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-           I would be extremly grateful if you /could

send me more information connected with/invited

me to an interview at any time that is convenient

to you

-           Because of the above

-           For this reason

-           On the other hand

-           Moreover- ponadto

-           However

-           Mentioned above- wspomniane powyżej

-           Last but not the least

-           Very= extremly, thoroughly, entirely

-           Because= for, as, since

-           I`m the person you are looking for







-           over the moon- zachwycony

-           from time to time

-           time after time- wiele razy

-           get my act together- brać się za siebie

-           all in all- biorąc wszystko pod uwagę

-           to sum up- podsumowując

-           live  it up- używać życia

-           by the skin of my teeth- o mały włos

-           no sweet- nie ma sprawy

-           take it easy

-           be under somebody`s thumb- być pod kontrolą


Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin