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3a Read the messages in an lnternet chat room. 5 Work in groups and discuss the following. TrY to
Which messages in the chat room are for mixed-sex gree on each one.
schools, which are agains! and which are neither for
I l Schools should spend more time teaching the skills
nor against?
people need to get a job. rorrrc l\.pl+
2 Education is basicallY a social exPtience, The
3b nead the messages again and find nouns which
tJ qlll
i,"n,. atmosPhere is the most imPortant thing.
mean the following.
1 sets of numbers which represent a fact (Hans,lJfr; = ]ffi;o,:i:liT#r,.il:x'i,,:xfjli[,1"
2 the subjects at a school, college, etc. (Martin)
4 The ouffir" "irffi";h]ffi#,on is to prepare
3 the activity of staying away from school without
you io. iif".
Permission (Martin) l'><{o-wY
5 Examination results are the most important aspect
4 upsetting and frightening someone smaller and, .,0(,,iu.o. of education.
*"ukur,""rp"cialTy in a ihool situation 1rmitylb\dsi*\ o i'.ua".i. achievemena d"p"#;hnly on your
3c Which person believes: teacher,
1 that mixed schools are less competitive? * 7 Teachers should be paid according to the exam
2 that there is proof that single-sex schools are bette?l "u"] results of their students, _a _ .l :^^t ^r ^^L^^l *\r
; :rl ilfl"Hi* m:"""* f:m::- T: : :::: mPortant':;,'!;t$t
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- ;;";i" qdl
5 that single-sex ef,ucation caters for girls and boys
_ _ _._^ ^, \
r ... .,
4 rrh;.h nf thp nnininns in fhe messases do vou
4 Wnicr, of the opinions in the messages do you
agree-wittr.}Whicffio yot di sree with?-Why?
Discussion: Single-sex schools are better than mixed schools
Messaqe 1 - posted by Jane, Amsterdam
l think mixed-sex schools are the only way for children to
learn, because it's natural. ln higher educaiion and their
working life, they will be mixed so it makes sense {or them
to be mixed at school. school shouId reflect the real world,
Messaqe 2 - posted by Hans, Germany
My reaction to this is very clear. For me, single-sex schools
are much better, and the statistics show that ihey gei better
elp 199!ts, paiculaily at geJg!eryvcl. Anything which
helps children pass exams must be a good thing,
Messaqe 3 - posted by Bill, USA
Boys and girls learn in very different ways, i feel that they
should be educated separately So teachers can focus on
i;;?;;""*""T#;;;,i"T;;] ;;";* *,;i;;;;;" ;
Message 5 - posted by Emily, sydney
zoo, you don,t put the lions in with the zebras!
l don't think there is any question that mixed schools are
better. There is too much competition at Single-sex schools,
Messaqe 4 - posted by Martin, Landon
which often means thai students don't make enough
My view on ihis is that it doesn't really matter, What
progress, l also think there is more bullying at single,sex
is impoant is the curriculum, and keepin_q studenie,,l,
ils8lft,Ylfl children are picked on because of the
interested. l was a teacher and we naj a t ot truailTy to
SingIe-sex schools iead to a 'dog
deal with, and problerns with students missing lessons
eat dog' situation.
because they found them boring. Never have a timetabIe
with Maths as the first class on Monday morning!
Ed u cation
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