................... 50
Mississippi ....................................... 50
Alabama ............................................. 53
Georgia ................................................ 58
Atlanta ................................................. 58
Florida .................................................. 63
Territory ............ 77
Introduction .......... 4
The Tombstone
Epitaph’s Guide
to the
Confederacy....... 5
Introduction by
Lacy O’Malley .......................... 6
Chapter One:
To Live and Die
in Dixie .............................................7
Confederate People ...................7
Birth of a Nation ........................ 8
The Peculiar
Institution ................................... 10
A Society Transformed ..... 10
Jefferson Davis ............................. 12
Chapter Two:
City of Graves........................ 14
Capital District ............................ 14
Richmond Press ......................... 15
Chapter Three:
The Front-Line
States .............................................. 20
The Old Dominion ................. 20
The Bluegrass State............. 23
The Volunteer State ............. 24
Nashville ............................................ 24
Chapter Three:
The True
South .................. 79
the Rebels ................................. 79
Digging Up the
Truth in the City
of Graves .................................... 80
The Deadly Triangle ............ 87
Carolinas Indians .................... 94
Charleston ..................................... 103
Alabama ........................................... 107
Georgia ............................................... 110
Florida ................................................. 113
Chapter Two:
The Southern
Soldier ............... 69
New Aptitudes ............................ 69
New Edges ....................................... 70
New Hindrances........................ 72
Shootin’ Irons .............................. 73
Archetypes ......... 74
Appendix ......... 118
The Deadlands
Dispatch .......... 124
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