Licencjat 2010 Metodyka TTL.docx

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1. A language teaching approach consists of:

A theories about the nature of language and language learning

B a curriculum defining the aims and objectives of language learning.

C a specific syllabus and a series of classroom activities based on it.

D theoretical principles and classroom procedures based on them.


2. The syllabus used in ________is based on situations and topics.

A the Direct Method                             C Total Physical Response

B Task-Based Learning                             D the Silent Way


3. Sharing responsibility and accountability for each other's learning is particularly emphasized in:

A Desuggestopedia (Suggestopedia)               C the Cognitive Approach

B Total Physical Response                             D Cooperative Learning


4. In which pair does the two terms come from the same method?

A dialogue memorization — information gap

B reflective listening — primary activation

C the Human Computer – action sequence

D translation — explicit grammar instruction???


5. The behavioural principle of habit formation is fundamental to______

A the Grammar-Translation Method               C Desuggestopedia (Suggestopedia)

B The Audio-Lingual Method                             D Communicative Language Teaching


6. The term "peripheral learning" refers to:

A listening to recording of their own L2 production

B acquiring a new identity in a language classroom

C learning from posters on the wall

D using commands to direct behaviour.


7. One of the priorities in Content-Based Learning is to provide:

A a natural context for the language

B a chance for learners to participate in creating the syllabus

C a comfortable learning environment

D a strong sense of the teacher's commitment.


8. The so-called "reasoning gap" is emphasized as a stimulus to communication in:

A the Cognitive Approach                             C cloze testing

B multiple intelligence training                             D Task-Based Learning


9. Two methods in which extensive use of L1 is considered appropriate and useful are:

A the Audio-Lingual Method and the Direct Method

B the Direct Method and Community Language Learning

C Community Language Learning and the Grammar-Translation Method

D the Grammar-Translation Method and the Audio-Lingual Method.


10. In the Multiple Intelligence Approach, self-evaluation and journal-keeping best suit the _________type of intelligence:

A logical/mathematical                             C visual/spatial

B intrapersonal                                           D interpersonal


11. Treating foreign language learning as a form of mental exercise that helps to develop learners' minds is characteristic of_______

A the Grammar-Translation Method               C the Participatory Approach

B the Direct Method                                           D Task-Based Learning


12. The learners' kinesthetic memory is strongly engaged in

A Task-Based Learning                                           C the Audio-Lingual Method

B the Cognitive Approach                             D Total Physical Response




13. The main aim of using authentic materials in Communicative Language Teaching is to:

A create a game-like atmosphere and reduce stress.

B convey the meaning of new vocabulary without resorting to L1 .

C expose learners to natural language use.

D provide input that's been adjusted to the learners' level.


14. Which of the following is NOT a defining characteristic of a communicative activity?

A information gap                                           C problem-solving

B choice                                                         D feedback


15. According to Dakowska, the Communicative Approach was the first truly approach.

A discourse-based                                           C humanist

B sentence-based                                           D holistic


16. Units such as "ordering a meal" and at the bank" are most likely to be part of a syllabus.

A procedural                                                         C functional

B situational                                                         B topical


17. Which of the following activities is most likely to encourage learners to consult resources such as encyclopedias, internet sources, magazines, etc.?

A performing a structured dialogue               C carrying out a long-term project

B playing parts in a drama                             D performing in a real-time simulation


18. Dakowska defines______as "verbal and non-verbal communication strategies used to regulate conversation, for example to compensate for communication breakdown."

A communicative criteria                                           C sociolinguistic competence

B regulation strategies                                           D strategic competence


19. The teacher breaks down a long sentence into sections. The learners are asked to repeat section, then the last two sections, and so on until they are able to repeat the entire sentence. What is this technique called?

A a chain drill                                                         C backward build-up (or backchaining)

B multiple slotting                                           D positive backwash (or washback)


20. In the PPP lesson model:

A very limited time is allowed for communicative L2 production

B the presentation stage is always inductive

C different correction techniques are appropriate at different stages of the lesson.

D pair work precedes group work at every stage.


21. The most effective way to check if a presentation was understood is for the teacher to:

A ask whether the learners understand.

C monitor the learners' work in progress.

B elicit choral repetition of the main points.

D ask a series of short-answer questions.


22. Three of the characteristics of a good practice activity that Penny Ur identifies are:

A validity, success orientation and interest

B verbalization, feedback and teacher talk

C automatization, overlearning and appropriateness

D verbalization, repetition and discipline


23. Practice activities that are designed to suit learners at different levels in a mixed- ability classroom:

A have adequate volume.                             C are heterogeneous.

B have intrinsic validity.                                           D are reliable.


24. One of Ur's guidelines for organizing an effective lesson is:

A Put difficult exercises at the end of the lesson.

B Introduce new structures at the beginning of the lesson.

C Quiet, reflective tasks need to be followed by lively ones.

D Never use 'stir-settle' activities with children.




25. A vocabulary achievement test that contains lexical items that were not covered during the course:

A is unreliable                                                         C produces negative backwash (or washback) effect

B is invalid                                                         D provides extrinsic motivation


26. The test you are now taking is a so-called

A integrative test                                           C cloze test

B subjective test                                                         D objective test


27. Dictation can be used to practise or test

A spelling                                                         C listening comprehension

B punctuation                                                         D all of the above


28. Which of the following is referred to as open-ended teacher questioning?

A The teacher provides a topic and monitors the whole-class discussion by suggesting cues.?????

B The teacher asks a question that has a number of acceptable answers.

C The teachers asks a question that has only one correct answer.

D The teacher gives a lecture and the learners are engaged in note-taking.


29. The aim of drilling is to help learners

A "overlearn" sentence patterns                             C „fossilize" errors

B understand longer pieces of discourse               D all of the above


30. Ur points out that vocabulary is learned mere efficiently when it is:

A translated into L1

B selected on the basis of frequency analyses

C presented in word families "associated by meaning or sound

D pre-taught in isolation before being encountered in context.


31. The meaning of a word that is found in a dictionary is its ______

A collocation                             C co-ordinate

B connotation                             D denotation


32. The appropriateness of a vocabulary item refers to its______

A grammatical aspect                             C correct pronunciation and spelling

B normal usage and register               ...

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