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Teacher’s Notes
ScieNce aNd TechNology – matura rozszerzona
by aleksandra Prochalska
Type of activity : individual work
Focus: to check and revise vocabulary concerning SCIENCE
AND TECHNOLOGY based on “Revise ForMatura –
level: Intermediate – Upper Intermediate
Time : 20 – 25 minutes
1. Photocopy the test.
1. Explain the tasks in the test if necessary.
2. Set the time limit.
extension / Follow-up:
You may discuss marked tests with the whole class.
11. A set of moving stairs that takes people to different
levels in a building is called a(n) escalator.
12. A system for making things in a factory in which the
products move past a line of workers who make or
check one part – assembly line . (dwa słowa)
3. explain the differences. you may use Polish. / 10 points
A) NEST = a structure in which birds lay eggs and
r aise their young /
SOCKET = a receptacle in a wall where you can
connect electrical equipment
B) INSULATED = covered or protected to prevent
electric shocks /
ISOLATED = standing alone
C) PILOT = a person who lies a plane /
REMOTE CONTROL = a device used for changing
TV channels
D) TO DISCOVER = we can discover a place or a fact
so that we know it exists /
TO INVENT = to make or design a new thing
E) CAMERA = used to take photos /
CAMCORDER = used to record a ilm
The key just provides suggestions, there might be
other possible answers.
1. Translate into english. / 10 points
1. liczydło
2. mikrofalówka
3. robot kuchenny
4. ekspres do kawy
5. automatyczna sekretarka
6. archeologia
7. inżynieria wodno-lądowa
8. inżynieria genetyczna
9. lingwistyka
10. informatyka
f ood processor
answering machine
civil engineering
genetic engineering
l inguistics
i nformation technology
4. Translate into Polish / 10 points
1. to plug in – włączyć do kontaktu
2. a power cut – brak prądu
3. spare parts – z apasowe części
4. to be out of order – nie działać
5. cordless mouse – bezprzewodowa myszka
6. disposable plates – j ednorazowe talerzyki
7. mouthpiece – mikrofon
8. earpiece – słuchawka
9. text messaging – wysyłanie sms
10. manufacturing plant – f abryka
2. Fill in just one word. / 12 points
1. I nk is a coloured liquid that you use for writing,
printing or drawing.
2. A(n) explorer is someone who travels through an
unknown area to ind out about it.
3. A(n) r esearcher is someone who deals with serious
study of a subject, in order to discover new facts or
test new ideas.
4. A(n) i nventor is someone who has invented
something, or whose job is to invent things.
5. A(n) scientist is someone who works or is trained in
6. A thing you use for changing channels on a television
from a distance is called a(n) zapper / remote
control . (podaj dwie nazwy).
7. Snail mail is the system for sending letters by post,
as opposed to using email.
8. Computer machinery and equipment, as opposed to
the programs that make computers work, is called
9. Software consists of programs that tell a computer
how to do a particular job.
10. An animal or plant produced by scientists from one
cell of another animal or plant, so that they are
exactly the same, is called a(n) clone.
*** addiTioNal eXeRciSe ***
1. what can be used to cut a sheet of paper? scissors
2. what can be used to make a hole in the wall? drill ,
drilling machine
3. what can be used to open a bottle of wine?
4. what can be used to paint the wall? brush
5. what can be used to put a picture on the wall?
hammer, nail
6. what can be used to make clothes smooth? i ron
7. what can be used to print documents? printer
8. what can be used to store food and fresh products?
f ridge, refrigerator
9. what can be used to make copies of documents?
10. what can be used to hoover carpets? vacuum
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