
(31 KB) Pobierz
{20}{94}"The first revolution,
{100}{174}and the counter-revolutionary|period which followed it (1907-1914)
{179}{253}laid bare the true nature|of the czarist monarchy,
{258}{332}pushed it to its limits,
{337}{411}and exposed the rottenness,|the corruption,
{416}{490}the cynicism and the debauchery|among the Czar's followers,
{495}{569}with the monstrous Rasputin|leading the pack..."
{575}{649}V.I. Lenin|"Letters from Exile"
{983}{1040}Second Artists' Association
{1410}{1499}The Russian Empire is a vast|territory
{1504}{1657}straddling Europe and Asia.
{1662}{1794}A land of 170 million inhabitants,|the largest monarchy in the world.
{1841}{1951}An agricultural country, with|industry only moderately developed.
{1964}{2049}A country of great poets, writers,
{2054}{2134}thinkers, and revolutionaries.
{2150}{2249}A country where two-thirds of|the population is illiterate.
{2289}{2363}A country of enormous|social contrasts,
{2387}{2436}where bureaucracy and censorship|are omnipresent,
{2441}{2505}where the authorities|stifle human rights.
{2616}{2669}The First World War has revealed
{2675}{2774}the patent bankruptcy|of government
{2779}{2853}and accentuated its weaknesses|and internal contradictions.
{2868}{2984}Crushing military defeats have|caused the loss of Poland,
{3005}{3059}Lithuania, parts of Latvia|and Byelorussia.
{3064}{3148}The army was almost out of|ammunition.
{3193}{3269}A severe fuel shortage|paralyzed transport.
{3275}{3334}All attempts to solve|the food crisis
{3339}{3375}came to nothing.
{3408}{3489}The black market flourished.|Speculation, corruption,
{3494}{3584}wasting of public funds|were rampant.
{3600}{3713}The foreign debt climbed|to 51 billion gold rubles.
{3764}{3813}Russia owed money|to France, England,
{3818}{3889}the United States, Belgium,|and many other countries.
{3900}{3951}Russia's economic independence|was at stake
{3956}{4074}and her political independence|seriously compromised.
{4141}{4203}The situation was critical.
{4210}{4303}Russia was about to experience|an upheaval that would affect
{4308}{4399}not only her history,|but that of the entire world.
{5075}{5184}Written by Semyon LUNGIN|and Ilya NUSINOV
{5193}{5286}Directed by Elem KLIMOV
{5295}{5388}Director of Photography|Leonid KALASHNIKOV
{5398}{5522}Production Designers: Shavkat|ABDUSALIMOV, Sergey VORONKOV
{5685}{5778}Music by Alfred SCHNITTKE|Sound by Boris VENGEROVSKY
{5783}{5832}Conductor Eri KLAS
{6054}{6117}Alexei PETRENKO
{6125}{6174}Anatoly ROMASHIN
{6179}{6249}Velta LINE|Alissa FREINDLIKH
{7728}{7797}Russia. 1916
{8062}{8159}I'm ready to take any punishment|if Your Majesty
{8164}{8224}should be displeased with me.
{8239}{8313}I trust my painting|won't inhibit your ideas.
{8433}{8542}If I'm overstepping my position,|you just have to say one word,
{8547}{8636}and I shall resign my post|as President of the Duma.
{8650}{8711}What's this all about,|Mikhail Vladimirovich?
{8735}{8865}The best of Mother Russia's sons,|elected deputies of the Duma,
{8870}{8919}representing all of the Guberniyas...
{8925}{8984}Put it simply, if you please.
{9064}{9144}Your Majesty, it is for your own|safety.
{9160}{9274}We're on the eve of the events,|the result of which we can't foresee.
{9304}{9390}What the government, and you|personally, are doing
{9395}{9494}is enraging the citizens to such|an extent, that anything is possible.
{9570}{9624}The Lord will arrange it all.
{9670}{9728}Please allow me to doubt that.
{9885}{9990}And another thing. You've got|to get rid of him.
{10043}{10074}Of whom?
{10104}{10249}In the name of the patriots who pray|for the well-being of the crown,
{10254}{10340}I beg you to chase him out.
{10345}{10473}The influence he has gained|over your august family...
{10478}{10559}...over affairs of state...|- Now wait...
{10568}{10611}...over the clergy...
{10662}{10736}You may tell those patriots
{10741}{10865}that the private life of my family|is my own concern.
{10883}{10957}I'm afraid that's where you're|wrong, Your Majesty.
{11193}{11346}These masterpieces are being|exhibited in the provinces, too,
{11360}{11384}and to the army!
{11404}{11453}My people love me.
{11915}{11959}Russia's reigning House|of Romanov.
{11964}{12101}The Romanov aristocratic family|dates back to the 13th century,
{12118}{12217}when a certain Lithuanian|nobleman, Glanda Kambilla,
{12222}{12317}after taking upon baptism|the name of Ivan,
{12322}{12378}came to Russia.
{12389}{12488}His son, Andrei Kobyla,|had five sons of his own:
{12493}{12613}Semyon Zherebets, Alexander|Yolka, Vassily Ivantai,
{12618}{12692}Gavrila Gavsha and Fyodor Koshka,
{12697}{12824}from whom were to come|Russia's 17 ruling families.
{12893}{12974}The first Russian czar|of the Romanov dynasty
{13000}{13142}was Mikhail Fyodorovich,|who came to the throne in 1613.
{13175}{13301}The seventeenth and last Romanov|czar was Nicholas II.
{13406}{13492}He was born in 1868.
{13497}{13582}His father was Alexander III.
{13595}{13661}His mother, Princess Dagmar|of Denmark,
{13666}{13740}who in Russia took the name|of Marie Fyodorovna.
{13770}{13828}He was privately tutored|at the palace.
{13839}{13924}In 1894, he married
{13956}{14026}the German Princess|Alix of Hesse,
{14031}{14124}who became the Czarina|Alexandra Fyodorovna.
{14135}{14249}Nicholas II succeeded to|the throne in 1894.
{14264}{14359}The coronation festivities were|marred by the Khodynka,
{14364}{14444}a bloody trampling on people|in Khodynka meadow in Moscow.
{14516}{14657}In the course of its 300-year|history, the Romanov dynasty
{14662}{14711}had survived many upheavals:
{14716}{14805}the peasant insurrections led|by Razin and Pugachev,
{14810}{14874}the Decembrist uprising,|the Narodnaya Volya movement,
{14879}{14934}and the revolution of 1905.
{14960}{15032}However, never before had|the future
{15037}{15126}looked so ominous|for the royal family.
{15137}{15236}Nothing short of a miracle|could save the situation.
{15687}{15719}I. F. Manassevitch-Manouilov
{15724}{15765}"Manouilo", "Vanka Cain",|journalist
{15770}{15838}I.L. Goremykin,|Prime Minister
{15843}{15913}A.A. Vyrubova,|friend of the Imperial family
{15931}{16013}You think there's no way|the project can go through?
{16018}{16074}It was hopeless to start with.
{16079}{16149}A million rubles, all for a whim!
{16154}{16280}It would mean to bring the railroad|to the spring.
{16285}{16396}If Mr. Voyeikov wants to provision|his troops with mineral water,
{16402}{16499}he'd better transport it|at his own expense.
{16504}{16630}What kind of attitude is that?|Do we measure patriotism in rubles?
{16635}{16674}I don't know, Ivan Fyodorovich.
{16679}{16792}But it's a miracle! A spring|suddenly appeared out of nowhere!
{16829}{16917}Russian mineral water "Kouvaka"!|It cures anything!
{16922}{16996}- Oh, come on!|- That's really so!
{17002}{17092}Yesterday Chaliapin was singing|Mephistopheles, and...
{17097}{17230}It'd make the soldiers a lot happier|to think their country had done it.
{17235}{17363}- No, no, and no, Ivan Fyodorovich!|- To spend a million rubles!
{17368}{17424}- The way things are at the moment.|- I'm not sure...
{17429}{17503}Grigory Efimovich promised|the general...
{17539}{17590}Here's the general now.
{17635}{17709}Do you mean that Grigory|Efimovich has drunk the water?
{17714}{17807}He has and approved of it!
{17885}{17934}Ivan Loginovich!
{17939}{18103}My dear, you know of my high|regard for Grigory Efimovich!
{18108}{18163}You mustn't criticize a man|of the God.
{18168}{18242}Mineral water!
{18247}{18315}The soldiers are starving!|They need bread!
{18335}{18384}Man doesn't live by bread alone!
{18393}{18490}- Oh, forget it.|- What do you mean, forget?
{18495}{18590}Rather than pillage poor Mother|Russia, pity her!
{18595}{18684}You're the one who should pity her.|It would help you to run her better!
{18689}{18755}Ivan Loginovich, I'm losing|my faith in you.
{18760}{18836}There is no faith any more! Not|in anything, nor in anyone!
{18841}{18894}Leave me alone!
{20439}{20549}Listen to your cough,|you old walrus!
{20554}{20653}It must be God's punishment|for your greed, you old hippo!
{20658}{20713}Who is this?
{20718}{20784}Clean out your ears, they've|been blocked up.
{20789}{20896}- Grigory Efimovich?|- You recognized me, didn't you?
{20927}{21044}I already said that it won't|work out!
{21050}{21119}A million rubles, all for nothing!
{21125}{21224}You want a bigger slice of|the cake, is that it?
{21256}{21344}Do you know it's past four|o'clock now, Mr. Rasputin?
{21364}{21449}You've got no right to disturb me|at this time!
{21470}{21553}You have no right to talk to me|in this manner!
{21558}{21599}Cry old nanny-goat!
{22250}{22392}Grigory Efimovich Rasputin,|alias Novykh.
{22431}{22566}Born in 1868|in the village of Pokrovskaya
{22571}{22636}in the district of Tyumen,|in Tobolsk Guberniya.
{22666}{22719}No known signs of insanity|in his family.
{22743}{22805}Nicknamed "Snotnose"|by his boyfriends.
{22844}{22899}Started drinking at the age of 15.
{22917}{22978}Mixed-up in brawls and scandals,
{22983}{23051}involved in illegal assemblies|of a sect called "The Flagellants".
{23056}{23201}Twice convicted|and sentenced to be whipped.
{23254}{23378}At the age of 27, suddenly|became an itinerant preacher,
{23391}{23430}calling himself the "Holy Starets".
{23460}{23549}Visited many monasteries|in Siberia and Central Russia
{23554}{23653}and made pilgrimages to|Mount Athos and Jerusalem.
{23681}{23746}By the turn of the century,
{23752}{23817}rumors about the Siberian prophet|and faith-healer reached the capital,
{23822}{23871}and he soon appeared there himself.
{23914}{24005}He was welcomed into th...
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