Witchcraft - The Old Religion by Dr Leo Louis Martello (1987).pdf

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Witchcraft The Old Religion by Dr Leo Lewis Martello.pdf
Dr. Leo Louis Martello
Copyright © by Dr. Leo Louis Martello
All rights reserved. No part of this book
may be reproduced in any form, except by
a newspaper or magazine reviewer who wishes
to quote brief passages in connection
with a review.
Published by Citadel Press
A division of Lyle Stuart, Inc.
120 Enterprise Ave., Secaucus, N .J. 07094
In Canada: Musson Book Company
A division of General Publishing Co. Limited
Don Mills, Ontario
Queries regarding rights and permissions should be
addressed to: Lyle Stuart, 120 Enterprise Avenue,
Secaucus, N.J. 07094
Manufactured in the United States of America
ISBN 0-8065-1028-5
A Witch by Any
Other Name
I am a Witch. That's capi-
talized the same as Catholic
or Jew or Moslem. I don't
believe in the Christian devil or hell or their heaven.
I certainly don't worship Satan. I don't desecrate
churches or graveyards, as my religion respects those
who have passed on and we honor them on Halloween.
I don't waste my time, thoughts, or energies on cursing
people, since I know that most of them will do that for
themselves without any help from me. I consider sex
a sacred, private, and personal matter, so the Christian
accusation of "sex orgies" is a projection of their own
masturbatory fantasies—there's nothing private or per-
sonal about an orgy. I don't worship the "powers of
darkness" or consider the evil principle in life as power-
ful. In fact I consider evil impotent. What gives it
power is the support—what I call the "sanction of
silence"—of the good people who don't stand up to it,
those basically decent people who say nothing, do noth-
ing, when they sec evil.
1 make no claims as a Witch to "supernatural
powers," but I totally believe in the super powers that
reside in the natural. First and foremost, as a Witch I
am an Old Religionist, worshipping the pre-Christian
ancient deities. They are the Horned God and the
Mother Goddess, especially the latter. The coven is my
church, wherever it may meet, consisting of thirteen
or less Witches. All of us are priests and priestesses. In
Witchcraft, the Old Religion, there is no laity as yet. Our
rites and our rituals are ancient, and just as sacred to
us as the rites of any other dedicated religionist. How-
ever, unlike other religions, we are all active partici-
pants in the worship, rather than passive observers.
Because we all put a great deal into the worship, we all
get a great deal out of it. As I wrote in the article
"Who's a Witch?" in Witchcraft Digest, "In the final
analysis a Witch is someone whose entire being is per-
meated with the Craft of the Wise. This is both con-
scious and unconscious. Such a person is constantly
studying, learning, adding and eliminating things, ever
seeking new knowledge, and if he or she belongs to a
coven, unless physically impossible, nothing will deter
his/her attendance. The covenstead is the Mecca of
modern Magi, a place to replenish one's energies, re-
charge one's psychic batteries, renew loving relation-
ships, identify with the Deities, experience a sense of
Oneness with Congregated Crafters and Communion
with the Goddess and the Horned God."
Most books written on Witchcraft are by non-
Witches. They discuss Witchcraft not as it really is but
as it has been defined by the Catholic and other Chris-
tian churches. Any book that states that Witches make
pacts with devils, have sex orgies, or say the Lord's
Prayer backwards is either blatantly deceptive or totally
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