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Teacher’s Notes
TRAVELLING – matura rozszerzona
by Aleksandra Prochalska
Type of activity : individual work
Focus: to check and revise vocabulary concerning
TRAVELLING based on “Revise ForMatura –
Level: Intermediate – Upper Intermediate
Time : 20 – 25 minutes
II. Explain the difference. / 10 points
1) a backpack = a rucksack, you carry it on your
back /
a suitcase = a bag which you carry in your hand
2) a single ticket = one way ticket /
a return ticket = a ticket to a place and back
3) a trip = a visit to a place /
a journey = l ong distance travel
1. Photocopy the test.
1. Explain the tasks in the test if necessary.
2. Set the time limit.
Extension / Follow-up:
You may discuss marked tests with the whole class.
4) package holiday = holiday organized by a travel
agency, including transport, accommodation, etc /
going backpacking = travelling for pleasure,
usually without having much money
The key just provides suggestions, there might be
other possible answers.
I. Fill in the right words. All the words are connected
with parts of a car. / 10 points
5) a roundabout = an area where cars drive around /
crossroads = a place where two roads meet and
cross each other
III. Translate into English. / 15 points
1.wyprzedzać– t o overtake
2. prawo jazdy – a driving licence
3.przewodnik(książka)– a guidebook
4.zawracać– t o turn back, to make a U-turn
5. utwardzone pobocze – hard shoulder
6.holować– t o tow
7.planpodróży– itinerary
8.meldowaćsię– t o check in
9.wymeldowaćsię– t o check out
10. peron – a platform
11. postój taksówek – a taxi rank
12. prom – a ferry
13.załoga– crew
14. chodnik – pavement
15. parkomat – a parking meter
1) The pedal that you press with your foot when driving
a vehicle in order to change gear – clutch
2) The part of a vehicle that produces power to make
it move – engine
3) One of the signs with numbers and letters on it at
the front and back of a car – number plate /
r egistration plate (2 words)
4) A part of the roof of a car that you can open to let
in air and light – sunroof
or passenger in an accident – airbag
6) An object that provides a supply of electricity for
something such as a radio, car or toy – battery
7) The part of a car or other vehicle that you press
with your foot to make it go faster – accelerator
IV. Translate into Polish. / 15 points
1. maiden voyage – podróż dziewicza
2. all zone one day bus pass – j ednodniowy bilet
autobusowy na wszystkie strefy
3. to set off – wyruszać
4. cruise – r ejs
5. cab – t aksówka, dorożka
6. tram – t ramwaj
7. B&B = bed and breakfast, nocleg ze śniadaniem
8. excursion – wycieczka
9. to take someone for a ride (IDIOM) – z robić kogoś
w ”konia”
10. full board – pełne wyżywienie
11. holdall – t orba podręczna
12. to go off the beaten track – z ejść z utartego
13. to take off – startować (o samolocie)
14. to board a ferry – wchodzić na pokład promu
15. motorway – autostrada
8) The large window at the front of a car, bus, etc –
car, bicycle, etc – t yre
it if it hits anything – bumper
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