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aBBrEViatioNs UsEd iN
this pattErN
ch(s) chain(s)
dc double crochet
hdc half double
sc single crochet
sk skip
sl st slip stitch
sp(s) space(s)
st(s) stitch(es)
tog together
tr treble crochet
[ ] Work directions in-
side brackets as many
times as indicated.
( ) Work directions in-
side parentheses into
st or sp as indicated.
* Repeat directions
following * as many
times as indicated.
Make a splash with these bright and summery
accessories! Stitch them up in no time to add the
perfect fi nishing touch to a favorite sundress.
By Susan Lowman
spEcial aBBrEViatioNs
anchored dc Yarn over, insert hook in
front loop of next stitch, yarn over and
draw up a loop, yarn over and draw
through 2 loops on hook; insert hook
in back loop of same stitch, yarn over
and draw through back loop of stitch
an 2 loops on hook.
BPdc (Back Post double crochet) Yarn
over, insert hook from back to front to
back again around post of indicated
stitch, yarn over and draw up a loop,
[yarn over and draw through 2 loops
on hook] 2 times.
FPdc (Front Post double crochet) Yarn
over, insert hook from front to back to
front again around post of indicated
stitch, yarn over and draw up a loop,
[yarn over and draw through 2 loops
on hook] 2 times.
FPhdc (Front Post half double crochet)
Yarn over, insert hook from front to
back to front again around post of
indicated stitch, yarn over and draw
up a loop, yarn over and draw through
all 3 loops on hook.
FPtr (Front Post treble crochet) Yarn
over 2 times, insert hook from front to
back to front again around post of in-
dicated stitch, yarn over and draw up
a loop, [yarn over and draw through 2
loops on hook] 3 times.
hdc3tog (half double crochet 3
stitches together) [Yarn over insert
hook in next st, yarn over and draw up
a loop] 3 times, yarn over and draw
through all 7 loops on hook.
sc2tog (single crochet 2 stitches
together) [Insert hook in next st, yarn
over and draw up a loop] 2 times, yarn
over and draw through all 3 loops on
sc3tog (single crochet 3 stitches
together) [Insert hook in next st, yarn
over and draw up a loop] 3 times, yarn
over and draw through all 4 loops on
sc/slst2tog (single crochet/slip stitch
2 stitches together) Insert hook in
next st, yarn over and draw up a loop,
insert hook in next st, yarn over and
draw through stitch and 2 loops on
What You’ll Need
Aunt Lydia’s Classic Crochet
Thread, Size 10, each ball approx
350yd/320m (cotton)
1 ball #332 Hot Pink (A) (for
scallop earrings)
1 ball #323 Melon (B) (for
spiral earrings)
1 ball #397 Wasabi (C) (for
starfi sh earrings)
note One ball of thread will
make many pairs of earrings.
crochEt hooK
Size 7 (1.65mm) steel crochet
the yarn
Size 10 in Wasabi
hook or any size to obtain cor-
rect gauge
One pair of silver ear wires
per pair of earrings
Thread needle
skill level: Intermediate
2 3
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Finished measurements
Scallop earrings Approx 1 ½”/4cm
high x 1 5 / 8 ”/4cm wide
Spiral earrings Approx 1 ¾”/4.5cm
high x ½”/1.5cm wide
Starish earrings Approx 1 ½”/4cm
high x 1 ½”/4cm wide
Use inished measurements for gauge.
Remember to check gauge for best
SCallop (make 4 for eaCh
pair of earringS)
With A, ch 6.
row 1 (wrong side) Dc in 4th ch
from hook (beginning ch counts as
irst dc), 3 dc in next ch, 2 dc in next
ch—7 dc.
row 2 Ch 2 (counts as hdc here and
throughout), turn, [FPdc around next
dc, ch 1] 4 times, FPdc around next
dc, hdc in top of turning ch—7 sts
and 4 ch-1 sps.
row 3 Ch 2, turn, [BPdc around next
st, hdc in next ch-1 sp] 4 times, BPdc
around next st, hdc in top of turning
ch—11 sts.
row 4 Ch 2, turn, [FPdc around next
st, hdc in next st] 4 times, FPdc around
next st, hdc in top of turning ch.
row 5 Ch 2, turn, [BPdc around next
st, 2 hdc in next st] 4 times, BPdc
around next st, hdc in top of turning
ch—15 sts.
row 6 Ch 1, turn, sc in irst st, FPhdc
around next st, hdc in next 2 sts,
FPdc around next st, dc in next 2 sts,
FPtr around next st, dc in next 2 sts,
FPdc around next st, hdc in next 2
sts, FPhdc around next st, sc in top
of turning ch. Do not fasten off.
spiral stitch diagram
rows, sc in same st as irst sc on Row
6, ch 1, [sl st in next st, ch 1, FPhdc
around next st, ch 1, sl st in next st]
5 times. Fasten off leaving a long tail
on 2 of the 4 scallops.
round 2 Working in back loops only,
sc in next sc, [2 sc in next sc, sc in
next sc] 2 times—7 sc.
round 3 Work anchored dc in each
sc around—7 anchored dc.
round 4 Working in back loops only,
sc in next st, [2 sc in next st, sc in
next 2 sts] 2 times—9 sc.
round 5 Repeat Round 3—9 an-
chored dc.
round 6 Working in back loops only,
sc in next st, [2 sc in next st, sc in
next 3 sts] 2 times—11 sc.
round 7 Repeat Round 3—11 an-
chored dc.
round 8 Working in back loops only,
sc in next st, [2 sc in next st, sc in
next 4 sts] 2 times—13 sc.
round 9 Repeat Round 3—13 an-
chored dc.
With wrong sides of two scallop shells
tog, use tail to sew edges of shells
tog. Sew through back loops only,
stuff with extra crochet thread as you
go, and thread tail through hole on
ear wire at middle of shell top.
edging (right side)
Ch 1, sc in top of turning ch again, sc
in edge of next 4 rows, 2 sc in edge
of Row 1; working along opposite
side of foundation ch, (sl st, ch 2,
3 hdc) in next ch, 2 hdc in next ch,
(3 hdc, ch 2, sl st) in next ch; 2 sc in
edge of Row 1, sc in edge of next 4
Spiral (make 2 for eaCh pair
of earringS)
With B, ch 4; join with sl st in irst ch
to form a ring.
round 1 (right side) Work 5 sc in
ring; do not join—5 sc.
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round 10 Working in back loops
only, sc in each st around.
round 11 Repeat Round 3.
Stuff spiral irmly with extra crochet
note Work now proceeds in rows.
row 12 Working in back loops only,
sc in irst 9 sts; leave last 4 sts un-
worked—9 sc.
row 13 Ch 1, turn, sc in irst sc,
sc2tog, sc in next 3 sc, sc2tog, sc in
last sc—7 sc.
row 14 Ch 1, turn, sc in irst 2 sts,
hdc3tog, sc in last 2 sts—5 sts.
row 15 Ch 1, turn, sc in irst st, hdc-
3tog, sc in last st—3 sts.
row 16 Ch 1, turn, sc3tog—1 sc. Do
not fasten off.
2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, hdc
in next 2 ch] 4 times; sl st in last sc of
Round 1—5 legs.
round 3 Sc in joining sl st of Round
1, working along opposite side of
leg foundation ch, sc in next 4 ch, 3
sc in free loop of skipped ch at tip,
sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 2 hdc, [sc-
2tog over next 2 sl st, working along
opposite side of next leg foundation
ch, sc in next 4 ch, 3 sc in free loop
of skipped ch at tip, sc in next 2 sc,
sc in next 2 hdc] 4 times, sc/slst2tog.
Fasten off leaving a long tail on 2 of
the 4 starish.
With right sides of two starish
together, use tail to sew edges of
shells together. Sew through back
loops only, stuff with extra crochet
thread as you go, and thread tail
through hole on ear wire at tip of
one leg.
edging (right side)
Sc in edge of next 3 rows (Rows 15,
14, and 13), sk edge of Row 12, sc in
back loop of 4 unworked sts of Round
11, sk edge of Row 12, sc in other
edge of next 3 rows; join with sl st in
sc3tog of Row 16—10 sc. Fasten off
leaving a long tail.
hole in ear wire and secure to top
of shell.
STarfiSh (make 4 for eaCh
pair of earringS)
With C, ch 5; join with sl st in irst ch
to form a ring.
round 1 (wrong side) Ch 1, work 10 sc
in ring; join with sl st in irst sc—10 sc.
round 2 Ch 5, sc in 2nd ch from
hook, sc in next ch, hdc in next 2 ch
(leg made), sk irst sc of Round 1, [sl
st in next 2 sc of Round 1, ch 5, sc in
Weave in all ends.
With thread needle, weave long tail
to top of shell, thread tail through
1 2
starFish stitch diagram
scallop stitch diagram
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