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ENGLISH EXAM         ENTERPRISE 1 units 1-8






Imię i nazwisko:………………………………………………

Kierunek i grupa językowa: ……………...…..………………

Moduł: AZ2

Ocena końcowa: …………………………

Egzaminator: Joanna Wiśniewska

I Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words in the list. Use each word only once.

south-east,   boring,   vet,   twenty-nine,   brown,   watching,   flat,   day,   policeman,   hair,   playing,   lives,   years,   kind,   son,   time,   goes,   wife,   tall,   old

Steward Jones is 1)………………………… years old. He is a 2) …………………………  He 3) …………………………in Dover, in the 4) ………………………… of England.

Steward lives in a small, comfortable 5) ………………………… with his 6)…………………………, Jessica and their 7) …………………………, Jason. Jessica is twenty-eight years 8) …………………………. She is a 9) …………………………. Jason is seven 10) ………………………… old. He 11) ………………………… to school every 12)………………………… from 9 am to 3:30 pm.

Steward is good-looking. He is 13) ………………………… and well-build with short brown 14) ………………………… and 15) ………………………… eyes. Everybody likes him because he is a 16) ………………………… man and a very loving father.

In his free 17) ………………………… Steward likes 18) ………………………… basketball. He doesn’t like 19) …………………………TV. He thinks it is 20)………………………….

20 points

II Choose the correct item

1. .................Sally a student?

              A) Are              B) Is               C) Am

2. Joseph is.................artist.

              A) -               B) a              C) an

3. They.................got short hair. They have got long hair.

              A) haven't              B) have              C) has

4. A: Can I help you?                    B: Yes, I.......................for a jacket.

              A) am looking              B) looking              C) look

5. A:.................is Martin?                     B: He's in the bedroom.

              A) Where              B) How old              C) What

6. Look at Angela! She………………. a red dress today.

              A) wears              B) wearing              C) is wearing

7. A:.................is her name?                B: Sally Stuart.

              A) Where              B) What              C) How

8. I often ………….for walks in the park in the spring.

              A) going              B) am going              C) go

9. There is …………….ham in the fridge.

              A) some              B) a              C) any

10.  He ……………… to work by car.

              A) drives              B) drive              C) driving

11.  ……………… Susan go to school?

              A) Do              B) Does              C) Don’t

12.  Are there ………………. books in the study?

              A) some              B) an              C) any

13.  …………………is an orange juice, please?

              A) How              B) How many              C) How much

14.  They ……………………going to the cinema at the weekend.

              A) like              B) doesn’t like              C) likes

15.  He always reads a magazine …………… the evening.

              A) at              B) on              C) in

16.  …………...long do elephants live?

              A) How              B) Where              C) Why

17.  A: Is this your sweater?       B: No, it’s ……………sweater.

              A) her              B) hers              C) she

18.  There are three ……………. in the car.

              A) man              B) men              C) mans

19.  Tom was born ……………. 1989.

              A) on              B) in              C) at

20.  This is an apple and ……………….is an orange.

              A) those              B) that              C) these

20 points

III A: Read the text and say whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE.

Cathy Watson is fourteen. She lives in Bristol, in the south-west of England. Her mother is a teacher and her father is in the music business. Cathy likes music: 'My parents like the Beatles. My favourite band is Pulp. My ambition is to be a disc jockey.'

Cathy's sister, Serena, is sixteen. She is a student at the Redwood School of Dance. Her ambition is to be a dancer.

Cathy's brother, Steve, is at Clifton School. He's fifteen. 'I like heavy metal groups. Metallica is my favourite. I'm in a rock group at school. It's called Crash'.

Craig Crosby is fifteen. He's from the USA. His family lives in Miami, Florida. Craig is an exchange student at Clifton School in Bristol. At the moment, he lives with the Watson family. Craig likes sport. He's in the football team at Clifton School. ‘At home, this sort of football is called soccer. It's a great sport. I don't like American football very much.’


1.         Cathy's surname is Johnson. ____                                    

2.         Cathy's ambition is to be a dancer.________

3.         Bristol is in the north of England. _______

4.         Mrs Watson is in the music business._____

5.         Mr Watson is in the sport business.______

6.         Serena is Cathy's sister.______

7.         Serena is sixteen.__________

8.         Cathy's brother is called Craig. ______

9.         He is fifty._________

10.     Craig and Steve are students at Clifton School.________

11.     Cathy's favourite band is Metallica.____________

12.     Steve is in a rock group called Crash.__________

13.     Craig's family lives in California._____________

14.     Craig likes sport.      __________                                                                                           14 p.



B: Read the text and circle the correct answers: a, b or c.


Reader of the week  This week Steve James

Steve is English. He is from London. He speaks English and French. Steve is a music teacher. He works at St Mark’s School here in Brighton and he lives in Lewes. He gets up at 7 o’clock and has a shower. He doesn’t like getting up early. He never has breakfast at home, he has breakfast in a café. He hates making breakfast. He leaves the café at 8.15 and drives to school. He gets to school at 8.30 and works in his office. He starts teaching at 9.15. His students like his lessons. They always sing and usually listen to CD’s and talk about them. Students sometimes talk about music videos that they watch at home. Steve finishes work at 4 o’clock. He gets home at 5 o’clock. After work he goes home and reads. He never works at home. He doesn’t cook. He hates cooking. He has dinner at a restaurant or buys a burger. After dinner, he usually goes out in the evening. He doesn’t like watching TV. He likes going to concerts and dancing at clubs. He goes to bed very late, at 1 o’clock in the morning. At the weekends, he doesn’t get up early. He gets up at about ten o’clock. He goes shopping and plays football with his friends. Sometimes he goes for a walk. He likes walking by the beach.



1              Steve teaches                      a) English.                                        b) French.                            c) Music.

2              He doesn’t                          a) like getting up early                           b) eat breakfast.              c) get up early.

3              He starts work at                 a) 8.15.                                                       b) 8.30.                                          c) 9.15.

4              In his lessons, the students  a) play music.                                         b) write music.                             c) listen to music.

5              Steve gets home at               a) 4 o’clock.                                         b) 5 o’clock.                             c) 6 o’clock.

6              Steve                                     a) goes to concerts.                           b) watches TV.                             c) goes to bed early.

7              Steve works in                      a) Brighton.                                        b) London.                      c) Lewes.

8              He doesn’t                            a) eat breakfast....

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