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Complete the passage with the best word or phrase. (10 points)


Outsiders may have (1)_____________ differentiating an American from a Canadian, but the North Americans themselves don't.

(2)_____________ Canadians and Americans (3)_____________ jeans, T-shirts with the (4)_____________ slogan, rock group, or cartoon character on them, baseball caps, and sneakers. They lead similar lifestyles.

Americans think of Canadians as being very much (5)_____________ them. When they go north, they see a lot of similarities with their own country. There is the mix of people from different cultures, (6)_____________ in a similar way, the jeans and T-shirt wearing crowd, fast-food restaurants, and cities and towns which (7)_____________ very similar. They find people who speak the same language, (8)_____________ in Quebec, where they speak French.

If they notice differences, it is probably in the way Canadians speak and spell, and other minor things.(9)_____________, many Canadians say “schedule” with a soft “c” rather than with a “ske” sound. Canadians sign “cheques” and not “checks.” They pump their gas in liters and not gallons, and they seem to keep their streets so (10)_____________ cleaner.


1.              a. bother              b. difficult              c. trouble              d. fun

2.              a. every              b. both              c. more              d. each

3.              a. carry              b. have              c. put              d. wear

4.              a. latest              b. new              c. popular              d. most common

5.              a. as              b. same              c. look like              d. like

6.              a. dressed              b. dressing              c. wearing              d. decorated

7.              a. sound              b. look              c. grow              d. are built

8.              a. as well as              b. like              c. instead of              d. except

9.              a. As example              b. So              c. For instance              d. However

10.              a. much              b. many              c. very              d. far





Read the letter and fill in the blanks using only one word. (10 points)


Dear Mother,

I'm sorry I haven't (1)_____________ to you for so (2)_____________, but I have been very (3)_____________ at work these last three weeks. It's that time of year, I'm afraid! We have to get the computer games on the market (4)_____________ time for Christmas.

How are Rachel and Tim? Thank you for (5)_____________ me a photo of their new baby. He really (6)_____________ so much like Rachel! I find it hard to imagine my little sister with a baby!

Helen and I would (7)_____________ to spend Christmas with you this year. I haven't seen you all (8)_____________ over two years now. I really enjoy living in the Canada and Montreal is a wonderful city, but it's such a long (9)_____________ from home. I (10)_____________ I could see you all more often.

I'm taking two weeks holiday from the 15th December. Let me know if that's all right with you.


Love to everyone at home,





Choose the best word or phrase to fill in the blanks. (10 points)


1.              A: What are you going to ________ to the office party?

              B: My black evening dress.

              a. hold              b. put on              c. wear              d. take


2.              A: Are you ________?

              B: Yes, let's have something to eat now.

              a. tired              b. hungry              c. thirsty              d. bored


3.              A: When are you leaving for New York?

              B: Tomorrow morning. I have to be at the airport at 9 a.m. because my ________ is at 10:30.

              a. flight              b. journey              c. take off              d. plane


4.              A: What is the ________ usually like in November?

              B: It's usually very cold and wet.

              a. time              b. forecast              c. temperature              d. weather


5.              A:  ________ is Patrick, now? I haven't seen him since he was thirteen.

              B: He's 1 m. 80.

              a. What size              b. How tall              c. How big              d. How high


6.              A: This jacket doesn't ________ me. It's too small.

              B: Here's a bigger size.

              a. suit              b. like              c. go with              d. fit


7.              Don't ________ ! I can hear you quite clearly.

              a. cry              b. shout              c. speak up              d. whisper


8.              I think you should ________ your room. There are things everywhere!

              a. clean              b. arrange              c. put away              d. clean up


9.              I haven't seen the play ________. I'm hoping to go this Saturday.

              a. yet              b. still              c. always              d. already


10.              I never go shopping in town on Saturdays because the stores are so ________.

              a. full              b. awful              c. confusing              d. crowded


11.              You must ________ your shoes before you go into a Mosque.

              a. put off              b. take away              c. take off              d. leave


12.              She has worked very hard for the exam, so I am ________ she will pass.

              a. optimistic              b. confident              c. afraid              d. expect


13.              A: Did he ________ the race last night?

              B: No, he was second.

              a. win              b. gain              c. earn              d. succeed


14.              She was driving along the street. ________, a child ran out in front of her car.

              a. Finally              b. Fortunately              c. Suddenly              d. Fast


15.              A: Did you enjoy your vacation?

              B: Very much, but the ________ was very long. It took us 10 hours to get there.

              a. travel              b. distance              c. journey              d. bus


16.              A: How ________ is it to the nearest post office?

              B: It's about one mile.

              a. long              b. many              c. distance              d. far


17.              A: What's the ________?

              B: I've got a terrible headache.

              a. hurt              b. matter              c. cause              d. pain


18.              Could you ________ the music, please? It's too loud.

              a. turn down              b. put down              c. put away              d. take off


19.              I phoned home yesterday, but ________ answered, so I suppose they must have gone away for the weekend.

              a. nobody              b. someone              c. anybody              d. somebody


20.              We go to the coast for our summer vacation because the children like playing on the ________.

              a. sea              b. coast              c. beach              d. water


Ó Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2002

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