Strip Poker The Essential Handbook.pdf

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Crombie Jardine
Office 2
3 Edgar Buildings
George Street
This edition was first published by
Crombie Jardine Publishing Limited in 2006
Copyright © 2006, Crombie Jardine Publishing Limited
All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
ISBN 1-905102-69-0
Written by Michael Powell
Printed and bound in the United Kingdom by
William Clowes Ltd, Beccles, Suffolk
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Introduction ..................................................... 7
What a great name ........................................ 10
Another great male invention ........................ 12
Is it a sport or a game? ................................. 13
A Brief History of Strip Poker #1 .................... 15
A Brief History of Strip Poker #2 .................... 16
A Brief History of Strip Poker #3 .................... 17
A Brief History of Strip Poker #4 .................... 18
A Brief History of Strip Poker #5 .................... 20
A Brief History of Strip Poker #6 .................... 21
So what are you waiting for? ......................... 22
Strip poker rules ............................................ 23
Standard boring non nude poker rules .......... 25
SPICE IT UP #1: Win back ............................ 31
SPICE IT UP #2: High five ............................ 33
SPICE IT UP #3: Truth or dare ...................... 35
SPICE IT UP #4: Freestyle ............................ 38
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SPICE IT UP #5: Showdown ......................... 41
SPICE IT UP #6: Snog or strip ...................... 42
SPICE IT UP #7: Ices high ............................ 43
SPICE IT UP #8: Veggies ............................. 45
SPICE IT UP #9: Meltdown ........................... 46
SPICE IT UP #10: Cross dress ..................... 48
What’s the best time to play? ........................ 50
Diddy diving .................................................. 51
Students and alkies ....................................... 52
How to get women to join in .......................... 53
Clothing is bad for your health ...................... 54
Clothing is bad for women #1 ........................ 55
Clothing is bad for women #2 ........................ 56
Clothing is bad for women #3 ........................ 57
Clothing is bad for women #4 ........................ 58
Clothing is bad for women #5 ........................ 59
Location, location, location ............................ 60
Seating arrangements ................................... 62
Open plan ..................................................... 63
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Snacks .......................................................... 64
Good snacks ................................................. 65
Bad snacks ................................................... 66
Lighting ......................................................... 67
Reasons to play strip poker #1 ...................... 68
It’s not about the winning, it’s the taking photos 69
How to stop ugly people from playing ........... 70
Ugly questionnaire ........................................ 71
Reasons to play strip poker #2 ...................... 75
How to stop obese people from playing ........ 76
Obesity questionnaire ................................... 77
Reasons to play strip poker #3 ...................... 79
How to keep a poker face ............................. 80
Reasons to play strip poker #4 ...................... 83
How to avoid getting a stiffy .......................... 84
How not to stare at naked bubbies ................ 86
How to spot if a player has boob implants #1 87
How to spot if a player has boob implants #2 88
Blowing your wad .......................................... 89
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