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NeoExodus: A House Divided Campaign Setting
A house Divided campaign setting
Written By Joshua Cole, Richard Farrese,
Lee Hammock with Louis Porter, Jr.
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook, Third Edition, published by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.
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neoexodus: a house divided campaign setting
Designed by: Joshua Cole, Richard Farrese,
Lee Hammock, with Louis Porter, Jr.
Additional Development: Scott Moore,
Leland Charles Schaidle and Casey Smith
Graphic Design, Layout & Logo: Louis Porter, Jr Design
Cover & Interior Art: Anthony Cournoyer
NeoExodus: A House Divided created by Louis Porter, Jr.
Louis Porter, Jr Design
350 NW 87th Terrace
Plantation, FL 33324
For supplemental material, visit Louis Porter Jr. Design
and NeoExodus: A House Divided website: www.lpjdesign.
com and
Louis Porter Jr. is a trademark and NeoExodus: A House Divided, Louis Porter
Jr. Design & Louis Porter Jr. Design logo are a trademark owned by Louis
Porter Jr. Inc.All rights reserved. All other content is copyright 2007 Louis
Porter Jr. Design Inc. The mention of or reference to any company or product
in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. This
book is compatible with 3rd Edition and Revised 3rd Edition rules. This edition
of NeoExodus: A House Divided is produced under version 1.0a and/or draft
versions of the Open Game License and the System. Reference Document by
permission of Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent versions of this product will
incorporate later versions of the license and document.
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System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the
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Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce
R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on
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NeoExodus: A House Divided Campaign Setting Copyright 2007,
Louis Porter Jr. Design, Inc.
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NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of
the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You
Mercenaries, Copyright 2002. Alderac Entertainment Group
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neoexodus: a house divided campaign setting
the world of Exodus
The magical fantasy world of Exodus is a place of
political intrigue, arcane wonder, deadly monsters, and
dark secrets with infuses the landscape of the world.
Due to several various empires at conflict with each
other over beliefs from religion to magic to military,
Exodus on always in the edge of falling into the abyss
of death and destruction. But with all that danger
there is an opportunity. There is an opportunity for
certain individuals to do the right thing. More than
ever, the world of Exodus needs heroes…
The Flatlands quickly transform into the Lowlands,
the rocky hills that make up almost half of the terri-
tory of Abbaddon and form its cultural and political
heart. These hills were carved by the glaciers that
now rest in the mountains to the south and are
extremely rocky. Most hills are covered in short
grasses and weeds with there rarely being enough soil
to support larger growth. There are forests in a few
of the valleys of the Lowlands, but they have been
shrinking due to lumbering projects under the Arman
Protectorate. The Lowlands hold the capital of the
Arman Protectorate and roughly half of the nation’s
“The hard and frozen nature of Abbaddon is reflected
in its people and culture. They are as unwelcoming
as the rocky hills they inhabit, though the northern
Flatlands are not quite so inhospitable.”
The Highlands dominate the southern and western
sections of Abbaddon. Covered by mountains
created by seismic activity long ago, they have been
further rearranged by the glacier that now rest in the
far southern regions of the realm. These areas are
the most sparsely inhabited in Abbaddon, though
there are several points of magical interest in the
mountains. The Arman Protectorate considers the
mountains a haven for magical beings and influence,
and thus views it as a region to be conquered rather
than settled. Most towns in the mountains are more
fortresses than settlements. The mountains are rife
with orcs, undead, dragons, and even the remainders
of the sorcerer-kings who once dominated this region
if some legends are to be believed.
Excerpt from the travel memoirs of Labitair Tross,
Itinerant Scholar
Located in the southeastern corner of the mainland of
Exodus, Abbaddon is a rocky and mountainous land
that changes quickly in elevation. Its northern and
western edges begin as flat plains, but quickly change
to rocky hills and then mountains, the tops of many of
which are covered in glaciers. It is a land where the
climate changes quickly and its people have learned to
adapt equally quickly.
Abbaddon is a stark, bleak country where only in the
Flatlands does plant life flourish. Its soil is extremely
rocky and barren in most areas, becoming more so
as one goes further south. The further one goes in to
Abbaddon the steeper, colder, and more inhospitable
it gets.
In the northern and western regions border by the
Abbaddon River, Abbaddon’s soil is very fertile,
allowing for vast tracts of crops and several large
forests to grow. These regions are the most densely
inhabited of Abbaddon and produce the bulk of its
food. This area is called the Lowlands by most and
is considered by outsiders to Abbaddon to be its most
hospitable area. Among the people of the Arman
Protectorate the Lowlands are considered where the
weak live and those who are from the region are
often the targets of scorn by their country men. This
is largely due to the fact the Lowlands were once a
separate nation, called Cardos, inhabited by humans
of a different ethnic group than the Armanians, that
has since been conquered by the Arman Protectorate.
The cultural divide between the two groups has never
really decreased. Despite supporting a large part of the
population of Abbaddon, the Flatlands make up less
than ten percent of its area.
the Abbaddon River
Forming the western border of Abbaddon, Abbaddon
shares this river with its western neighbor Cordel.
The Abbaddon River is largely responsible for the
swath of arable land found in western Abbaddon,
creating one of the most densely populated areas in
the region. The Abbaddon River region is largely
flat and during the spring the river sometimes over-
flows its eastern bank, flooding some low lying areas.
These areas are usually used for growing rice and
other crops that need a lot of water. This river is also
a thriving trade route, eventually turning east and
running to the sea. Due to the stalagmites and many
small islands that have formed in the river navigating
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neoexodus: a house divided campaign setting
it is difficult, something only attempted by skilled
sailors. Most locals use large rafts with extremely
shallow draft to travel the river.
of lumber in the Arman Protectorate, a fact that is
expected to cause them to cease to exist within two
hundred years.
the Broken Cliffs
Forming the far eastern edge of Abbaddon, the Broken
Cliffs are thought to be the result of the same seismic
activity that created the Highlands of Abbaddon.
These sheer cliffs range in height from fifty to one
hundred feet and dominate the coastline of Abbaddon.
There are only a small number of places where the
waterline can be easily reached, and each of these
is home to a trading settlement of some type. The
lack of easy access to the water has spawned several
floating cities built of old ships and other refuse that
less reputable traders and pirates use to exchange
goods. These are destroyed by the Arman Protectorate
when found, but most are mobile so finding them can
be difficult.
The southernmost area of Abbaddon, its frozen peaks
are largely uninhabited by anything most people
would call civilization. The Highlands are rife with
monsters and strange creatures, thought to be the
left over parts of the sorcerer-kings that died there
centuries ago. The continuing corruption of the Dead
Mountain occasionally spawns new creatures as well,
forcing the Arman Protectorate to create a permanent
garrison across the Highlands in a series of connected
fortresses. Only those who are mad or seek magical
power go beyond this fortress, called the Sanguine
Barrier. The Highlands themselves were created by
seismic activity and then carved by retreating glaciers,
which still cover some of the far southern reaches of
the region.
The furthest north and west portions of Abbaddon,
the Flatlands occupy ten percent of the territory of
Abbaddon but hold thirty percent of the popula-
tion. The most crowded region of Abbaddon by far,
it is covered in farms, vineyards, aquifers, and ubiq-
uitous dirt roads. While most roads in the Arman
Protectorate are stone, there are so many roads in the
Flatlands that many remain simple dirt paths with
wagon ruts cut deep into them. The Flatlands are
considered the most pleasant section of Abbaddon
due to their mild weather and fertile soil, and it is the
region most outsiders visit, but most Armanians think
it is a place that breeds weakness and complacency.
Long ago the Flatlands were a separate nation from
the Arman Protectorate, but its people were conquered
by the more warlike Armanians. The ethnic differ-
ence between the Flatlanders, who are tan and dark
featured, and the Lowlanders, who are pale and
blonde haired, is easy for most to recognize.
Ice Crags
The farthest south region of Abbaddon, no one is
sure exactly where it ends if it ever does. An endless
expanse of glaciers, ice, and mountains, the Ice Crags
are only inhabited by a few small tribes of indigenous
peoples, all of whom have been forced to become
adept at fighting off the creatures that wander out of
the Highlands. Yetis, snow demons, and other threats
are common in the Ice Crags.
Only in the Flatlands can the climate of Abbaddon be
considered really pleasant. In the northern reaches of
the region the climate is temperate, but the Lowlands
begin a transition to colder climates that ends with
the arctic temperatures of the Highlands. The entire
region is very dry, experiencing little precipitation
outside of the spring rainy season, during which the
Lowlands turn into green hills dotted with flowers and
thistles. Summer is a short lived season in Abbaddon,
and winter seems to never leave. Snow is common in
the Lowlands and the Highlands, with some regions of
the Highlands experiencing snow year round.
The central region of Abbaddon, its rocky hills and
freezing winter winds have formed the culture of the
Arman Protectorate for centuries. Little of its territory
is suitable for crops, though some areas have been
terraced for growing various crops and herd animals
are common in the Lowlands, especially a local breed
of shaggy-haired cows called shigs. The Lowlands
are known for mild summers and cold winters, and
living there is not an easy prospect, a fact that has
been instrumental in forging the Arman Protectorate.
The forests of the Lowlands are the prime source
Places of Interest
the Burrowed Hills
Found in the northern Lowlands, the Burrowed Hills
are a large series of hills through which numerous
underground passages run. Thought by some to be
the product of underground springs and by others
to be the works of ancient inhabitants of Abbaddon,
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