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Animal Archives, Dino Files I: Raptor Pack
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Animal Archives
DinoFiles I: Raptor Pack
Animal Archives
DinoFiles I: Raptor Pack
The Campaign Construc-
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a GM can print only the
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weight of multiple products.
Created by
Jesse Mohn & Aeryn “Blackdirge” Rudel
Written by
Aeryn “Blackdirge” Rudel
John Ball
Hunter McFalls
Graphic Design & Layout
Edward Bourelle & Erik Nowak
SkeletonKey Staff
Edward Bourelle & Art Braune
Each page is organized with the following information
A: Title of the entry contained on the page
B: Product title in which the entry can be found
C: Author and artist credits for that entry
D: Category label for binder organization
Animal Archives is ©2007
Jesse Mohn. All rights reserved.
Illustrations are ©2007 Hunter McFalls. All rights reserved.
Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes
a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material.
SkeletonKey Games, Campaign Construction System, the
SkeletonKey Games logo, and the Campaign Construction System
logo are trademarks of Edward Bourelle. Blackdirge Publishing
and the Blackdirge Publishing logo are trademarks of Aeryn Rudel.
Blackdyrge is a trademark of Aeryn Rudel.
Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are trademarks of
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‘d20 System’ and the d20 System logo are trademarks of Wizards
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The following is designated as Open Game Content: all new rules and
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Author: Aeryn Rudel
Blackdirge Publishing
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Animal Archives
DinoFiles I: Raptor Pack
this area simply because it makes the animals a bit more
fun, and gives DMs and players a lot more latitude when
using these dinosaurs in their game.
The raptors are a group of predatory theropod dinosaurs
that belong to the family dromaeosauridae, which means
“running lizard.” Dromaeosaurids lived during the
Cretaceous Period (145 to 65 million years ago), and ranged
from rooster-sized ( Microraptor gui ) to nightmarish, one-
ton monsters ( Utahraptor ostrommaysorum ). Although
these swift, agile predators came in many shapes and
sizes, they all shared some common characteristics.
The special attacks featured by each dromaeosaurid
in this product are based on real theories of how these
dinosaurs might have used the terrible claws on their back
feet. Although each ability is listed in the write-up for an
individual animal, these attacks are appropriate for all of
the dinosaurs presented here, and for similar dinosaurs
featured in other products. Below is a description of each
new special attack and how it can be implemented.
Dromaeosaurids stood upright on their back legs, which
were powerful and muscular, and could likely propel these
dinosaurs to speeds rivaling the fastest predatory mammals
today. They had long arms ending in three-fingered hands,
which were dexterous enough to manipulate food or grasp
prey. All dromaeosaurs had a long tail, stiffened with bony
tendons, that likely acted as a stabilizer when the animal
ran. The most striking feature of dromaeosaurids, however,
was the long killing claw on the second toe. This sickle-like
talon was held retracted off the ground, and was likely used
in powerful kicks to disembowel prey.
Leaping Slash (Ex): As a standard action, a raptor
can leap at a foe and make a normal melee attack
to deliver a powerful slash with both its sickle-
clawed feet. If this attack hits, it inflicts double
standard talon damage plus 1.5 times the raptor’s
Strength bonus. The range at which a raptor can
target a creature with leaping slash is listed below.
There is some evidence that dromaeosaurids hunted in
packs, primarily supported by groups of Deinonychus fossils
discovered near the remains of large herbivores. Although a
pack of these rapacious predatory dinosaurs is certainly an
evocative image, not all paleontologists support the theory
that dromaeosaurids hunted in this manner.
5 ft.
10 ft.
10 ft.
15 ft.
15 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
Another interesting feature of the dromaeosaurids is their
bird-like appearance, and some paleontologists believe that
they share a common ancestor with modern birds. There is
even evidence that some dromaeosaurids had feathers.
Lastly, I would be remiss if I did not at least mention
the most famous appearance of the dromaeosaurids —
their starring role in the film Jurassic Park . It should
be said, however, that the dinosaur featured in the film,
Velociraptor , had very little in common with the real
animal. The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were far larger
than the two-foot tall, forty pound Velociraptor , and were
much closer in size to Utahraptor , which, coincidentally,
was discovered not long after the film was released.
Kangaroo Kick (Ex): As a standard action, a raptor
with this ability can rear back on its tail and make
a normal melee attack to deliver a powerful kick
with both its sickle-clawed feet. If this attack hits,
it inflicts double standard talon damage plus 1.5
times the raptor’s Strength bonus.
Eviscerate (Ex)*: A raptor with this ability can
eviscerate a grabbed opponent with a successful
grapple check. An eviscerated creature suffers
standard talon damage plus 1.5 times the raptor’s
Strength bonus. In addition, the gaping wound
continues to bleed profusely for 1d2 point of damage
per round. The bleeding can be stopped with a
DC 20 Heal check or with the application of a cure
spell at least as potent as cure moderate wounds .
Bleeding from multiple eviscerations does not stack.
Although I have tried to portray the dromaeosaurids in
this release as accurately as possible, some allowances
were made to make them stand out from other animals in
the d20 system. This is most evident in the intelligence
level attributed to the d20 version of these dinosaurs.
I chose to go with a more “Jurassic Park” approach in
*Works best when paired with improved grab.
Author: Aeryn Rudel
Blackdirge Publishing
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Microraptor (Small Thief)
Animal Archives
DinoFiles I: Raptor Pack
CR 1/3
(M Y - CROE - RAP - TORE )
multi-colored feathers. A
tiny predator, a microraptor
hunts the forest floor for
insects and small animals,
fleeing to the safety of
the trees when danger
approaches. Although it cannot
truly fly, a microraptor can glide for
short distances, using the elongated
feathers on its arms and legs
as primitive wings.
Always Neutral Tiny Animal
Init +4; Senses low-light
vision; Listen +8, Spot +8
AC 17, touch 16, flatfooted 13
(+2 size, +4 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 3 (1/2 HD)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1
These diminutive dinosaurs
gather in small groups of 2
to 5 individuals, with each clutch led
by the largest and strongest member. They
are curious and alert, and far more intelligent
than the lumbering brutes dinosaurs are often
believed to be.
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 15 ft.
Melee talons +6 (1d3-3) and bite +1 (1d2-3)
Space 2 1⁄2 ft.; Reach 2 1⁄2 ft.
Base Atk +0; Grapple -11
Special Actions glide
Abilities Str 4, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 9
Feats Alertness, Weapon Finesse B
Skills Climb +12, Hide +13, Jump +2, Listen +8, Spot +8
A typical microraptor is around 2 feet in length, and
weighs between 3 and 4 pounds.
Environment warm forests
Organization solitary, pair, or clutch (2-5)
Treasure none
A microraptor does not pose much of a threat to larger
creatures, although packs of the small beasts could
potentially be dangerous. An individual microraptor
typically fights only when cornered, slashing with the
enlarged talons on its back feet. An expert climber, a
microraptor most often seeks the safety of a high tree
when seriously threatened.
Glide (Ex): A microraptor can glide for short
distances when it jumps from a height. It can
glide for a distance equal to twice the height of
its original perch. For example, a microraptor
that leaps into the air from 60 feet up in a tall
tree can glide for 120 feet. When gliding, the
microraptor is considered to have a fly speed
of 40 feet with poor maneuverability.
Intelligent and engaging, a microraptor can make a
devoted pet when properly trained. These tiny dinosaurs
have bright plumage, and their odd appearance makes
them highly sought after by collectors. Microraptor eggs
can fetch as much as 100 gp each, while live chicks can
command upwards of 400 gp from the right buyer.
Skills: A microraptor has a +4 racial bonus on Hide,
Jump, Listen, and Spot checks. It has a +8 racial
bonus on Climb checks and can always choose
to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or
threatened. A microraptor uses its Dexterity modifier
instead of its Strength modifier for Climb checks.
A microraptor can be gained as a familiar with the
Improved Familiar feat at 3rd level. Microraptor
familiars are common among the nobility of certain
cities, as acquiring one is both a mark of arcane skill
and obvious wealth.
This tiny dinosaur is covered in bright blue, red, and green
plumage and is distinctly avian in appearance. It has a set
of stunted wings attached to both sets of limbs, although
its comfort and speed on the ground suggest that it is not
capable of true flight. The tiny beast has a reptilian snout
full of needle fangs, grasping, three-fingered foreclaws,
and two wickedly curved talons on its back feet.
One of the smallest members of the dromaeosaurid
family, Microraptor represents an important evolutionary
link between dinosaurs and birds. Microraptor lived during
the Early Cretaceous Period, and was one of many small,
feathered dromaeosaurids that flourished during that time.
A microraptor is a rooter-sized dinosaur with distinctly
avian features. It is reptilian, although covered in long
Author: Aeryn Rudel
Illustrator: Hunter Mcfalls
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Pyroraptor (Fire Thief)
Animal Archives
DinoFiles I: Raptor Pack
(P IE - ROW - RAP - TORE )
A pyroraptor is a powerful predator, and one that often
hunts in packs. It is fast, agile, and capable of making
astonishing leaps. Packs of these voracious dinosaurs
are capable of taking on much larger prey, and they
have been known to bring down animals two to three
times larger than themselves.
Always Neutral Medium Animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Listen +13,
Spot +13
Pyroraptor packs behave much like wolf packs,
tracking prey and then striking from ambush. They
are intel-ligent and coordinated, and can employ
a surprisingly sophisticated array of tactics when
hunting. In addition, these dinosaurs have astonishing
jumping ability, and can make leaps of up to 10 feet
from a standstill.
AC 16, touch 13, flatfooted 13
(+3 Dex, +3 natural)
hp 22 (3 HD)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Melee talons +5 (1d8+2) and 2 foreclaws +0
(1d2+1) and bite +0 melee (1d6+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +2; Grapple +4
Atk Options leaping slash, pounce
A pyroraptor stands about 3 to 4 feet high and measures
roughly 8 feet in length. Standard specimens weigh
around 100 pounds.
Abilities Str 15, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
Feats Alertness, Run, Weapon Finesse B
Skills Hide +11, Jump +18, Listen +13, Spot +13,
Survival +11
A pyroraptor attacks by leaping at its foe and slashing
with the over-sized talons on its feet. In addition, a
pyroraptor uses its powerful jaws and the raking talons
on its foreclaws to further incapacitate prey. Packs of
these dinosaurs hunt from ambush, hiding in the dense
foliage of their forest home, and then striking at prey
en masse .
Environment warm forests
Organization solitary, pair, or pack (3-6)
Treasure none
Advancement 4-6 HD (Medium);
7-9 HD (Large)
Leaping Slash (Ex): As a standard action,
a pyroraptor can leap at a foe and make a
normal melee attack to deliver a powerful
slash with its sickle-clawed feet. If this
attack hits, it inflicts 2d8+3 points of damage.
A pyroraptor can target a creature up to 10
feet away with leaping slash.
With intelligence on par with the smartest mammals,
a pyroraptor can learn tricks easier than other
animals. The DC for any associated Handle Animal
checks to teach a pyroraptor a trick is reduced by 1.
Kobolds sometimes train these dinosaurs as mounts,
believing their fiery red plumage is evidence of
draconic heritage.
Pounce (Ex): If a pyroraptor charges, it can make
a full attack.
A druid can gain a pyroraptor as an alternate animal
companion at 3rd level. Kobold and goblin druids often
take a pyroraptor as an animal companion, as both races
find the aggressive nature of the fleet-footed dinosaurs
to be an admirable trait.
Skills: A pyroraptor has a +8 racial bonus on
Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot, and Survival checks.
This wolf-sized dinosaur is graceful and bird-like. Its
body is covered in a coat of downy, crimson feathers,
and it stands erect on two powerful legs. The beast has
a set of dagger-filled jaws, two long forearms ending in
three-fingers hands, and a vicious scythe-like claw on
the second digit of each foot.
A pyroraptor can be summoned with summon nature’s
ally II or a higher level summon nature’s ally spell.
Treat a pyroraptor as being on the 2nd-level list of the
Summon Nature’s Ally table. A celestial or fiendish
pyroraptor can be summoned with summon monster III
or a higher level summon monster spell. Treat a celestial
or fiendish pyroraptor as being on the 3rd-level list of
the Summon Monster table.
A pyroraptor is a Medium-sized carnivorous dinosaur with
distinctly avian features. Its body is covered in crimson,
downy feathers similar to those found on young birds.
Author: Aeryn Rudel
Illustrator: Hunter Mcfalls
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