Dark Angel Virtual Season 3 Episode 01.pdf

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Labyrinth — 3.01 — Virtual Season 3
By Moonshadow and Star24
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Virtual Season 3 — 3.01 — Labyrinth
Rooftop, Terminal City
Max and Logan stood side by side, hands clasped.
There was a long, emotional pause as several hundred
transgenics stood with them to watch their flag flying
from the highest place in Terminal City. Then as if in re-
sponse to some silent signal, they cheered in unison, a
huge roaring shout that shook the roof.
The police and National Guard troops surrounding the
area turned, some curious and some fearful, to see what
was happening. For thirty seconds or so the roar filled the
early-morning air. Then, slowly, it faded. Warily, the sol-
diers turned their attention back to the streets where they
stood, and the smell of breakfast coming from the mess
Above, transgenics embraced, high-fived, laughed as they
headed for the two fire stairwells that led back down into
the main building. There were so many of them it took
nearly twenty minutes for the roof to clear. A Freak Na-
As the last footsteps faded away, Logan turned to Max.
His eyes were shining, but her face was sober. Still hold-
ing tightly to her hand, he asked gently, ʺSecond
Without taking her eyes from the flag, Max shook her
head. ʺNope. You?ʺ
ʺNo.ʺ They stood watching the flag for a moment longer.
Then Max sighed.
Labyrinth — 3.01 — Virtual Season 3
ʺUm, Iʹd better get back now,ʺ she said, gesturing at the
nearest door and trying to walk away. Logan didnʹt let go
of her hand. She stopped. ʺHey.ʺ
Max pointed to their clasped hands. ʺI need my hand
He smiled. ʺThey can wait a minute.ʺ With his other hand,
gloved in white latex, he stroked the black leather cover-
ing her fingers. ʺWeʹve got a lot to make up for, now that
weʹve finally figured out how to hold hands without me
keeling over on you. And without you running away on
me.ʺ He said the last with a smile in his voice.
Max looked up into his eyes and smiled back. ʺItʹs just that
Iʹve been so busy … ʺ
He gave her a mischievous look. ʺFunny about being busy.
What goes around comes around, I guess.ʺ
The door to the fire stairs banged open. ʺHey, Max!ʺ
shouted Dalton, the boy they had brought with them three
days ago from the Jam Pony hostage crisis. ʺMole wants
you for something.ʺ
ʺBe right there,ʺ Max called back. After the door banged
shut, she released her grip on Loganʹs hand. ʺGotta go,ʺ
she apologized.
He held her back once more. ʺYeah. One more thing?ʺ
ʺIʹm glad you did have second thoughts about Alec. Itʹs
none of my business why,ʺ he added quickly, seeing an
alarmed look in her eyes. ʺBut since the other night, when
you told me he wasnʹt part of your life any more, Iʹve
started feeling like maybe anythingʹs possible. A cure for
Virtual Season 3 — 3.01 — Labyrinth
this virus. Maybe even … us.ʺ
Max remembered their anniversary. Champagne in the glasses,
bubbly in the warm lamplight. Loganʹs face with the same hope-
ful, yearning look it had right now. She remembered turning
away from him, leaning her face against the cool window glass,
telling him her secret. ʺYou have nothing to be sorry for or
ashamed of,ʺ he told her...
On the cold Terminal City roof, Max took a deep breath.
ʺLogan, I need to tell you something.ʺ
ʺThere … there was no Alec. We were never together. I let
you think that so you would stay away. I couldnʹt risk
hurting you again. Maybe killing you.ʺ She looked up at
him then, apprehensive. ʺIʹm sorry, I …ʺ
Now it was Loganʹs turn to pull away. He released her
hand. ʺYou lied to me?ʺ
ʺIt wasnʹt a lie.ʺ
ʺIt wasnʹt the truth.ʺ Logan shook his head, disbelieving.
ʺYou let me think … What else have you been letting me
think? That you plan on sticking around? That youʹve got
my back? That if this transfusion wears off, it wonʹt be
about me being able to walk?ʺ
ʺDonʹt be a jerk. I didnʹt plan it. When you thought we
were together, I let you. To protect you,ʺ Max said fiercely.
ʺNo. To protect yourself, Max. Because thatʹs all itʹs been
about ever since you got back. You.ʺ
ʺThatʹs not fair. Manticore gave me this virus … ʺ
ʺOh yeah. Blame Manticore. Blame anyone but yourself.ʺ
Labyrinth — 3.01 — Virtual Season 3
ʺExplain something to me. What part of ʹIf I touch you,
youʹll dieʹ donʹt you understand?ʺ
ʺThe part where that gives you the right to walk out on
me. Deceive me. Sit there in a junked car and say nothing
while I spill my guts. Yeah, Max, you sure know how to
look out for me.ʺ
ʺLogan, please. Stop.ʺ She reached out, but he stepped
back, hands raised in the air, avoiding her touch.
ʺDonʹt, Max. It isnʹt that easy, not this time.ʺ
She stared at him, her face pleading. He lowered his
ʺYouʹd better go, Max. Manticore, remember? And Iʹd
better find some bleach.ʺ He turned and walked to the
other fire door. As he opened it, he turned and gave Max a
final hard look. Then the door slammed behind him.
She stood for a long time, as the wind snapped the flag
and the distant sound of the soldiersʹ voices carried up
from below. The sunrise had long since disappeared be-
hind the gray clouds. And once again, rain threatened.
* * * * *
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