In my classroom there is….there are….doc

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Long form

Short form

Long form

Short form



There is


There is not

There isn’t

Is there?


Tere are


There are not.

There aren’t

Are there?

In my classroom there is….there are…

C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Ambiente de trabalho\scarp\kit orange et cannelle\080326033100174491873880.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Ambiente de trabalho\scarp\kit orange et cannelle\080326033100174491873880.jpg


C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Ambiente de trabalho\scarp\kit orange et cannelle\2vg3sjcn0m.jpg

A)     Look at the picture. Fill in with There is or there are.


  • __________ a teacher in the classroom.
  • __________ a blackboard in the classroom.
  • __________ six boys in the classroom.
  • __________ a map on the wall.
  • __________ a ruler on the teacher’s desk.
  • __________ four girls  in the classroom.
  • __________ books in the classroom


C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Ambiente de trabalho\scarp\kit orange et cannelle\2vg3sjcn0m.jpg
Now ask and answer as in the example.


  • Three boys?

Are there tree boys in the classroom?No, there aren’t.

There are six boys in the classroom.


  • Two teachers?




  • Tree maps?




  • Four girls?




  • One aquarium?




  • Some books?




C)     Write about your classroom. Start like this: In my classroom there is…./ there are…..


















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