Wprowadzenie do DNS ISC Root i usług SIE.pdf

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ISC Services at PLIX
Paul Vixie, President
Internet Systems Consortium
Warsaw, March 4, 2010
About ISC
Founded in 1993 to maintain BIND (then V4)
Produced many RFC's to clarify/extend DNS
Created BIND8 in 1996, BIND9 in 2000
Operates F-root and a regional network
39 employees in six countries
45 F-root instances in ~30 countries
~6M USD annual budget
ISC Services at PLIX
Since 2009 there has been an ISC SIE relay node
Since yesterday there has been an F-root node
F-Root Introduction
Service context:
F is one of 13 servers for the DNS root zone
Was once NS.ISC.ORG before the A-M renumbering
Root zone is parent of all TLD's (including .PL)
Capacity growth:
Was once a single Intel 486DX2 running BSD/OS
Then a cluster of DEC Alphas using OSPF ECMP
Now 45 clusters of Intel EM64T, independent BGP
F-Root Anycast
Threat model:
DDoS is unpreventable but is manageable
Risk management means massive overprovisioning
Delivery model:
Every F-Root anycast node has a local peering ASN
Offers IPv4 and IPv6 BGP announcements (AS3557)
Benefits to PLIX members:
Shorter round trip times (faster service) every day
Service continuity during DDoS
Something to use IPv6 for
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