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On Wednesday, April 10, 1912, the Titanic sailed from Southampton, England to New York City. The ship planned to reach New York the following Wednesday but, on April 16 the entire world was shocked to find that this majestic ship had sunk. The Titanic was large beautiful and new. The enormous 46.000 tons ship was considered unsinkable by the captain, 1.316 passengers and a crew of 891. Some passengers were taking a vacation; others were travelling to the United States to live permanently.


At Eight o'clock on April 14 many of the passengers were having dinner. The weather was clear and calm. For the next few hours, the passengers entertained on board--cards, music, dancing, and relaxed in the bars.


At 11:40 the disaster began, while most of the passengers were sleeping, the great ship collided with an iceberg. It damaged the ship so badly that in just a few minutes 5 of the 16 watertight compartments were full of water. The titanic was sinking rapidly. By one o'clock the alarm sounded and woke up the passengers, who rushed to the lifeboats, but there were not enough lifeboats. Women and children entered the boat first. The captain of the Titanic sent a SOS to the nearby ships but nobody answered. At 2:20 a.m. on that quiet and cold night, the Titanic sank in the icy waters of the Atlantic and 1.500 people lost their lives.


I.                   Answer in English

1. What is the text about?                            ……………………………………………………..

2. Read paragraph 1 and write the characteristics of the Titanic


3. Read paragraph 2 and mention what activities people did


4. Read paragraph 3 and write the reason why the ship sank




II.                Complete with the verb

                                                                     _______ on April, 1912


_______  with an iceberg


_______  through the Atlantic


_______  891


III.             What do these numbers represent?

a)  891                                          __ passengers

b) 46.000                                          __ dead

c) 11:40                                          __ year

d) 1500                                          __ crew

e) 16                                          __ weigh                                         

f) 1.316                                          __ compartments

g) 1912                                          __ sinking

h) 02:20                                          __ collision



IV.             True or False

a)      There were enough lifeboats for everyone. ___

b)     Women and children entered the boats first. ___

c)      A nearby ship came in time when heard the SOS signal. ___ 

d)     1.500 people survived. ___


V.                 Complete with the ideas related to the concepts 



























VI.             Write three sentences to summarize the text. You can use the information of exercise V


























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