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30 PKT
1. Według mnie, jutrzejsza debata mo Ň e okaza ę si ħ [=TURN OUT] raczej mało znacz Ģ cym wydarzeniem, chyba
Ň e (co jednak rzadko ma miejsce) b ħ dzie nadawana na Ň ywo.
____________________________________ debate ___________________________________
_____________ insignificant ___________________________________________________ case)
2. Co Ļ podobnego przydarzyło si ħ mojemu kuzynowi Dawidowi, który, b ħ d Ģ c na wakacjach w Australii, rozci Ģ ł
sobie nog ħ na rafie koralowej. Gdyby nie był szczepiony [=VACCINATE], mógłby straci ę nog ħ na skutek
zaka Ň enia albo nawet mógłby ju Ň nie Ň y ę .
________________________ happened ____________________________ who, _____________
____________________________________________________ reef. ______________________
_________________________________________________________ infection or ____________
3. Oczywi Ļ cie nie pytali Ļ my Klaudii, której chyba bardzo odpowiadało bycie jedynaczk Ģ i która powitała
pojawienie si ħ Marka niezbyt entuzjastycznie, delikatnie mówi Ģ c.
Of course, ____________________________________ seemed _____________________ happy
____________________________ child and who greeted ________________________________
___________________________________________________ least.
4. To prawdziwy absurd, jeden z wielu, w polskim prawie podatkowym, Ň e nie mo Ň na zapisa ę w testamencie
konkretnego przedmiotu, np portretu Kossaka, konkretnemu spadkobiercy
It is a _______________________________________________________ in the Polish inheritance
law, ________________________________ bequeathe a specific __________, e.g. a __________
______________________________ inheritor in ________________________
5. Kiedy ja byłem na Akademii, modelom i modelkom pozuj Ģ cym do aktów płaciło si ħ niewielkie honorarium.
ĺ ci Ļ le przestrzegan Ģ [=OBSERVE] reguł Ģ było to, Ň e nie wolno do tego zatrudnia ę nieletnich.
When I was at the Academy, ________________________ models posing __________________
________________________________________ fee. _____ strictly ________________________
________ minors _______________________________________ that.
6. W pewnym momencie sam byłem zdumiony widz Ģ c, Ň e 99 procent tego, co mówiono na temat wypadku, było
po prostu nieprawd Ģ . Rzecz jasna, tabloidy kolportowały wszystkie te kłamstwa z du Ň ymi szczegółami.
At one point, __________________________ amazed to _________________________________
________________________________________________ false. But, of course, tabloids circulated
all ________________ in _________________________
7. Nie mogli Ļ my liczy ę na pomoc mojego brata przyrodniego, poniewa Ň Adam wyemigrował do Nowej Zelandii
zaraz po trzydziestce i od tego czasu nie miał kontaktu z reszt Ģ rodziny.
____________________________________________________, because Adam _____________
_____________________ in _____________________________ and ______________________
touch with _____________________________________________
8. Czy mógłby Ļ mi, prosz ħ , wytłumaczy ę [=EXPLAIN], jak zacz ħ ła si ħ ta pogłoska? Bo znaj Ģ c pann ħ Gray tak
jak ja, uwa Ň am, Ň e jest raczej niemo Ň liwe, by powiedziała co Ļ takiego.
Could ________________________________________________ rumour ___________________
Because,__________________ as _________, I think it rather ___________________________
9. Nie opowiadaj, Ň e zakwaterowanie dla młodych lekarzy jest niewa Ň ne. Czy chciałby Ļ , by ci ħ leczył kto Ļ , kto
si ħ porz Ģ dnie nie wyspał i jest zm ħ czony albo nie mo Ň e si ħ umy ę od dwu dni?
_____________________ that accommodation for junior doctors ___________________________
Would _______________________________________________________________ properly and
_________________ or ___________________________________________________ two days?
10. Po wej Ļ ciu w romans z młodsz Ģ kole Ň ank Ģ z pracy, w ko ı cu rozwiódł si ħ z długoletni Ģ Ň on Ģ . Czy zasługuje
[=DESERVE] na to, by go pot ħ pi ę jako osob ħ ? No, moim zdaniem tak.
Having _________________________________________________________________________
eventually ______________________________________________________________________
_______________________________ an individual? ____________________________________
11. Jest faktem, Ň e internetowe opinie od u Ň ytkowników, którzy jeszcze nie opanowali [=MASTER] działania
nowo wprowadzonego wyrobu, mog Ģ spowodowa ę mas ħ kłopotów dla producenta. Ale nazywanie takich
ludzi rozrabiakami internetowymi to mo Ň e jednak przesada.
The fact is that internet opinions _________________________________________________
the operation of _________________ ____________________ product _____________________
_____________ deal ________________________________________ the manufacturer. Calling
__________________ internet troublemakers ___________________ excessive, ____________
12. Bardziej nieoficjalne ale znane motto, równie Ň wprowadzone przez de Coubertina,to „Najwa Ň niejsze nie jest
wygra ę , ale bra ę udział.” Coubertin wzi Ģ ł to motto z kazania biskupa Pensylwanii podczas londy ı skich
Igrzysk w 1908.
______________ informal but _________________________________________ by de Coubertin,
________"The ___________________________________________________________________
De Coubertin got this ____________ from a sermon by ___________________________________
during _________________________________________________
13. Co do silników samochodowych, w nie tak odległej przyszło Ļ ci, wszystkie pojazdy, których emisja
przekroczy [=EXCEED] pewien wymagany poziom, b ħ d Ģ zapewne obło Ň one [=CHARGE] du Ň ym podatkiem
po to, by całkowicie wyeliminowa ę je z ruchu.
As regards ________________________, in ___________________________________________
___________________ emissions _______________________________________ required level
__________ likely _______________________________________________________ order ____
_______________ off the road _________________________
14. Du Ň o z tego, co moja siostra robiła na studiach, to było co Ļ w rodzaju popisywania si ħ . Kiedy Ļ udawała, Ň e
spotyka si ħ z Jay Andersem, naszym czołowym bramkarzem, a nawet, Ň e odrzuciła jego o Ļ wiadczyny.
A lot ___________________________________________________________________________
ego boosting. At one _______________________ to ____________________________________
our top __________________, and __________________________________________________
30 PKT
1. ItÓs better if you say it in a _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ manner without dressing it up with fancy words.
2. The NazisÓ unconditional _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ ending the war in Europe was signed on 8 May 1945.
3. In _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of a poor harvest of cereals, people started to stock up on flour.
4. He is rather short, which puts him at a _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when it comes to fighting against opponents
with longer arms.
5. The _ _ _ _ _ _ of Cancer is north of the Equator.
6. He couldnÓt drive because after the crash he had his right arm on a _ _ _ _ _ .
7. Statistics show that women are _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ men in overall educational attainment, e.g.
women are more likely to graduate from college.
8. His poor work record, lack of skills and no education make him _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . He shouldnÓt even
consider applying.
9. I asked her why, but she just _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ her shoulders as if to say I was stupid.
10. The _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ oak tree standing in the middle of a large meadow was the only place where we could
rest in the shade.
11. In the case of the letter, it was easy to detect _ _ r _ _ _ _ , because the paper was found to have been
made just 20 years ago.
12. When the teacherÓs chair collapsed the girls burst with _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ .
13. Until the 16th century, the peninsula was a _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ populated area of swamps and moors.
14. He was extremely lucky in his adventures and many times escaped death by a hairÓs _ _ _ a _ _ _ .
15. Each item is _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by one of our artisans. Nothing here is machine made.
16. There were stains on the ceiling because of the _ _ _ k _ roof.
17. Her skin and eye whites turned yellow, so it was easy to diagnose her condition as _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ .
18. Under the July sun morning dew rapidly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
19. A ferry service assures transport between both islands and the _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ .
20. In recognition of his great contribution, John was given the _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ of presenting the final report
to the Governor.
21. After retiring from active service, Col.Norton lectures on the tactics of guerrilla _ _ r _ _ _ _ at a military
22. _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are forest birds that make holes in trees with their beaks looking for worms.
23. Messalina was so _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ unfaithful to her husband that her name became a symbol of
promiscuity and infidelity.
24. If the car had hit that tree, we would have become another _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ tale on how not to drive on
icy surfaces.
25. Feminists are pressing for legislation that would remedy the supposed _ _ b _ _ _ _ _ _ in the ratio of men
to women in top political positions.
26. Machine guns are far more _ _ t _ _ _ than ordinary rifles. Their use in World War 1 led to a true hecatomb
of soldiers.
27. After Max Jonas was severely _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by his fellow divers for taking excessive risks, he
promised that would never happen again.
28. We are preparing a big _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ event for the charity organization Feed the Children.
29. His _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ face showed he hadnÓt expected such a reaction and didnÓt know what to do
about it.
30. If done by hand, embroidery is a very _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ task; it may take a month to make a small square of
embroidered cloth.
Choose the single best option:
Cassandra Devine knows how to solve the coming "entitlements" crisis, preordained when the 77
million baby boomers begin hitting 65 in 2011: Pay retirees to kill themselves, a program she calls
"transitioning." Volunteers could receive a lavish vacation beforehand ("a farewell honeymoon"),
courtesy of the government, and their heirs would be spared the estate tax. If only 20 percent of
boomers select suicide before the age of 70, she says, "Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid will be
solvent. End of crisis."
Okay, Devine is a 29-year-old fictional blogger in Christopher Buckley's satirical novel "Boomsday."
Infuriated at the injustices awaiting her generation, she becomes an instant media celebrity with a gift
for incendiary rhetoric. "Someone my age will have to spend their entire life paying unfair taxes, just
so the Boomers can hit the golf course at sixty-two and drink gin and tonics until they're ninety," she
tells one TV reporter. Her plan, once in cyberspace, incites spontaneous uprisings. In Florida, "several
hundred people in their twenties stormed the gates of a retirement community. . . . Residents were
assaulted as they played golf."
1. The text shows ...
A/ how NOT to use the internet
B/ how a silly idea was put into practice
C/ a case of effectively organizing people into action
D/ the combined strength of the internet and the media
2. If Cassandra’s plan were to be put into practice...
A/ all young people would profit twice
B/ all young people would profit; some of them twice
C/ only some young people would profit
D/ every member of society would profit
3. As regards the incident in Florida, Cassandra ...
A/ can be taken to court
C/ can be linked to its origin
B/ bears direct moral responsibility for it
D/ could have prevented it
4. The idea of the plan is to...
A/ support euthanasia of the elderly
B/ increase government spending to eventually reduce it
C/ impose euthanasia on the elderly
D/ make the retired people share the tax burden
5. Buckley’s novel ...
A/ tackles existing problems in a utopian way
B/ is placed in a completely unreal world
C/ satirizes excesses of freedom of speech
D/ shows how the real world would tackle a ficticious problem
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