Earthdawn 3e - Namegivers of Barsaive.pdf

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Third EdiTion
Line Developer: Carsten Damm
• EarThdawn Third EdiTion •
Managing Director: James D. Flowers
Development: Steven J. Black, Eike-Christian Bertram,
Lars Heitmann, Jeremiah Schwennen, Jason U. Wallace,
Hank Woon
Original Writing: Louis J. Prosperi, Tom Dowd, Robert
Cruz, Marc Gasgione, Shane Lacy Hensley, Diane Piron-
Gelman, Sean R. R hoades, Carl Sargent, John J. Terra,
Robin D. Laws, Mike Mulvihill, Nigel D. Findley, Jim
Nelson, Mike Nielsen
Additional Material: Steven J. Black, Eike-Christian
Bertram, John W. Carter, Robert C. Charrete, Carsten
Damm, Seth Feierstein, James D. Flowers, Joshua
Harrison, Lars Heitmann, Graeme Lindsell, Danielle
Mallete, Carl Meadows, Andrew Ragland, Tim Reynolds,
Jeremiah Schwennen, Jason U. Wallace, Donovan Winch
Senior Editors: Carsten Damm, James D. Flowers
Associate Editors: Steven J. Black, Eike-Christian Bertram, Joshua Harrison, Donovan Winch
Layout: Carsten Damm, Kathy Schad
Interior Artwork: Tom Baxa, Joel Biske, Steve Bryant, Liz Danforth, Janet Aulisio, Earl Geier, Jef Laubenstein,
Darrell Midgete, Jim Nelson, Mike Nielsen, Tony Szczudlo, Kathy Schad, Larry MacDougall
Cover Artwork: Paul Tobin
Earthdawn® is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Barsaive™ is a Trademark of FASA Corporation.
Earthdawn® copyright © 1993–2010 FASA Corporation. Earthdawn Namegivers of Barsaive™ is a Trademark
of FASA Corporation. Earthdawn® and all associated Trademarks used under license from FASA Corporation.
All R ights Reserved. Published by RedBrick Limited —Auckland, New Zealand.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
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Internet: htp://w w
January 2010 — First Printing
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Namegivers of Barsaive
No, no, no … hese are headings. For alphabetical entries you
need to use the index! W hat do you mean there is none?!
• Merrox, Master of the Hall of records  •
IntroductIon .................................................7
How to Use his Book ............................................7
Playing the Races ...................................................7
W hat the Corruption Wrought
Upon the Elven Court ..............................................23
a Discourse on elven spiritual Beliefs .............24
Of the Journey and the W heel ...............................24
On the Following of a Path .....................................24
Of the Diferent Paths ...............................................25
Of Elven R ituals ..........................................................26
Of the elven arts and Crats ............................29
Of Diverse Elven Arts............................................... 30
A Discourse on Crats................................................ 31
On the Unique Beauty of the 
 elven language...................................................32
On the Telling of Stories and Legends ................33
where the elves of Barsaive Dwell ...................34
Of Elven Setlements..................................................34
Of elves and Other namegivers .......................35
Of True Elves and Blood Elves ..............................36
On THaT ReMaRaBle PeOPle  
 KnOwn as THe DwaRfs ..............................8
On Being a Dwarf in Barsaive ............................8
On Dwarfs as Builders .........................................8
On the Making of Tools ............................................. 9
On the Importance of Building
All hings in One’s Home......................................... 9
On Connections Between Cratsmanship
and Artistry .................................................................... 9
On the Reasons and Source of Trade ..................10
Building the Intangible ..............................................10
On loyalty among the Dwarfs ..........................11
On the Claims of Family.......................................... 11
On Tribal Loyalties..................................................... 11
On Loyalty to Nations ..............................................12
On Fealty to the Kingdom.......................................13
On the Place of the Dwarfs in Barsaive ..........13
On the Meaning of Dwarf Fables .......................... 14
On the Manner of Dwarfs Toward
Other Namegivers ...................................................... 15
On the Culture of Dwarfs ..................................15
On Artistic Endeavor and Cratsmanship............ 16
On R ituals Marking the Passage of Life .............. 16
On How A inity for the Earth
Shapes Behavior .......................................................... 17
On the Importance of Language and the Law... 17
On the Fascinating Ways of the Khavro’am .......18
an essay On HUMans .................................37
On Being a Human in Barsaive .........................37
On the Common Beginning 
 of all namegivers ...............................................37
On the Versatile Nature of Humans.....................38
On the General nature and ways of Humans .38
On the Physical Nature of Humans......................38
On Marriage and Childrearing ...............................39
On Human Spiritual and Other Beliefs.............. 40
On the Places where Humans Dwell ...............41
On Human Architecture...........................................42
On Diverse and Unique Human Cultures .......42
Of the Cathan People ................................................42
A Discourse on the Dinganni................................. 44
On the Strange Origins of the Galeb-Klek......... 45
Of the Outlaw R iders of the Scorched Plain ..... 45
On the Strange History of the Scavian People . 47
On the Evils hat Befell the Vorst ........................48
On THe HisTORy Of THe  
 elven PeOPle ................................................20
To live as an elf since the Corruption ...........20
Of the elven Court and its Power ....................20
On the Choosing and Reign of the Queen ....... 20
he Calamitous Passing of Queen Dallia ............. 21
he Coming of Queen Failla ................................... 21
he Tumultuous Reign of Alachia .........................22
On THaT CURiOUs aCe 
 KnOwn as OBsiDiMen ...............................50
a first encounter with an Obsidiman ..............51
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On the nature of Obsidimen.............................51
On Appearance and Physical Nature....................52
On Feelings and Behavior Among Obsidimen...52
On the Reason for venturing into the world .54
On the Obsidiman way of life ..........................55
An Obsidiman Myth of Creation........................... 55
On the Brotherhood as Family ...............................56
On the Signiicance of the Liferock ...................... 57
On Birth and Coming of Age ................................. 57
On the Time Known as the Dreaming................59
On the Final Return to the Liferock ................... 60
On Obsidiman Culture and Myths....................61
Concerning the Valley of the Elders
and the Council of Four ..........................................62
On Artistic Endeavor .................................................62
On Obsidiman Crat ..................................................63
On Meaningful Adornments ................................... 65
On the wondrous Complexities 
 of Obsidiman language ....................................65
On How the Perception of Time
Shapes the Spoken Word ......................................... 65
On the Structure of the Obsidiman Tongue .....66
A Discourse on Writing Among the Obsidimen 67
On Dealings with the world and its Residents 67
On Obsidimen and the Disciplines .......................69
On Obsidimen and hera .........................................70
On Obsidimen and the Passions ............................70
On Diverse Customs among Obsidimen ..........71
Regarding the Custom of the Sending................. 71
Observations on Gatherings .................................... 71
On Customs Common to
Obsidimen in Towns and Cities............................72
On Spirituality Among Trolls .................................84
he society of Trolls ...........................................84
On the Ways of Highland Trolls............................ 85
On Lowland Trolls......................................................88
On the various Rituals of life ..........................89
On the Ordeal of Birth .............................................89
On Names and Naming ........................................... 90
On the Age of Passage and its R ites..................... 91
On Marriage Customs ............................................... 91
On the Troll Acceptance of Death ........................92
On Diverse aspects of Troll Culture ................93
On Tales and Heroes .................................................93
On the Creation of Art ............................................. 95
On Cratsmanship Among Trolls...........................96
On Maters of Manners and social Custom ....97
On Finding Privacy Within ..................................... 97
On the Signiicance of Horns .................................98
On Greetings and Partings ......................................99
On the Curious Custom of Boasting....................99
On Trolls’ Views of Other Races...........................99
a BRief TReaTise On THe T’sKanG .....101
On the nature of the T’skrang ........................101
On the T’skrang of the serpent River ............102
Of the Importance of the Niall ........................... 102
On the Honor of Being the Lahala .....................103
Of the Miracle of New Life ...................................103
On Growing Up T’skrang ..................................... 104
On the Complexities of village life ...............105
Of the T’slahyin........................................................ 106
On Life on the Great R iver ...................................107
On the aropagoi ...............................................107
On Unique items of Trade ...............................108
Fish of Unsurpassed Delicacy .............................. 108
Spices of Great Diversity........................................ 108
Rope of Incomparable Strength........................... 109
Basketry of Exceeding Cunning .......................... 109
Fine Instruments of Writing ................................. 109
Music of Joy and Proit .......................................... 109
Potery of Beauty and Use..................................... 109
Art of Elemental Nature......................................... 110
On the T’skrang love for art .........................110
On the T’skrang Beyond the serpent River ..110
On hose T’skrang Known as the Pale Ones . 110
Of the T’skrang W ho Fly .......................................112
Of the T’skrang W ho Live in the Jungle ..........113
On the T’skrang love for language ...............114
On Customs Peculiar to the T’skrang ............115
Of Living in Harmony With a Tail.....................115
Of the Ways and Honors of Naming..................115
On the Reasons for Mating ...................................116
Of the T’skrang R ituals at Death ........................116
a Discourse on the subject of Haropas ..........116
On the T’skrang and the Passions ..................118
On the T’skrang Reverence for the Old Ways 119
RevelaTiOns On THe  
 naTURe Of ORKs ..........................................73
On Prizing freedom above all .........................73 
On living and Dying well ................................74
On seizing life and shaking it.........................75
On Rebellion and Change........................................ 75
On the hree Ways of Orks .................................... 75
On the Burning Heart of Gahad .......................76
On Orks and the Passions .................................77
On Ork ways and Customs ...............................78
On Arts Among Orks ................................................78
On Ork Cratsmanship ..............................................78
On Styles of Dress ......................................................79
On Weapons and Armor...........................................79
On Ork Architecture..................................................79
On Mannerly Behavior Among Orks ...................79
On Customs of Love, Marriage and Family ..... 80
On the Ways of Men and Women........................ 80
On How Orks View Other Races......................... 80
On Food and Drink Dear to Orks ........................ 81
On THe naTURe anD ways Of TROlls 82
a word on Generalizations ................................82
On the Dual nature of Trolls ...........................83
On the Many Meanings of Honor.........................83
a Tale Of winDlinGs .................................120
On the nature of windlings ............................120
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