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Reading Essentials and Study Guide - Student Edition
Reading Essentials
and Study Guide
Student Workbook
To the Teacher
Glencoe World History Reading Essentials and Study Guide
is designed to help you use recog-
nized reading strategies to improve your reading-for-information skills. For each section of
the student textbook, you are alerted to key terms and are asked to draw from prior knowl-
edge, organize your thoughts with a graphic organizer, and then follow a process to read
and understand the text. The
Reading Essentials and Study Guide
was prepared to help you
get more from your textbook by reading with a purpose.
Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to
reproduce the material contained herein on the condition that such material be reproduced only for
classroom use; be provided to students, teachers, and families without charge; and be used solely
in conjunction with Glencoe World History
Any other reproduction, for use or sale, is prohibited
without written permission from the publisher.
Send all inquiries to:
8787 Orion Place
Columbus, OH 43240
ISBN 0-07-865365-7
Printed in the United States of America
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 009 08 07 06 05 04
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The First Humans
Section 1: Early Humans
Section 2: The Neolithic Revolution and the Rise of Civilization
Chapter 2: Western Asia and Egypt
Section 1: Civilization Begins in Mesopotamia
Section 2: Egyptian Civilization: “The Gift of the Nile”
Section 3: New Centers of Civilization
Section 4: The Rise of New Empires
Chapter 3: India and China
Section 1: Early Civilization in India
Section 2: New Empires in India
Section 3: Early Chinese Civilizations
Section 4: Rise and Fall of Chinese Empires
Chapter 4: Ancient Greece
Section 1: The First Greek Civilizations
Section 2: The Greek City-States
Section 3: Classical Greece
Section 4: The Culture of Classical Greece
Section 5: Alexander and the Hellenistic Kingdoms
Chapter 5: Rome and the Rise of Christianity
Section 1: The Rise of Rome
Section 2: From Republic to Empire
Section 3: Culture and Society in the Roman World
Section 4: The Development of Christianity
Section 5: Decline and Fall
Chapter 6: The World of Islam
Section 1: The Rise of Islam
Section 2: The Arab Empire and Its Successors
Section 3: Islamic Civilization
Section 4: The Culture of Islam
Chapter 7: Early African Civilizations
Section 1: The Development of Civilizations in Africa
Section 2: Kingdoms and States of Africa
Section 3: African Society and Culture
Chapter 8: The Asian World
Section 1: China Reunified
Section 2: The Mongols and China
Section 3: Early Japan and Korea
Section 4: India After the Guptas
Section 5: Civilization in Southeast Asia
Chapter 9: Emerging Europe and the Byzantine Empire
Section 1: Transforming the Roman World
Section 2: Feudalism
Section 3: The Growth of European Kingdoms
Section 4: The Byzantine Empire and the Crusades
Chapter 10: Europe in the Middle Ages
Section 1: Peasants, Trade, and Cities
Section 2: Christianity and Medieval Civilization
Section 3: The Culture of the High Middle Ages
Section 4: The Late Middle Ages
Chapter 11: The Americas
Section 1: The Peoples of North America
Section 2: Early Civilizations in Mesoamerica
Section 3: Early Civilizations in South America
Chapter 12: Renaissance and Reformation
Section 1: The Renaissance
Section 2: The Intellectual and Artistic Renaissance
Section 3: The Protestant Reformation
Section 4: The Spread of Protestantism and the Catholic Response
Chapter 13: The Age of Exploration
Section 1: Exploration and Expansion
Section 2: Africa in an Age of Transition
Section 3: Southeast Asia in the Era of the Spice Trade
Chapter 14: Crisis and Absolutism in Europe
Section 1: Europe in Crisis: The Wars of Religion
Section 2: Social Crises, War, and Revolution
Section 3: Response to Crisis: Absolutism
Section 4: The World of European Culture
Chapter 15: The Muslim Empires
Section 1: The Ottoman Empire
Section 2: The Rule of the Safavids
Section 3: The Grandeur of the Moguls
Chapter 16: The East Asian World
Section 1: China at Its Height
Section 2: Chinese Society and Culture
Section 3: Tokugawa Japan and Korea
Chapter 17: Revolution and Enlightenment
Section 1: The Scientific Revolution
Section 2: The Enlightenment
Section 3: The Impact of the Enlightenment
Section 4: Colonial Empires and the American Revolution
Chapter 18: The French Revolution and Napoleon
Section 1: The French Revolution Begins
Section 2: Radical Revolution and Reaction
Section 3: The Age of Napoleon
Chapter 19: Industrialization and Nationalism
Section 1: The Industrial Revolution
Section 2: Reaction and Revolution
Section 3: National Unification and the National State
Section 4: Culture: Romanticism and Realism
Chapter 20: Mass Society and Democracy
Section 1: The Growth of Industrial Prosperity
Section 2: The Emergence of Mass Society
Section 3: The National State and Democracy
Section 4: Toward the Modern Consciousness
Chapter 21: The Height of Imperialism
Section 1: Colonial Rule in Southeast Asia
Section 2: Empire Building in Africa
Section 3: British Rule in India
Section 4: Nation Building in Latin America
Chapter 22: East Asia Under Challenge
Section 1: The Decline of the Qing Dynasty
Section 2: Revolution in China
Section 3: Rise of Modern Japan
Chapter 23: War and Revolution
Section 1: The Road to World War I
Section 2: The War
Section 3: The Russian Revolution
Section 4: End of the War
Chapter 24: The West Between the Wars
Section 1: The Futile Search for Stability
Section 2: The Rise of Dictatorial Regimes
Section 3: Hitler and Nazi Germany
Section 4: Cultural and Intellectual Trends
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