2007 Bialystok KJA etap rejonowy.doc

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Czas trwania: 90 min.



Rozumienie tekstu czytanego




i słownictwo


Praktyczne stosowanie języka


Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych





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............. /  55


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   ............. /  100



KOMISJA ......................................................









Instrukcja dla ucznia:


   Test należy wypełnić czarnym lub niebieskim długopisem / piórem. Nie należy zmieniać długopisu podczas konkursu. W przypadku zmiany długopisu należy poinformować o tym nauczycieli opiekujących się salą.

   Przed rozwiązaniem zadań uważnie przeczytaj polecenia.

   Pisz wyraźnie i zwracaj uwagę na pisownię – odpowiedzi nieczytelne nie będą punktowane.

   Podczas rozwiązywania testu nie możesz korzystać z żadnych pomocy naukowych, używać ołówka ani korektora, lub komunikować się z innymi uczestnikami konkursu.

   Jeśli chcesz zmienić odpowiedź na inną, nieprawidłową skreśl i obok napisz poprawną.








The first civilisations started about six thousand years ago. In a short time there were a number of different civilisations in different parts of the world. This happened very fast. Some people believed that all civilisations came from one centre and spread out over the world. The reason for this belief is that some things seem to be the same in different ancient civilisations. For example, there was often sun worship in different civilisations, and there are pyramids in Egypt and Mexico. Perhaps the two civilisations were linked?

The idea of a lost, but highly advanced civilisation has captured the interest of people for centuries. Perhaps the most compelling of these tales is the story of Atlantis. The story appears again and again in books, television shows and films. Where did the story originate and is any of it true?

              In 355 BC Plato, the Greek philosopher, wrote about a great civilisation in a city called Atlantis – a marvel of architecture and engineering. The city was composed of a series concentric walls and canals. At the very centre was a hill with a temple of Poseidon. Atlantis conquered nearly all the world, but one day there was a disaster. There were terrible earthquakes  and floods and in one day and night Atlantis disappeared into the sea. Perhaps this is just a story, but if it is true, Atlantis was the first civilisation - 6000 years earlier than the civilisation of Sumeria. Some writers have said that Atlanteans  were spacemen, and that they built Stonehenge, the pyramids in Egypt and the stone heads on Easter Island. Not many people really believe this, of course.

              Where was Atlantis? The search for Atlantis has occupied many people and no definitive trace has ever been found. Some people believe it was a continent in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean which disappeared in some great natural disaster. Other people believe that underwater explorers have found the walls of Atlantis around the island of Bimini in the Bahamas - the walls are very high and very ancient. But most people believe that Atlantis was much nearer to Europe. There was a great island civilisation which was destroyed in a terrible disaster. This was the civilisation of Minoan Crete, which was destroyed in about 1470 BC by a volcano.


Zadanie 1

Przeczytaj uważnie tekst i zdecyduj, czy poniższe zdania są prawdziwe (T) czy fałszywe (F).

     Przykład: It was six hundred years ago that the first civilisations started.                  .....F......

1.   Some people thought that civilisation started in only one place.                                          ..............

2.   Atlantis has been proven to be the first civilisation .                                                            .............             

3.   A lot of  people believe the Atlanteans built the stone heads on Easter Island.               .............             

4.   All people believe that Atlantis was a continent in the middle of the Atlantic

Ocean.                                                                                                                                                ............             

5.   All stories of Atlantis say it was destroyed by a natural disaster.                                          .............                                                                                                                                                           ................/ 5 pkt             

Zadanie 2

Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.

      Przykład:  The civilisations developed over the world for ............ .

                   a) not too long                 b) quite a while                c) years


1.      Egypt and Mexico both ............... .

a) worshipped the sun              b) have pyramids              c) have Stonehenge             

2.      Plato was a thinker who came from ................. .

a) Grenada                            b) Greece                            c) Atlantis

3.      Atlantis disappeared in .................... .

a) twenty-four hours                b) a week                            c) one day

4.      By some people Atlanteans were .................. .

a) half men half animals                            b)  warriors                            c) Egyptians

5.      The Minoan Crete civilisation was destroyed in 1470 by a/an ............ .

a) earthquake                     b) flood                            c) natural phenomenon

                                                                                                                                              ................/ 5 pkt



Zadanie 3

Znajdź w tekście słowa, które odpowiadają poniższym definicjom.


     Przykład:  an extremely bad accident caused by natural forces                                .....disaster.......


1.   to move apart from each other and cover new, larger area                                             ........................

2.   prayers, songs, or religious ceremonies, held in order to show your

love of  God                                                                                                                                     ........................    

3.   someone who travels into little known regions, especially for

some scientific purpose                                                                                                                             ........................

4.   a stage of human social development - language, religion, science,

art, etc.                                                                                                                                    ........................

5.   to gain or acquire something by force                                                                                          ........................

                                                                                                                                                ................/ 5 pkt






Zadanie 1

Podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź.


     Przykład: You should  see / to see / seeing a doctor, you know.



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