Maroko - Napisy.txt

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00:03:26:Now listen here, fat-head
00:03:31:We're back home again|and that's because we did a little fighting
00:03:35:And I know what you're thinking
00:03:37:You're thinking: Well, here comes us
00:03:41:The Foreign Legion
00:03:43:Each man a hero
00:03:46:all the booze in the world made for us
00:03:50:and the women thrown in
00:03:53:But you're wrong.|this time, you're gonna behave yourselves|like gentlemen
00:03:57:even if it'll kill you
00:03:59:Yes, I'm talking to you
00:04:02:you heard what I said!
00:05:40:Why don't you get back in line?|What are doing with your fingers?
00:05:46:- Nothing... yet|- get in there
00:07:07:- all packed up, Sir. ready to land|- Thank you.
00:07:35:There you are.
00:07:38:I hope I haven't forgotten anything.
00:07:41:Merci, Monsieur.
00:07:43:you're very kind
00:07:47:Your first voyage to Morocco?
00:07:53:I make the trip quite often.|perhaps I can be of some service?
00:07:57:I'd be happy to help you
00:08:03:I won't need any help
00:08:12:You can always reach me|at this address, Mademoiselle.
00:08:21:Merci, Monsieur.
00:09:07:- Good evening, Officer|- evening
00:09:11:Do you know who that woman is?
00:09:15:A vaudeville actress probably
00:09:20:just how do you figure that?
00:09:23:we can't even remember a day
00:09:26:We call them|suicide passengers.
00:09:29:One-way ticket.|they never return.
00:10:20:well the wanderer returns.|how are you?
00:10:25:- When did you get back?|- last night.
00:10:27:Alexander, I'd like you|to meet an old friend of mine,|M. La Bessi?re.
00:10:31:- a citizen of the world|- very happy
00:10:35:- You're a Frenchman, aren't you?|- Yes.
00:10:37:- Mrs. Marten.|- Aren't you the painter La Bessi?re?
00:10:41:- I paint when I find the time.|- He has all the time that he needs.
00:10:45:He would be a great painter|if he were not so rich.|Colonel Buchard.
00:10:49:- Colonel. - Charmed|- Won't you join us?
00:10:53:I'd love to, but|isn't that C?sar and his wife?
00:10:58:- yes.|- see you later
00:11:02:Habib efendi|be self being the house day
00:11:15:It's awfully nice to see you|in Morocco again.
00:11:18:- I'm very happy to meet you,|even in this heat.|- yes it is hot.
00:11:20:- and you Mme C?sar? how have you been?|- I've been bored. We've missed you.
00:11:27:I feel greatly flattered.
00:11:31:your rich friend is very democratic
00:11:34:He can afford to be.|he's always chosen his own friends
00:11:37:as a young vicar|with the captain in the German air-force|before joining the legion
00:11:41:- And perhaps you can give me the history of his wife?|- The less said about that, the better.
00:13:01:The house is packed
00:13:08:the house is packed!|This is a great night for you.
00:13:12:If you make a hit,|you can stay here as long as you like.
00:13:17:now, you may have heard|of me in Europe or not.
00:13:21:my house is patronized|by the finest society in Morocco.
00:13:30:What was I going to say? Oh yes.
00:13:33:pick yourself a protector
00:13:36:It will give us prestige.|An officer in the legion.
00:13:40:They will tell you that the officers|in the legion are not important.
00:13:45:that the common legionnaire is the thing
00:13:48:They will tell you that Private|so-and-so is a Russian Prince
00:13:53:or an ex-General
00:13:55:who joined the legion|to forget his past.
00:13:59:Don't believe it!|The private in the Legion is a no bargain
00:14:02:with 75 centimes per day. Thank you.
00:14:06:Pick the officers!|They have the money.
00:14:37:Ladies and Gentlemen.
00:14:44:it is no small task,|as you know...
00:14:48:to supply my establishment with new talent.
00:14:51:For some reason,|the artists I engage don't last very long.
00:14:56:It may be the heat.|I do my best.|I pay the highest wages in Africa.
00:15:02:Mille grazie, signore e signori.
00:15:06:Anyway, I'll open the program tonight|with Mlle Amy Jolly, a newcomer
00:15:12:whom I hope you will receive|with your usual discriminating kindness
00:15:21:If I remember correctly,
00:15:24:this audience shows its usual discriminating kindness
00:15:27:by receiving its newcomers rather unpleasantly.
00:15:46:sit down, go ahead.
00:17:00:on fait sermon dans sa folie
00:17:05:de s'aimer l'enfant l'enfant
00:17:09:on est charmant,|elle est jolie
00:17:13:s'est par un soir|de gai printemps
00:17:17:mais un beau jour|on vient s'oppose
00:17:22:l'amour prend fin avec les fleurs
00:17:25:et on rest seul un beau jour et
00:17:30:le coeur se ride,|les yeux remplis de pleurs
00:17:38:lorsque tout est fini
00:17:42:quand se meurt votre beau r?ve
00:17:48:pourqoui pleurer les jours en pluie,|regretter les chances parties?
00:17:56:les belles et sont les filles
00:18:00:la savant vise ? s'ach?ve
00:18:06:et l'on reste ? laver vers prix
00:18:13:quand tout est fini
00:18:29:may I offer you|this glass of Champagne?
00:18:40:? votre sant?
00:19:04:- May I have this?|- Of course.
00:20:12:sing your number once|and then sell the apples
00:20:15:That's the most important thing|Sell the apples!
00:20:18:10 % is yours, 90 % is mine.|you'll make a fortune
00:20:37:damme los flores!
00:20:39:Over my dead body
00:20:41:damme los flores or go a casa
00:20:44:well, what's keeping you, baby?
00:21:26:what can I bid for my apple?
00:21:29:the fruit that made Adam so wise
00:21:41:on the historic night|when he took a bite|he discovered a new paradise?
00:21:57:and apple, they say,|keeps the doctor away
00:22:01:while his pretty young wife|has the time of her life
00:22:09:with the butcher, the baker
00:22:11:the candle-stick maker
00:22:15:oh what can I bid for my apple?
00:23:33:We meet once more, monsieur
00:23:35:I didn't anticipate this pleasure so soon.
00:23:38:can I also have an apple?
00:23:42:- but I have no change for that.|- I hardly expected you to have.
00:23:47:You are again very kind.
00:23:50:Mademoiselle,|may I have the honour of your company|after the performance?
00:23:55:I'm sorry. I have disposed|for the rest of the evening.
00:24:00:- some other time perhaps?|- of course
00:24:07:An apple, Monsieur? Madame?
00:24:21:Don't waste your time down there.|There's no money in the pit!
00:24:25:isn't there?
00:24:44:Thanks for the flower, Mademoiselle.
00:24:47:can I offer you an apple, too?
00:24:51:Lend me 20 francs
00:24:55:That makes 60
00:25:02:Two weeks pay|is a lot of money for an apple.
00:25:07:You can have it for nothing|if you like.
00:25:10:nothing doing.|I always pay for what I get.
00:25:24:I'd sit down if I were you.
00:25:34:You're pretty brave
00:25:38:with women
00:25:42:What's the matter?|Don't you like brave men?
00:25:51:Your change
00:26:40:well, if it isn't Mme C?sar
00:26:43:Tom, I must see you tonight?
00:26:46:what do you mean tonight?|what if your husband sees you tonight?
00:26:48:He isn't going to see me
00:26:51:isn't he?|what if he does?
00:26:54:C?sar's wife is above suspicion.
00:27:00:You may know something about ancient history,|but I know something about husbands.
00:28:00:Oh! It's you?
00:28:03:What's the matter?|Were you expecting someone else?
00:28:14:Can I offer you something?|Cognac?
00:28:16:too hot.|got any gin?
00:28:22:- Cigarette?|- Thanks.
00:28:54:You made this place look very nice
00:28:57:It looks different now.
00:28:58:how do you know?
00:29:01:have you been here before?
00:29:04:Well, I have been stationed|in this town for a long time.
00:29:19:aren't you drinking?
00:29:31:Well, to you
00:29:50:You can smell the desert tonight.
00:30:03:Hot, isn't it?
00:30:38:You can go now, soldier.
00:30:44:Alright lady.|you won't have any trouble|getting rid of me
00:30:47:nothing like independence,|isn't there?
00:30:55:well maybe I am independent.|With women
00:31:10:You evidently don't think much of women
00:31:15:I tell you lady,|it's their fault, not mine
00:31:32:been in the legion very long?
00:31:34:almost three years
00:31:39:Three years|seems like 300
00:31:43:you sound tired of life
00:31:45:I don't know whether I am or not
00:31:48:I was when I joined this outfit
00:31:51:how about you, Mademoiselle?|Been on the stage very long?
00:31:56:Long enough.
00:31:57:- tired of it?|- no
00:32:04:You've a lot of pictures of that man.|Is he your husband?
00:32:07:husband? I never found a man|good enough for that.
00:32:14:that's just how I fell about women.
00:32:22:how long ago was that picture taken?
00:32:27:that looks like a Russian sable.|that coat's worth a load of shades.|Do you still have it?
00:32:32:don't be absurd.|if I still had that coat|I wouldn't be here
00:32:44:What in the name of ten thousand purples|did you come to a country like this for, anyway?
00:32:53:I understand that men are never asked|why they enter the Foreign Legion.
00:32:57:That's right. They never asked me|and if they had I wouldn't have told.
00:33:02:When I crashed the legion|I ditched the past.
00:33:08:There's a Foreign Legion of women, too.
00:33:20:but we have no uniforms
00:33:23:no flags
00:33:28:and no medals,
00:33:32:when we are brave
00:33:42:No wound stripes|when we are hurt
00:33:50:Look here, is there anything|I can do to help you?
00:33:59:I've heard that before.
00:34:02:Or do you think you can restore|my faith in men?
00:34:10:not me
00:34:12:you've got the wrong man for that
00:34:17:anybody who has faith in me is a sucker
00:34:31:You'd better go now
00:34:37:I'm beginning like you.
00:34:58:I've said to women|about everything a man can say.
00:35:02:I'm gonna to tell you something|I've never told a woman before.
00:35:06:I wish I'd met you 10 years ago...
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